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Is there a geography of alternative medical treatment in The Netherlands?

Verheij, R.A., Bakker, D.H. de, Groenewegen, P.P. Is there a geography of alternative medical treatment in The Netherlands? Health & Place: 1999, 5(1), p. 83-97.
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An increasing number of people are using alternative medical care. The literature suggests that there are important between place variations, however. This paper tries to assess the extent of these variations and mechanisms behind them for the utilization of homeopathy, paranormal healing and manual therapy. Are these variations a matter of level of supply, degree of urbanization, GP characteristics or simply a matter of composition of populations? Data are derived from the Dutch National Survey of General Practice and analyzed using multilevel logistic regression models. Between place variation in utilization of homeopathy is mainly a matter of composition of populations with respect to health locus of control and religion. With respect to paranormal healing, it is exclusively a matter of religion. With respect to manual therapy, place variations are a matter of individual, GP, as well as area characteristics, but a relatively large amount remains unexplained. (aut.ref.)