Publicatie datum
Vertrouwen in de GGZ: meer duidelijkheid gevraagd.
Friele, R.D., Verhaak, P.F.M., Andela, M. Vertrouwen in de GGZ: meer duidelijkheid gevraagd. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid: 2000, 55(2), p. 122-133.
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'Confidence in the GGZ (= Mental Health Care Service): more clarity required'. A study of the degree of trust placed by Dutch society in the mental Health Care system is discussed. It is apparent that two thirds of the population is satisfied with the GGZ, against a figure of 90% for the AGZ ( General Health Care services). The lack of confidence in the working of the GGZ seems to lie in the generally prevailing assumption that people with psychiatric problems are not taken seriously. It is also closely linked to a lack of clarity about the treatment itself, about what the various care-givers actually do and how they work together, and about the effectiveness of the treatment. On these issues, it is clear that judgements about the GGZ differ greatly from those surrounding the AGZ.
'Confidence in the GGZ (= Mental Health Care Service): more clarity required'. A study of the degree of trust placed by Dutch society in the mental Health Care system is discussed. It is apparent that two thirds of the population is satisfied with the GGZ, against a figure of 90% for the AGZ ( General Health Care services). The lack of confidence in the working of the GGZ seems to lie in the generally prevailing assumption that people with psychiatric problems are not taken seriously. It is also closely linked to a lack of clarity about the treatment itself, about what the various care-givers actually do and how they work together, and about the effectiveness of the treatment. On these issues, it is clear that judgements about the GGZ differ greatly from those surrounding the AGZ. (aut.ref.)