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On the road to added value! 2014 eHealth monitor.
Krijgsman, J., Peeters, J., Burghouts, A., Brabers, A., Jong, J. de, Beenkens, F., Friele, R., Gennip, L. van, NIVEL, Nictiz. On the road to added value! 2014 eHealth monitor. Utrecht/Den Haag: NIVEL, Nictiz, 2014. 28 p.
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The core messages of 2014:
Despite the favourable starting position we are not seeing large-scale use of eHealth across the entire spectrum of applications. While some applications, like teledermatology and Electronic Health Records in doctors’ practices, have been broadly implemented, others are still lagging behind, for example access to health records for patients and the ability of health-care users1 to personally maintain health data or information about doctor’s visits or treatments online.
In the 2014 eHealth monitor we found four explanations for this:
- unfortunately, eHealth ‘on the shop floor’ is still not always a matter of ‘plug and play’;
- process innovation is complicated;
- healthcare users and healthcare providers don’t experience enough added value from some applications;
- intended users not always aware of the possibilities.
Despite the favourable starting position we are not seeing large-scale use of eHealth across the entire spectrum of applications. While some applications, like teledermatology and Electronic Health Records in doctors’ practices, have been broadly implemented, others are still lagging behind, for example access to health records for patients and the ability of health-care users1 to personally maintain health data or information about doctor’s visits or treatments online.
In the 2014 eHealth monitor we found four explanations for this:
- unfortunately, eHealth ‘on the shop floor’ is still not always a matter of ‘plug and play’;
- process innovation is complicated;
- healthcare users and healthcare providers don’t experience enough added value from some applications;
- intended users not always aware of the possibilities.
The core messages of 2014:
Despite the favourable starting position we are not seeing large-scale use of eHealth across the entire spectrum of applications. While some applications, like teledermatology and Electronic Health Records in doctors’ practices, have been broadly implemented, others are still lagging behind, for example access to health records for patients and the ability of health-care users1 to personally maintain health data or information about doctor’s visits or treatments online.
In the 2014 eHealth monitor we found four explanations for this:
- unfortunately, eHealth ‘on the shop floor’ is still not always a matter of ‘plug and play’;
- process innovation is complicated;
- healthcare users and healthcare providers don’t experience enough added value from some applications;
- intended users not always aware of the possibilities.
Despite the favourable starting position we are not seeing large-scale use of eHealth across the entire spectrum of applications. While some applications, like teledermatology and Electronic Health Records in doctors’ practices, have been broadly implemented, others are still lagging behind, for example access to health records for patients and the ability of health-care users1 to personally maintain health data or information about doctor’s visits or treatments online.
In the 2014 eHealth monitor we found four explanations for this:
- unfortunately, eHealth ‘on the shop floor’ is still not always a matter of ‘plug and play’;
- process innovation is complicated;
- healthcare users and healthcare providers don’t experience enough added value from some applications;
- intended users not always aware of the possibilities.