Senior onderzoeker Organisatie en kwaliteit van zorg, Persoonsgerichte Integrale Zorg
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The role of social support in dialysis patients' feelings of autonomy and self-esteem: is support more beneficial for patients with specific illness perceptions?
Jansen, D.L., Rijken, M., Kaptein, A.A., Boeschoten, E.W., Dekker, F.W., Groenewegen, P.P. The role of social support in dialysis patients' feelings of autonomy and self-esteem: is support more beneficial for patients with specific illness perceptions? Families, Systems & Health: 2014, 32(3), p. 313-327.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether effects of various types of support on dialysis patients’ perceived autonomy and self-esteem depend on patients’ perceived concerns and personal control regarding their illness. One hundred sixty-six patients completed written questionnaires. Main and interaction effects of support, concern, and personal control on autonomy and self-esteem were examined using linear regression analyses. General emotional support was positively related to autonomy in highly concerned patients (p < .05). Overprotection was negatively associated with autonomy (p < .05), and this association was stronger in patients with high perceived personal control (p < .01). A positive main effect of general emotional support (p < .05) and a negative main effect of overprotection (p < .01) on self-esteem were observed. The role of support in dialysis patients’ autonomy appears to depend on patients’ illness perceptions, whereas the role of support in patients’ self-esteem does not. These findings suggest that dialysis patients’ personal views about their illness can provide insight into whether patients could benefit from support, and that the provision of support should be tailored to patients’ individual needs. (aut.ref.)
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether effects of various types of support on dialysis patients’ perceived autonomy and self-esteem depend on patients’ perceived concerns and personal control regarding their illness. One hundred sixty-six patients completed written questionnaires. Main and interaction effects of support, concern, and personal control on autonomy and self-esteem were examined using linear regression analyses. General emotional support was positively related to autonomy in highly concerned patients (p < .05). Overprotection was negatively associated with autonomy (p < .05), and this association was stronger in patients with high perceived personal control (p < .01). A positive main effect of general emotional support (p < .05) and a negative main effect of overprotection (p < .01) on self-esteem were observed. The role of support in dialysis patients’ autonomy appears to depend on patients’ illness perceptions, whereas the role of support in patients’ self-esteem does not. These findings suggest that dialysis patients’ personal views about their illness can provide insight into whether patients could benefit from support, and that the provision of support should be tailored to patients’ individual needs. (aut.ref.)