Senior onderzoeker Organisatie en kwaliteit van zorg, Persoonsgerichte Integrale Zorg
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Patient-perceived self-management tasks and support needs of people with chronic illness: generic or disease specific?
Houtum, L. van, Rijken, M., Heijmans, M., Groenewegen, P. Patient-perceived self-management tasks and support needs of people with chronic illness: generic or disease specific? Annals of Behavioral Medicine: 2015, 49(2), p. 221-229.
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Self-management is widely accepted as an essential component of chronic care. Nevertheless, little is known about patients’ perceptions of self-management.
This study aims to explore which self-management tasks and support needs people with chronic illness perceive for themselves, and to establish whether these tasks and support needs are disease specific.
A nationwide representative sample of 2,064 people with chronic disease filled in the Patient Assessment of Self-management Tasks questionnaire.
Many respondents perceive self-management tasks in the daily management of their condition, although few indicate a need for support. Respondents who feel a need for support in one aspect of self-management are likely to feel a need for support in other aspects as well. Type of disease has a small effect on self-management tasks and even smaller on support needs.
Although the self-management tasks patients perceive may be partly disease specific, self-management support does not necessarily need to be disease specific. (aut.ref.)
Self-management is widely accepted as an essential component of chronic care. Nevertheless, little is known about patients’ perceptions of self-management.
This study aims to explore which self-management tasks and support needs people with chronic illness perceive for themselves, and to establish whether these tasks and support needs are disease specific.
A nationwide representative sample of 2,064 people with chronic disease filled in the Patient Assessment of Self-management Tasks questionnaire.
Many respondents perceive self-management tasks in the daily management of their condition, although few indicate a need for support. Respondents who feel a need for support in one aspect of self-management are likely to feel a need for support in other aspects as well. Type of disease has a small effect on self-management tasks and even smaller on support needs.
Although the self-management tasks patients perceive may be partly disease specific, self-management support does not necessarily need to be disease specific. (aut.ref.)
Self-management is widely accepted as an essential component of chronic care. Nevertheless, little is known about patients’ perceptions of self-management.
This study aims to explore which self-management tasks and support needs people with chronic illness perceive for themselves, and to establish whether these tasks and support needs are disease specific.
A nationwide representative sample of 2,064 people with chronic disease filled in the Patient Assessment of Self-management Tasks questionnaire.
Many respondents perceive self-management tasks in the daily management of their condition, although few indicate a need for support. Respondents who feel a need for support in one aspect of self-management are likely to feel a need for support in other aspects as well. Type of disease has a small effect on self-management tasks and even smaller on support needs.
Although the self-management tasks patients perceive may be partly disease specific, self-management support does not necessarily need to be disease specific. (aut.ref.)
Self-management is widely accepted as an essential component of chronic care. Nevertheless, little is known about patients’ perceptions of self-management.
This study aims to explore which self-management tasks and support needs people with chronic illness perceive for themselves, and to establish whether these tasks and support needs are disease specific.
A nationwide representative sample of 2,064 people with chronic disease filled in the Patient Assessment of Self-management Tasks questionnaire.
Many respondents perceive self-management tasks in the daily management of their condition, although few indicate a need for support. Respondents who feel a need for support in one aspect of self-management are likely to feel a need for support in other aspects as well. Type of disease has a small effect on self-management tasks and even smaller on support needs.
Although the self-management tasks patients perceive may be partly disease specific, self-management support does not necessarily need to be disease specific. (aut.ref.)