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Task 2 Report: review existing care (pathway) approaches for multimorbid patients.
Noordman, J., Heide, I. van der, Hopman, P., Schellevis, F., Rijken, M. Task 2 Report: review existing care (pathway) approaches for multimorbid patients. In: F. Mammarella; G. Onder; R. Navikas; E. Jureviciene. Report on care pathways approaches for multimordid chronic patients. Brussel: Chrodis. 2016. p. 7-88.
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This report provides a descriptive overview of integrated care programmes for patients with multimorbidity that have been developed and implemented in EU Member States and other European countries.
Main findings
Healthcare systems in European countries are facing multiple challenges,such as an ageing population, an increase in people suffering from multimorbidity, and limited financial and human resources for care. Furthermore, most care for patients suffering from multimorbidity is fragmented and disease-specific. To improve quality (in terms of clinical outcomes and quality from the patient perspective) and sustainability (in terms of financial and human resources) of care, reforming the way healthcare is provided to patients with multimorbidity is essential.
Integrated care has the potential to respond to the challenge of providing good qualitative and sustainable care to patients with multimorbidity. Integrated care is patient-centered, proactive and well-coordinated multidisciplinary care, using new technologies to support patients’ self-management and improve collaboration between caregiver.
Main findings
Healthcare systems in European countries are facing multiple challenges,such as an ageing population, an increase in people suffering from multimorbidity, and limited financial and human resources for care. Furthermore, most care for patients suffering from multimorbidity is fragmented and disease-specific. To improve quality (in terms of clinical outcomes and quality from the patient perspective) and sustainability (in terms of financial and human resources) of care, reforming the way healthcare is provided to patients with multimorbidity is essential.
Integrated care has the potential to respond to the challenge of providing good qualitative and sustainable care to patients with multimorbidity. Integrated care is patient-centered, proactive and well-coordinated multidisciplinary care, using new technologies to support patients’ self-management and improve collaboration between caregiver.