Programmaleider Verpleging, Verzorging en Ouderenzorg
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Palliative care services in The Netherlands: a descriptive study.
Francke, A.L., Kerkstra, A. Palliative care services in The Netherlands: a descriptive study. Patient Education and Counseling: 2000, 41(1), p. 23-33.
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In this paper several types of specialized palliative care services in The Netherlands are presented. These include palliative care units in homes for the elderly, in nursing homes, in a general hospital and in an oncology clinic. In addition, a description is given of private hospices and of a home specializing in the care of terminally ill children. Furthermore, a number of other services relevant to palliative care are presented, such as professional and volunteer services for patients dying at home. Although many different types of services can be distinguished, regional distribution is not always optimal. The policy of the Dutch government on palliative care is also discussed. This policy is characterized by a strong emphasis on the further integration of palliative care in the regular health care system. (aut.ref.)
In this paper several types of specialized palliative care services in The Netherlands are presented. These include palliative care units in homes for the elderly, in nursing homes, in a general hospital and in an oncology clinic. In addition, a description is given of private hospices and of a home specializing in the care of terminally ill children. Furthermore, a number of other services relevant to palliative care are presented, such as professional and volunteer services for patients dying at home. Although many different types of services can be distinguished, regional distribution is not always optimal. The policy of the Dutch government on palliative care is also discussed. This policy is characterized by a strong emphasis on the further integration of palliative care in the regular health care system. (aut.ref.)