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Medically unexplained physical symptoms in the aftermath of disasters: a systematic review.
Berg, B. van den, Grievink, L., IJzermans, J., Lebret, E. Medically unexplained physical symptoms in the aftermath of disasters: a systematic review. Epidemiologic Reviews: 2005, 27(1), p. 92-106.
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To get more insight into the prevalence rate of and risk factores for MUPS after disasters, we reviewed the literature that was published in the last two decades. There are two central questions in this review: 1) What is the prevalence rate of MUPS among survivors of disasters at different pints in time? and 2) which factors are associated with MUPS among survivors of disasters? (aut.ref.)
To get more insight into the prevalence rate of and risk factores for MUPS after disasters, we reviewed the literature that was published in the last two decades. There are two central questions in this review: 1) What is the prevalence rate of MUPS among survivors of disasters at different pints in time? and 2) which factors are associated with MUPS among survivors of disasters? (aut.ref.)