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Prevalence and risk factors for colonization of Clostridium difficile among adults living near livestock farms in the Netherlands.
Zomer, T.P., Duijkeren, E. van, Wielders, C.C.H., Veenman, C., Hengeveld, P., Hoek, W. van der, Greeff, S.C. de, Smit, L.A.M., Heederik, D.J., Yzermans, C.J., Kuijper, E.J., Maassen, C.B.M. Prevalence and risk factors for colonization of Clostridium difficile among adults living near livestock farms in the Netherlands. Epidemiology and Infection: 2017, 145(13), p. 2745-2749.
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A cross-sectional study was performed among 2494 adults not living or working on a farm to assess prevalence of Clostridium difficile (CD) colonization and risk factors in a livestock dense area. CD prevalence was 1·2%. Twenty-one persons were colonized with a toxigenic strain and nine with a non-toxigenic strain. CD-positive persons did not live closer to livestock farms than individuals negative for CD. Antibiotic exposure in the preceding 3 months was a risk factor for CD colonization (odds ratio 3·70; 95% confidence interval 1·25-10·95).
A cross-sectional study was performed among 2494 adults not living or working on a farm to assess prevalence of Clostridium difficile (CD) colonization and risk factors in a livestock dense area. CD prevalence was 1·2%. Twenty-one persons were colonized with a toxigenic strain and nine with a non-toxigenic strain. CD-positive persons did not live closer to livestock farms than individuals negative for CD. Antibiotic exposure in the preceding 3 months was a risk factor for CD colonization (odds ratio 3·70; 95% confidence interval 1·25-10·95).