Programmaleider Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg', Radboudumc
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Persisting improvement in complaint-related cognitions initiated during medical consultations in functional abdominal complaints.
Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Mokkink, H.G.A., Velden, H.G.M. van der, Bleijenberg, G. Persisting improvement in complaint-related cognitions initiated during medical consultations in functional abdominal complaints. Psychological Medicine: 1997, 27(3), p. 725-729.
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Background. Previously it was shown that during a series of out-patient consultations dysfunctional complaint-related cognitions and anxiety diminished singnificantly in patients with functional abdominal complaints (IBS). The aim of the present study was to assess the maintenance of positive change intitiated during medical consultations in the patients' complaint-related cognitions and anxiety, as well as the influence of these cognitions on the severity of the complaints, 6 months after the first visit to the out-patient clinic. Methods. One hundred and five consecutive patients with IBS referred by their general practitioners to the out-patient clinic for internal medicine completed questionaires about their complaints and their complaint-related cognitions and anxiety before the first and after the last out-patient visit and again at follow-up, 6 months after the first out-patient consultations. Results. Positive changes in the patients' complaint-related cognitions during the consulting period were found to persist during the follow-up period.
Improvement in abdominal complaints at follow-up was found to be related to the level of the patients' state anxiety, fear of cancer, and catastrophizing cognitions at the last out-patient visit. Conclusions. Medical consultations can bring about long-lasting positive changes in prognostically unfavourable cognitions and anxiety. These changes appear to be related to a better outcome of IBS. (aut.ref.)
Improvement in abdominal complaints at follow-up was found to be related to the level of the patients' state anxiety, fear of cancer, and catastrophizing cognitions at the last out-patient visit. Conclusions. Medical consultations can bring about long-lasting positive changes in prognostically unfavourable cognitions and anxiety. These changes appear to be related to a better outcome of IBS. (aut.ref.)
Background. Previously it was shown that during a series of out-patient consultations dysfunctional complaint-related cognitions and anxiety diminished singnificantly in patients with functional abdominal complaints (IBS). The aim of the present study was to assess the maintenance of positive change intitiated during medical consultations in the patients' complaint-related cognitions and anxiety, as well as the influence of these cognitions on the severity of the complaints, 6 months after the first visit to the out-patient clinic. Methods. One hundred and five consecutive patients with IBS referred by their general practitioners to the out-patient clinic for internal medicine completed questionaires about their complaints and their complaint-related cognitions and anxiety before the first and after the last out-patient visit and again at follow-up, 6 months after the first out-patient consultations. Results. Positive changes in the patients' complaint-related cognitions during the consulting period were found to persist during the follow-up period.
Improvement in abdominal complaints at follow-up was found to be related to the level of the patients' state anxiety, fear of cancer, and catastrophizing cognitions at the last out-patient visit. Conclusions. Medical consultations can bring about long-lasting positive changes in prognostically unfavourable cognitions and anxiety. These changes appear to be related to a better outcome of IBS. (aut.ref.)
Improvement in abdominal complaints at follow-up was found to be related to the level of the patients' state anxiety, fear of cancer, and catastrophizing cognitions at the last out-patient visit. Conclusions. Medical consultations can bring about long-lasting positive changes in prognostically unfavourable cognitions and anxiety. These changes appear to be related to a better outcome of IBS. (aut.ref.)