Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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The key to good healthcare communication.
Dulmen, S. van. The key to good healthcare communication. Patient Education and Counseling: 2002, 46(4), p. 233-234.
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Within the context of a healthcare visit, every word and gesture seems to have meaning. Healthcare providers, on one hand, have to rely on a patient’s story to discover the reason for visit and to estimate the level of distress and concerns of the patient. Patients, on the other hand, have to absorb a flow of messages such as instructions, information and advises, which providers may pour out to them in a more or less understandable way. Apart from the content of the communication, the manner in which it is conveyed is equally important.
Providers’ attitude, interest and intention have shown to impact on patients’ health
1. Patients appear to benefit from information provided in an empathic and friendly way. The quality of the provider–patient communication has potential influence beyond that of the therapeutic intervention.
2. Yet, the choice for one therapeutic intervention over another is guided by evidence-based knowledge recorded in practice standards and guidelines.
Providers’ attitude, interest and intention have shown to impact on patients’ health
1. Patients appear to benefit from information provided in an empathic and friendly way. The quality of the provider–patient communication has potential influence beyond that of the therapeutic intervention.
2. Yet, the choice for one therapeutic intervention over another is guided by evidence-based knowledge recorded in practice standards and guidelines.
Within the context of a healthcare visit, every word and gesture seems to have meaning. Healthcare providers, on one hand, have to rely on a patient’s story to discover the reason for visit and to estimate the level of distress and concerns of the patient. Patients, on the other hand, have to absorb a flow of messages such as instructions, information and advises, which providers may pour out to them in a more or less understandable way. Apart from the content of the communication, the manner in which it is conveyed is equally important.
Providers’ attitude, interest and intention have shown to impact on patients’ health
1. Patients appear to benefit from information provided in an empathic and friendly way. The quality of the provider–patient communication has potential influence beyond that of the therapeutic intervention.
2. Yet, the choice for one therapeutic intervention over another is guided by evidence-based knowledge recorded in practice standards and guidelines.
Providers’ attitude, interest and intention have shown to impact on patients’ health
1. Patients appear to benefit from information provided in an empathic and friendly way. The quality of the provider–patient communication has potential influence beyond that of the therapeutic intervention.
2. Yet, the choice for one therapeutic intervention over another is guided by evidence-based knowledge recorded in practice standards and guidelines.