Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Involving end-users in the development and implementation of a web-based, physical activity platform for elderly.
Bruinessen, I. van, Klooster, J.W. van 't, Boessen, A., Heide, L. van der, Vollenbroek-Hutten, M., Dulmen, S. van. Involving end-users in the development and implementation of a web-based, physical activity platform for elderly.: , 2017. 145-149 p. Abstract. In: Abstractbook IADIS E-Health 2017, 20-22 July 2017, Lisbon.
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Physical activity is an important health behavior when it comes to preventing or slowing down disablement caused by ageing and chronic diseases. With the LIFE project we aspired to support pre-frail older adults to deploy and maintain a physical active lifestyle by integrating existing on- and offline services via a web-based self-management platform.
Contrary to the often applied top-down ‘waterfall’ methods used to develop such web-based interventions, we applied a bottom up inspired procedure. Targeted end users (elderly and (health) professionals) were involved from the early beginnings. In this way their knowledge, preferences and needs could influence the design, functionality and implementation of the platform. The applied process, inspired on Design Thinking, comprised seven rounds. These
rounds were not all planned in detail at the start of the project; outcomes of the first sessions guided the goals and structure of the successive steps. We experienced that it was relatively easy to get elderly and professionals involved and to let them influence the development of the platform. However, the participants had a specific interest in maintaining their active lifestyle and many of them had already implemented physical exercises as part of their daily routine. They were enthusiastic about the offline modules offered by the platform, but did not use the online modules at home because of usability issues, the lack of discipline, the feeling of insecurity and the lack of a social component. (aut. ref.)
Contrary to the often applied top-down ‘waterfall’ methods used to develop such web-based interventions, we applied a bottom up inspired procedure. Targeted end users (elderly and (health) professionals) were involved from the early beginnings. In this way their knowledge, preferences and needs could influence the design, functionality and implementation of the platform. The applied process, inspired on Design Thinking, comprised seven rounds. These
rounds were not all planned in detail at the start of the project; outcomes of the first sessions guided the goals and structure of the successive steps. We experienced that it was relatively easy to get elderly and professionals involved and to let them influence the development of the platform. However, the participants had a specific interest in maintaining their active lifestyle and many of them had already implemented physical exercises as part of their daily routine. They were enthusiastic about the offline modules offered by the platform, but did not use the online modules at home because of usability issues, the lack of discipline, the feeling of insecurity and the lack of a social component. (aut. ref.)
Physical activity is an important health behavior when it comes to preventing or slowing down disablement caused by ageing and chronic diseases. With the LIFE project we aspired to support pre-frail older adults to deploy and maintain a physical active lifestyle by integrating existing on- and offline services via a web-based self-management platform.
Contrary to the often applied top-down ‘waterfall’ methods used to develop such web-based interventions, we applied a bottom up inspired procedure. Targeted end users (elderly and (health) professionals) were involved from the early beginnings. In this way their knowledge, preferences and needs could influence the design, functionality and implementation of the platform. The applied process, inspired on Design Thinking, comprised seven rounds. These
rounds were not all planned in detail at the start of the project; outcomes of the first sessions guided the goals and structure of the successive steps. We experienced that it was relatively easy to get elderly and professionals involved and to let them influence the development of the platform. However, the participants had a specific interest in maintaining their active lifestyle and many of them had already implemented physical exercises as part of their daily routine. They were enthusiastic about the offline modules offered by the platform, but did not use the online modules at home because of usability issues, the lack of discipline, the feeling of insecurity and the lack of a social component. (aut. ref.)
Contrary to the often applied top-down ‘waterfall’ methods used to develop such web-based interventions, we applied a bottom up inspired procedure. Targeted end users (elderly and (health) professionals) were involved from the early beginnings. In this way their knowledge, preferences and needs could influence the design, functionality and implementation of the platform. The applied process, inspired on Design Thinking, comprised seven rounds. These
rounds were not all planned in detail at the start of the project; outcomes of the first sessions guided the goals and structure of the successive steps. We experienced that it was relatively easy to get elderly and professionals involved and to let them influence the development of the platform. However, the participants had a specific interest in maintaining their active lifestyle and many of them had already implemented physical exercises as part of their daily routine. They were enthusiastic about the offline modules offered by the platform, but did not use the online modules at home because of usability issues, the lack of discipline, the feeling of insecurity and the lack of a social component. (aut. ref.)