Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Nurses' perceptions of factors influencing the use of a pain program.
Francke, A.L., Lemmens, A.B.T., Huijer Abu-Saad, H., Grypdonck, M. Nurses' perceptions of factors influencing the use of a pain program. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management: 1997, 14(5), p. 300-310.
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Factors that, according to nurse participants, influenced the application of what was learned in a pain program were explored by means of qualitative interviews. Participants indicated that the correspondence between the program and their personal views on pain management, attitudes toward the program and innovations in general, self-efficacy perceptions, and (un)familiarity and taboos with respect to program items influenced what they put into practice. In addition, participants indicated that interactions with colleagues, nursing managers, patients, and physicians affected their application of the program. Furthermore, organizational factors, such as limited time and lack of formal program implementation, were mentioned as influential. (aut. ref.)
Factors that, according to nurse participants, influenced the application of what was learned in a pain program were explored by means of qualitative interviews. Participants indicated that the correspondence between the program and their personal views on pain management, attitudes toward the program and innovations in general, self-efficacy perceptions, and (un)familiarity and taboos with respect to program items influenced what they put into practice. In addition, participants indicated that interactions with colleagues, nursing managers, patients, and physicians affected their application of the program. Furthermore, organizational factors, such as limited time and lack of formal program implementation, were mentioned as influential. (aut. ref.)