Programmaleider Rampen en Milieudreigingen; bijzonder hoogleraar 'Crises, veiligheid en gezondheid', Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
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Psychosociale aspecten van crisismanagement: taken en uitdagingen voor bestuur en beleid. Een analyse van recente casuïstiek.
Dückers, M., Hoof, W. van, Holsappel, J. Psychosociale aspecten van crisismanagement: taken en uitdagingen voor bestuur en beleid. Een analyse van recente casuïstiek. Tijdschrift voor veiligheid: 2021, 18(3-4), p. 14-41.
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Het is van belang dat bestuurders, adviseurs en beleidsmakers zich voorbereiden op de psychosociale uitdagingen van rampen en crises. Deze cruciale strategische dimensie van crisismanagement heeft opvallend weinig aandacht gekregen in de literatuur.
Tegen de achtergrond van een theoretisch ordeningsmodel beschrijft dit artikel dilemma’s en uitdagingen, afgeleid uit analyses van crises en minicrises tussen 2012 en 2016.
De casuïstiek geeft een inkijk in kwesties waarmee bestuur en beleid in de crisispraktijk te maken krijgen. Deels gaat het om klassieke generieke problemen rondom coördinatie, samenwerking en communicatie. Andere terugkerende thema’s hebben te maken met sociale media, de dynamiek tussen erkenning en verantwoording, en de spanning tussen evalueren met een leer- danwel verantwoordingsdoel. Ook blijkt het onverminderd een probleem om zicht te krijgen op getroffenen en hun behoeften, problemen en kwetsbaarheden.
Crises and disasters can seriously affect the health, well-being and functioning of the people involved. From a governance perspective, it is important that public leaders and crisis managers are aware of what the psychosocial dimension of crisis management entails. The objective of the current contribution is to analyse dilemmas and challenges described in evaluations of crises that occurred in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2016.
Thirty-six evaluations were analysed against the background of a theoretical framework combining crisis leadership tasks and psychosocial support principles along the crisis life cycle.
Public leaders and crisis managers had to deal with classical crisis problems concerning coordination, collaboration and communication. Other recurring themes were linked to social media, and the tension between tasks such as meaning making (social recognition), account giving and learning. Moreover, the analysis illustrates how difficult it is to gain insight into the needs, problems and vulnerabilities of the individuals and groups affected.
Het is van belang dat bestuurders, adviseurs en beleidsmakers zich voorbereiden op de psychosociale uitdagingen van rampen en crises. Deze cruciale strategische dimensie van crisismanagement heeft opvallend weinig aandacht gekregen in de literatuur.
Tegen de achtergrond van een theoretisch ordeningsmodel beschrijft dit artikel dilemma’s en uitdagingen, afgeleid uit analyses van crises en minicrises tussen 2012 en 2016.
De casuïstiek geeft een inkijk in kwesties waarmee bestuur en beleid in de crisispraktijk te maken krijgen. Deels gaat het om klassieke generieke problemen rondom coördinatie, samenwerking en communicatie. Andere terugkerende thema’s hebben te maken met sociale media, de dynamiek tussen erkenning en verantwoording, en de spanning tussen evalueren met een leer- danwel verantwoordingsdoel. Ook blijkt het onverminderd een probleem om zicht te krijgen op getroffenen en hun behoeften, problemen en kwetsbaarheden.
Crises and disasters can seriously affect the health, well-being and functioning of the people involved. From a governance perspective, it is important that public leaders and crisis managers are aware of what the psychosocial dimension of crisis management entails. The objective of the current contribution is to analyse dilemmas and challenges described in evaluations of crises that occurred in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2016.
Thirty-six evaluations were analysed against the background of a theoretical framework combining crisis leadership tasks and psychosocial support principles along the crisis life cycle.
Public leaders and crisis managers had to deal with classical crisis problems concerning coordination, collaboration and communication. Other recurring themes were linked to social media, and the tension between tasks such as meaning making (social recognition), account giving and learning. Moreover, the analysis illustrates how difficult it is to gain insight into the needs, problems and vulnerabilities of the individuals and groups affected.
Crises and disasters can seriously affect the health, well-being and functioning of the people involved. From a governance perspective, it is important that public leaders and crisis managers are aware of what the psychosocial dimension of crisis management entails. The objective of the current contribution is to analyse dilemmas and challenges described in evaluations of crises that occurred in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2016.
Thirty-six evaluations were analysed against the background of a theoretical framework combining crisis leadership tasks and psychosocial support principles along the crisis life cycle.
Public leaders and crisis managers had to deal with classical crisis problems concerning coordination, collaboration and communication. Other recurring themes were linked to social media, and the tension between tasks such as meaning making (social recognition), account giving and learning. Moreover, the analysis illustrates how difficult it is to gain insight into the needs, problems and vulnerabilities of the individuals and groups affected.
Crises and disasters can seriously affect the health, well-being and functioning of the people involved. From a governance perspective, it is important that public leaders and crisis managers are aware of what the psychosocial dimension of crisis management entails. The objective of the current contribution is to analyse dilemmas and challenges described in evaluations of crises that occurred in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2016.
Thirty-six evaluations were analysed against the background of a theoretical framework combining crisis leadership tasks and psychosocial support principles along the crisis life cycle.
Public leaders and crisis managers had to deal with classical crisis problems concerning coordination, collaboration and communication. Other recurring themes were linked to social media, and the tension between tasks such as meaning making (social recognition), account giving and learning. Moreover, the analysis illustrates how difficult it is to gain insight into the needs, problems and vulnerabilities of the individuals and groups affected.