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Infographic. Dutch PEWS: One national Paediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) System for Dutch hospitals.
Fuijkschot, J., Meurs, M., Loos, E. de, Poll, A., Tichelen, K. van, Rippen, H., Goorhuis, J., Sambeeck, S. van, Poll, I. van de, Gerrits, L., Dijk, A. van, Groot, J.F. de. Infographic. Dutch PEWS: One national Paediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) System for Dutch hospitals. Utrecht: Nivel, 2019.
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Although PEWS are widely being used in hospitals in the Netherlands, there are no national guidelines on which parameters to measure, which cut-off points to use or appropriate actions following elevated PEWS. As a consequence, 45 systems are being used in 68 different hospitals, including 20 parameters of which not one is being used in all hospitals. This lack of standardization hampers implementation and validation of PEWS. Therefore, the aim of this project was to develop one PEWS system for all Dutch hospitals.
Although PEWS are widely being used in hospitals in the Netherlands, there are no national guidelines on which parameters to measure, which cut-off points to use or appropriate actions following elevated PEWS. As a consequence, 45 systems are being used in 68 different hospitals, including 20 parameters of which not one is being used in all hospitals. This lack of standardization hampers implementation and validation of PEWS. Therefore, the aim of this project was to develop one PEWS system for all Dutch hospitals.