Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research: Creating the future cadre of nurse scientists in the Netherlands.
Hafteinsdottir, T.B., Hamers, J.P.H., Francke, A.L., Meijel, B. van, Roodbol, P., Schoonhoven, L., Vermeulen, H., Schuurmans, M.J. Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research: Creating the future cadre of nurse scientists in the Netherlands. In: abstract book 5th European Nursing Congress: 'Caring for older people: how can we do the right things right?' 4-7 oktober 2016, Rotterdam p. 71.
The Netherlands’ Council for Healthcare Research (RGO) concluded some years ago that the Dutch infrastructure for nursing research was both limited and vulnerable. This was informed by the very few permanent senior nursing research positions, including a total of three full professorships, at Dutch universities. The council proposed to the ministry of health to invest in the existing nursing research groups at the University Medical Centers, preferably led by a professor of nursing research. One of the key elements of the council’s advice was investing in postdoctoral careers as opportunities for postdoctoral nurses were almost non-existent and the council proposed investing in postdoctoral fellowships for university based nursing research groups. A predefined research and training program for each postdoctoral fellowship, was seen as an important precondition. Since then, although some grant opportunities for nursing research were realized, the postdoctoral fellowships never came into being. In the last years, the professors of nursing at the university nursing science departments in the Netherlands collaborate with national and international partners in setting up and developing the Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research for postdoctoral nurses in the Netherlands.
This program focuses on mentoring postdoctoral nurse researchers to generate the future generation of strong leaders in nursing research in the Netherlands.
The method
The Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research was developed based on the review of the literature on leadership and mentoring, as well as successful postdoctoral leadership and nursing research programs. During the development a panel of national and international expert leaders in nursing and health care research took part in the various steps of the development.
The Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research offers a two-year program leadership and mentoring program with workshops, meetings and mentorship, through which post-doctoral fellows extend knowledge in their research areas, conduct successful interdisciplinary research projects, enhance their leadership skills and establish new national and international research networks. In this lecture an insight will be given in various steps in the program development and important elements of the program.
The Netherlands’ Council for Healthcare Research (RGO) concluded some years ago that the Dutch infrastructure for nursing research was both limited and vulnerable. This was informed by the very few permanent senior nursing research positions, including a total of three full professorships, at Dutch universities. The council proposed to the ministry of health to invest in the existing nursing research groups at the University Medical Centers, preferably led by a professor of nursing research. One of the key elements of the council’s advice was investing in postdoctoral careers as opportunities for postdoctoral nurses were almost non-existent and the council proposed investing in postdoctoral fellowships for university based nursing research groups. A predefined research and training program for each postdoctoral fellowship, was seen as an important precondition. Since then, although some grant opportunities for nursing research were realized, the postdoctoral fellowships never came into being. In the last years, the professors of nursing at the university nursing science departments in the Netherlands collaborate with national and international partners in setting up and developing the Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research for postdoctoral nurses in the Netherlands.
This program focuses on mentoring postdoctoral nurse researchers to generate the future generation of strong leaders in nursing research in the Netherlands.
The method
The Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research was developed based on the review of the literature on leadership and mentoring, as well as successful postdoctoral leadership and nursing research programs. During the development a panel of national and international expert leaders in nursing and health care research took part in the various steps of the development.
The Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research offers a two-year program leadership and mentoring program with workshops, meetings and mentorship, through which post-doctoral fellows extend knowledge in their research areas, conduct successful interdisciplinary research projects, enhance their leadership skills and establish new national and international research networks. In this lecture an insight will be given in various steps in the program development and important elements of the program.
The Netherlands’ Council for Healthcare Research (RGO) concluded some years ago that the Dutch infrastructure for nursing research was both limited and vulnerable. This was informed by the very few permanent senior nursing research positions, including a total of three full professorships, at Dutch universities. The council proposed to the ministry of health to invest in the existing nursing research groups at the University Medical Centers, preferably led by a professor of nursing research. One of the key elements of the council’s advice was investing in postdoctoral careers as opportunities for postdoctoral nurses were almost non-existent and the council proposed investing in postdoctoral fellowships for university based nursing research groups. A predefined research and training program for each postdoctoral fellowship, was seen as an important precondition. Since then, although some grant opportunities for nursing research were realized, the postdoctoral fellowships never came into being. In the last years, the professors of nursing at the university nursing science departments in the Netherlands collaborate with national and international partners in setting up and developing the Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research for postdoctoral nurses in the Netherlands.
This program focuses on mentoring postdoctoral nurse researchers to generate the future generation of strong leaders in nursing research in the Netherlands.
The method
The Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research was developed based on the review of the literature on leadership and mentoring, as well as successful postdoctoral leadership and nursing research programs. During the development a panel of national and international expert leaders in nursing and health care research took part in the various steps of the development.
The Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research offers a two-year program leadership and mentoring program with workshops, meetings and mentorship, through which post-doctoral fellows extend knowledge in their research areas, conduct successful interdisciplinary research projects, enhance their leadership skills and establish new national and international research networks. In this lecture an insight will be given in various steps in the program development and important elements of the program.
The Netherlands’ Council for Healthcare Research (RGO) concluded some years ago that the Dutch infrastructure for nursing research was both limited and vulnerable. This was informed by the very few permanent senior nursing research positions, including a total of three full professorships, at Dutch universities. The council proposed to the ministry of health to invest in the existing nursing research groups at the University Medical Centers, preferably led by a professor of nursing research. One of the key elements of the council’s advice was investing in postdoctoral careers as opportunities for postdoctoral nurses were almost non-existent and the council proposed investing in postdoctoral fellowships for university based nursing research groups. A predefined research and training program for each postdoctoral fellowship, was seen as an important precondition. Since then, although some grant opportunities for nursing research were realized, the postdoctoral fellowships never came into being. In the last years, the professors of nursing at the university nursing science departments in the Netherlands collaborate with national and international partners in setting up and developing the Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research for postdoctoral nurses in the Netherlands.
This program focuses on mentoring postdoctoral nurse researchers to generate the future generation of strong leaders in nursing research in the Netherlands.
The method
The Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research was developed based on the review of the literature on leadership and mentoring, as well as successful postdoctoral leadership and nursing research programs. During the development a panel of national and international expert leaders in nursing and health care research took part in the various steps of the development.
The Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Research offers a two-year program leadership and mentoring program with workshops, meetings and mentorship, through which post-doctoral fellows extend knowledge in their research areas, conduct successful interdisciplinary research projects, enhance their leadership skills and establish new national and international research networks. In this lecture an insight will be given in various steps in the program development and important elements of the program.