Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Observation of nurse-patient interaction in oncology: review of assessment instruments.
Caris-Verhallen, W., Timmermans, L., Dulmen, S. van. Observation of nurse-patient interaction in oncology: review of assessment instruments. Patient Education and Counseling: 2004, 54, p. 307-320.
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The aim of this review is to identify assessment instruments that can be used for analyzing sequences and can be applied to research into nurse-patient communication in cancer care. A systematic search of the literature revealed a variety of methods and instruments applicable to studies recording nurse-patient interaction. The studies that were qualitative in nature offered valuable information on observational research in general, on procedures relating to informed consent and observational arrangements in nursing practice. The quantitative studies provided an insight into the content and structure of the interaction by describing communication concepts or by frequency counts of previously determined behaviours. Systematic research into interaction sequences was not found. However, some of the quantitative instruments identified could be adapted for this purpose. The complexity and time-consuming nature of observational research highlight the need for efficiency. For instance a combination of quantitative and qualitative instruments could be considered. (aut.ref.)
The aim of this review is to identify assessment instruments that can be used for analyzing sequences and can be applied to research into nurse-patient communication in cancer care. A systematic search of the literature revealed a variety of methods and instruments applicable to studies recording nurse-patient interaction. The studies that were qualitative in nature offered valuable information on observational research in general, on procedures relating to informed consent and observational arrangements in nursing practice. The quantitative studies provided an insight into the content and structure of the interaction by describing communication concepts or by frequency counts of previously determined behaviours. Systematic research into interaction sequences was not found. However, some of the quantitative instruments identified could be adapted for this purpose. The complexity and time-consuming nature of observational research highlight the need for efficiency. For instance a combination of quantitative and qualitative instruments could be considered. (aut.ref.)