Senior onderzoeker Internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek (WHO)
Publicatie datum
Safe motherhood: preparedness for birth in rural Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: knowledge and perception of women, men and professionals and the quality of maternity care facilities.
Wiegers, T.A., Boerma, W.G.W., Haan, O. de, Askerov, A., Popovistkaya, T., Kurbonov, S., Tohirov, R. Safe motherhood: preparedness for birth in rural Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: knowledge and perception of women, men and professionals and the quality of maternity care facilities. Utrecht/Amsterdam/Bihkek: NIVEL, NSPOH: Netherlands School of Public & Occupational Health, 2007. 43 p. Is voorzien van een Russiche versie.
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