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What is a covid dashboard?
Riley, N., Hansen, J. What is a covid dashboard? European Journal of Public Health: 2021, 31(Suppl. 3) Abstracts of a presentation at the 14th European Public Health (EPH) Conference, held online 10-12 November 2021.
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Public Health Reporting has a long history (text here suddenly missing!)There is a long tradition of Public Health Reporting to support knowledge uring public health crises. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen the unprecedented rapid demand for Public Health Reporting. The size, speed and scale of the pandemic led to governments, public health professionals, the media and citizens asking for up-to-date, accurate and accessible information nd intelligence.
One way that these demands were answered were through the creation and publication of Covid-19 dashboards to communicate to iverse audiences. Health Information Professionals were required to make significant decisions quickly. Which indicators to select? Which udiences to develop dashboards for? Which technologies to deploy? Decisions that would normally take a considerable length of time were abbreviated. There were no international standards and a variability of requirements for different commissioners of dashboards. Furthermore the ublic spotlight and ‘democratisation' of health information created additional pressure and a lack of situational control. Some of the choices made will have a consequential impact for shared Health Service and Population Health Research as the pandemic continues.
The purpose of this presentation was to:
1. Discuss the need for rapid health reporting as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic
2. Examine some of the choices faced by health information professionals in creating and sustaining public Covid-19 dashboards during the pandemic.
3. Illustrate a variety of solutions that emerged internationally that were broadly trying to address the same need.
Public Health Reporting has a long history (text here suddenly missing!)There is a long tradition of Public Health Reporting to support knowledge uring public health crises. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen the unprecedented rapid demand for Public Health Reporting. The size, speed and scale of the pandemic led to governments, public health professionals, the media and citizens asking for up-to-date, accurate and accessible information nd intelligence.
One way that these demands were answered were through the creation and publication of Covid-19 dashboards to communicate to iverse audiences. Health Information Professionals were required to make significant decisions quickly. Which indicators to select? Which udiences to develop dashboards for? Which technologies to deploy? Decisions that would normally take a considerable length of time were abbreviated. There were no international standards and a variability of requirements for different commissioners of dashboards. Furthermore the ublic spotlight and ‘democratisation' of health information created additional pressure and a lack of situational control. Some of the choices made will have a consequential impact for shared Health Service and Population Health Research as the pandemic continues.
The purpose of this presentation was to:
1. Discuss the need for rapid health reporting as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic
2. Examine some of the choices faced by health information professionals in creating and sustaining public Covid-19 dashboards during the pandemic.
3. Illustrate a variety of solutions that emerged internationally that were broadly trying to address the same need.