Senior onderzoeker Internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek (WHO)
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Which primary care physicians treat depression?
Rabinowitz, J., Feldman, D., Grosst, R., Boerma, W. Which primary care physicians treat depression? Psychiatric Services: 1998, 49(1), p. 100-102.
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The study attempted to determine the proportion of primary care physicians who treat depression and their characteristics. Data were from 677 respondents to a national survey of primary care physicians in Israel. Twenty-two percent always treated depression, 36.6 percent usually did, and 12,6% percent never did. Logistic regression found that, compared with physicians who sometimes or never treated depression, those who always or usually treated depression treated more medical conditions, regarded themselves as the medical system's first contact for patients with psychosocial problems, had more frequent contact with social workers, and were more likely to have specialized in family medicine. (aut.ref.)
The study attempted to determine the proportion of primary care physicians who treat depression and their characteristics. Data were from 677 respondents to a national survey of primary care physicians in Israel. Twenty-two percent always treated depression, 36.6 percent usually did, and 12,6% percent never did. Logistic regression found that, compared with physicians who sometimes or never treated depression, those who always or usually treated depression treated more medical conditions, regarded themselves as the medical system's first contact for patients with psychosocial problems, had more frequent contact with social workers, and were more likely to have specialized in family medicine. (aut.ref.)