Programmaleider Zorg en Participatie bij Chronische aandoeningen; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Farmaceutisch zorgonderzoek', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Publicatie datum
Prescription in Dutch general practice.
Dijk, L. van. Prescription in Dutch general practice. In: G.P. Westert; L. Jabaaij; F.G. Schellevis. Morbidity, performance and quality in primary care: Dutch general practice on stage. Oxon: Radcliffe Publishing, 2006. p. 115-124.
The second Dutch National Survey of General Practice (DNSGP-2) has combined registration data on
morbidity and prescription, making it possible to unravel diagnosis-specific prescription behaviour
of general practitioners(GPs). Prescription rates for different disorders vary considerably,
especially in first consultations. Dutch GPs are known for being recultant to prescribe medication,
compared to doctors in other European countries. This is confirmed by lower prescription rates in
first consultations compared to follow-up consultations. Moreover, for unspecified symptoms such as
'general disorders', prescription rates are considerably lower than for other disorders. But in the
case of prescribing for some specific disorders, such as sleeping disorders, GPs so not comply with
the guideline of the Dutch College of GPs. Although this guideline advises preferably not to
prescribe medication, GPs do so in 74% of first consultations and 96% of follow-up consultations.
(aut. ref.)
morbidity and prescription, making it possible to unravel diagnosis-specific prescription behaviour
of general practitioners(GPs). Prescription rates for different disorders vary considerably,
especially in first consultations. Dutch GPs are known for being recultant to prescribe medication,
compared to doctors in other European countries. This is confirmed by lower prescription rates in
first consultations compared to follow-up consultations. Moreover, for unspecified symptoms such as
'general disorders', prescription rates are considerably lower than for other disorders. But in the
case of prescribing for some specific disorders, such as sleeping disorders, GPs so not comply with
the guideline of the Dutch College of GPs. Although this guideline advises preferably not to
prescribe medication, GPs do so in 74% of first consultations and 96% of follow-up consultations.
(aut. ref.)
The second Dutch National Survey of General Practice (DNSGP-2) has combined registration data on
morbidity and prescription, making it possible to unravel diagnosis-specific prescription behaviour
of general practitioners(GPs). Prescription rates for different disorders vary considerably,
especially in first consultations. Dutch GPs are known for being recultant to prescribe medication,
compared to doctors in other European countries. This is confirmed by lower prescription rates in
first consultations compared to follow-up consultations. Moreover, for unspecified symptoms such as
'general disorders', prescription rates are considerably lower than for other disorders. But in the
case of prescribing for some specific disorders, such as sleeping disorders, GPs so not comply with
the guideline of the Dutch College of GPs. Although this guideline advises preferably not to
prescribe medication, GPs do so in 74% of first consultations and 96% of follow-up consultations.
(aut. ref.)
morbidity and prescription, making it possible to unravel diagnosis-specific prescription behaviour
of general practitioners(GPs). Prescription rates for different disorders vary considerably,
especially in first consultations. Dutch GPs are known for being recultant to prescribe medication,
compared to doctors in other European countries. This is confirmed by lower prescription rates in
first consultations compared to follow-up consultations. Moreover, for unspecified symptoms such as
'general disorders', prescription rates are considerably lower than for other disorders. But in the
case of prescribing for some specific disorders, such as sleeping disorders, GPs so not comply with
the guideline of the Dutch College of GPs. Although this guideline advises preferably not to
prescribe medication, GPs do so in 74% of first consultations and 96% of follow-up consultations.
(aut. ref.)