Ik word enthousiast van toegepast onderzoek met een direct maatschappelijk belang. Met mijn onderzoek wil ik een bijdrage leveren aan het verminderen van de ziektelast voor patiënten.
Lopende Projecten
- 2025|Sankatsing, V., Summeren, J. van, Molla Abreha, F., Pandolfi, E., Chironna, M., Loconsole, D., Kramer, R., Paget, J., Rizzo, C. Economic impact of respiratory syncytial virus infections in children under 5 years of age attending primary care in Italy: a prospective cohort study in two regions. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: 2025, 19(2), p. Art. nr. e70074.
- 2025|Hak, S.F., Sankatsing, V.D.V., Wildenbeest, J.G., Venekamp, R.P., Casini, B., Rizzo, C., Bangert, M., Brusselen, D. van, Button, E., Garcés-Sánchez, M., Garcia-Vera, C., Kramer, R., Lusignan, S. de, Raes, M., Meijer, A., Paget, J., Summeren, J. van. Burden of RSV infections among young children in primary care: a prospective cohort study in five European countries (2021-23). Lancet Respiratory Medicine: 2025, 13(2), p. 153-165.
- 2025|Del Riccio, M., Guida, A., Boudewijns, B., Heemskerk, S., Summeren, J. van, Schneeberger, C., Stelma, F., Velden, K. van der, Timen, A., Caini, S. A missed opportunity? Exploring changes in influenza vaccination coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic: data from 12 countries worldwide. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: 2025, 19(1), p. e70057.
- 2024|Laarman, C., Vanhommerig, J., Summeren, J. van, Hooiveld, M., Meijer, A., Teirlinck, A., Stelma, F. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) associated primary care incidence estimates in adults aged 50 years and older in the Netherlands; 2016-2019. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 16 p.
- 2024|Heemskerk, S., Heuvel, L. van, Asey, T., Bangert, M., Kramer, R., Paget, J., Summeren, J. van. Disease burden of RSV infections and bronchiolitis in young children (< 5 Years) in primary care and emergency departments: a systematic literature review Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: 2024, 18(8), p. Art. nr. e13344.
- 2024|Pandolfi, E., Loconsole, D., Chironna, M., Summeren, J. van, Paget, J., Raponi, M., Russo, L., Campagna, I., Croci, I., Concato, C., Perno, C.F., Tozzi, A.E., Linardos, G., Bartolucci, V., Ciampini, S., Onetti Muda, A., De Angelis, L., Ciofi Degli Atti, M.L., Rizzo, C. Pre-COVID-19-pandemic RSV epidemiology and clinical burden in pediatric primary care in Italy: a comparative analysis across two regions for the 2019/2020 season. BMC Infectious Diseases: 2024, 24(1), p. Art. nr. 388.
- 2024|Caini, S., Casalegno, J.S., Rodrigues, A.P., Lee, V., Cohen, C., Huang, Q.S., Caicedo, A.B., Teirlinck, A., Guiomar, R., Ang, L.W., Moyes, J., Wood, T., de Mora, D., Bangert, M., Kramer, R., Staadegaard, L., Heemskerk, S., Summeren, J. van, Meijer, A., Paget, J. Change in age profile of respiratory syncytial virus disease over the course of annual epidemics: a multi-national study. Journal of Infection: 2024, 88(5), p. Art. nr. 106154.
- 2024|Poukka, E., Roekel, C. van, Turunen, T., Baum, U., Kramer, R., Begier, E., Presser, L., Teirlinck, A., Heikkinen, T., Knol, M., Nohynek, H., Paget, J., Summeren, J. van, Dückers, M. Effectiveness of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus: generic protocol for register-based cohort study. Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2024, 229(Suppl. 1), p. S84–S91.
- 2024|Roekel, C. van, Poukka, E., Turunen, T., Nohynek, H., Presser, L., Meijer, A., Heikkinen, T., Kramer, R., Begier, E., Teirlinck, A., Knol, M., Paget, J., Summeren, J. van, Dückers, M. Effectiveness of immunization products against medically attended respiratory syncytial virus infection: generic
protocol for a test-negative case-control study. Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2024, 229(Suppl. 1), p. S92-S99. - 2024|Staadegaard, L., Dückers, M., Summeren, J. van, Gameren, R. van, Demont, C., Bangert, M., Li, Y., Casalegno, J.S., Caini, S., Paget, J. Determining the timing of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) epidemics: a systematic review, 2016 to 2021; method categorisation and identification of influencing factors. Eurosurveillance: 2024, 29(5)
- 2024|Velden, K. van der, Summeren, J. van, Caini, S., Nair, H., Dückers, M., Meijer, A. In Memoriam: Dr William John Paget. Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2024, 229(Suppl. 1), p. S1-S3.
- 2023|Summeren, J. van, Baliatsas, C., Fouchier, R., Gageldonk, R. van, Koopmans, M., Meijer, A., Hooiveld, M. Grenswaarden incidentie influenza-achtig ziektebeeld in de huisartsenpraktijk - winter 2023-2024. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 4 p.
- 2023|Getaneh, A.M., Li, X., Mao, Z., Johannesen, C.K., Barbieri, S., Summeren, J. van, Wang, X., Tong, S., Baraldi, E., Phijffer, E., Rizzo, C., Wijhe, M. van, Heikkinen, T., Bont, L., Willem, L., Jit, M., Beutels, P., Bilcke, J. Cost-effectiveness of monoclonal antibody and maternal immunization against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants: evaluation for six European countries. Vaccine: 2023, 41(9), p.1623-1631.
- 2023|Paget, J., Staadegaard, L., Wang, X., Li, Y., Pomeren, T. van, Summeren, J. van, Dückers, M., Chaves, S.S., Johnson, E.K., Mahé, C., Nair, H., Viboud, C., Spreeuwenberg, P. Global and national influenza-associated hospitalisation rates: estimates for 40 countries and administrative regions. Journal of Global Health: 2023, 13, p. Art. nr. 04003.
- 2022|Hoang, U., Button, E., Armstrong, M., Okusi, C., Ellis, J., Zambon, M., Anand, S., Delanerolle, G., Hobbs, R., Summeren, J. van, Paget, J., Lusignan, S. de. Assessing the clinical and socioeconomic burden of respiratory syncytial virus in children aged under 5 years in primary care: protocol for a prospective cohort study in England and report on the adaptations of the study to the COVID-19 pandemic. JMIR Research Protocols: 2022, 11(8), p. Art. e38026.
- 2022|Summeren, J. van, Meijer, A., Moleman, Y., Hendriksen, J., Korevaar, J., Wijsman, L., Goderski, G., Hooiveld, M., Paget, J. Disease burden of an RSV infection in young children in primary care in the Netherlands: period October 2020 – September 2021: results RSV ComNet II-study: the Netherlands. Utrecht: Nivel, 2022. 8 p.
- 2022|Summeren, J. van, Meijer, A., Moleman, Y., Hendriksen, J., Korevaar, J., Wijsman, L., Goderski, G., Hooiveld, M., Paget, J. Ziektelast van een RS-virus infectie bij jonge kinderen in de huisartsenpraktijk: periode oktober 2020 – september 2021: resultaten RSV ComNet II-onderzoek: Nederland. Utrecht: Nivel, 2022. 21 p.
- 2022|Summeren, J. van. Management of childhood functional constipation in primary care Groningen: RUG, 2022. 169 p. Proefschrift van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
- 2021|Summeren, J.J.G.T. van, Rizzo, C., Hooiveld, M., Korevaar, J.C., Hendriksen, J.M.T., Dückers, M.L.A., Loconsole, D., Chironna, M., Bangert, M., Demont, C., Meijer, A., Caini, S., Pandolfi, E., Paget, J. Evaluation of a standardised protocol to measure the disease burden of respiratory syncytial virus infection in young children in primary care. BMC Infectious Diseases: 2021, 21(1), p. nr. 705.
- 2021|Summeren, J. van, Meijer, A., Aspelund, G., Casalegno, J.S., Erna, G., Hoang, U., Lina, B., Lusignan, S. de, Teirlinck, A.C., Thors, V., Paget, J. Low levels of respiratory syncytial virus activity in Europe during the 2020/21 season: what can we expect in the coming summer and autumn/winter? Eurosurveillance: 2021, 26(29), p. nr. 2100639.
- 2021|Staadegaard, L., Caini, S., Wangchuk, S., Thapa, B., Almeida, W.A.F. de, Carvalho, F.C. de, Fasce, R.A., Bustos, P., Kyncl, J., Novakova, L., Caicedo, A.B., Mora Coloma, D.J. de, Meijer, A., Hooiveld, M., Huang, Q.S., Wood, T., Guiomar, R., Rodrigues, A.P., Lee, V.J.M., Ang, L.W., Cohen, C., Moyes, J., Larrauri, A., Delgado-Sanz, C., Demont, C., Bangert, M., Dückers, M., Summeren, J. van, Paget, J. Defining the seasonality of respiratory syncytial virus around the world: National and subnational surveillance data from 12 countries Journal of Infectious Diseases: 2021, 16(6), p. 732-741.
- 2021|Summeren, J.J.G.T. van, Hendriksen, J.M.T., Paget, J., Meijer, A. Weinig RS-virus afgelopen winter; hoe komt dit en wat zijn de verwachtingen voor de komende seizoenen?
ENG: Very little RSV last winter, how can this be explained and what can we expect in the coming seasons? Tijdschrift voor Infectieziekten: 2021, 16(3), p. 80-85. - 2021|Rizzo, C., Loconsole, D., Pandolfi, E., Ciofi Degli Atti, M., Summeren, J. van, Paget, J., Russo, L., Campagna, I., Croci, I., Gesualdo, F., Concato, C., Linardos, G., Bartolucci, V., Ciampini, S., Onetti Muda, A., Raponi, M., Chironna, M. Sars-Cov2 not detected in a pediatric population with acute respiratory infection in primary care in Central and Southern Italy from November 2019 to early March 2020. Frontiers in Pediatrics: 2021, 9, p. Art. nr. 620598.
- 2021|Staadegaard, L., Caini, S., Wangchuk, S., Thapa, B., Aparecida Ferreira de Ameida, W., Cotrim de Carvalho, F., Njouom, R., Fasce, R.A., Bustos, P., Kyncl, J., Novakova, L., Bruno Caicedo, A., de Mora Coloma, D.J., Meijer, A., Hooiveld, M., Huang, S., Wood, T., Guiomar, R., Rodrigues, A.P., Danilenko, D., Stolyarov, K., Jian Ming Lee, V., Wei Ang, L., Cohen, C., Moyes, J., Larrauri, A., Delgado-Sanz, C., Quynh Le, M., Vu Mai Hoang, P., Demont, C., Bangert, M., Summeren, J. van, Dückers, M., Paget, J. The global epidemiology of RSV in community and hospitalized care: findings from 15 countries. Open Forum Infectious Diseases: 2021, 8(7), p. ofab159.
- 2021|Staadegaard, L., Meijer, A., Rodrigues, A.P., Huang, S., Cohen, C., Demont, C., Summeren, J. van, Caini, S., Paget, J. Temporal variations in respiratory syncytial virus epidemics, by virus subtype, 4 countries. Emerging Infectious Diseases: 2021, 27(5)
- 2020|Summeren, J. van, Kwakkelstein, S., Hooiveld, M., Hendriksen, J., Caini, S., Korevaar, J., Dückers, M., Paget, J., Rizzo, C., Pandolfi, E., Gesualdo, F., Piccioni, L., Concato, C., Chironna, M., Loconsole, D., Meijer, A., Demont, C., Bangert, M. RSV ComNet I: disease burden of RSV infections in young children (
November 2019 - heden: Onderzoeker Nivel
2014 - 2019: PhD student in het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG) op de afdeling huisartsgeneeskunde. Titel proefschrift “Management of childhood functional constipation in primary care”. In dit proefschrift heb ik onderzocht of het toevoegen van kinderbekkenfysiotherapie aan de standaard behandeling voor functionele obstipatie bij kinderen door de huisarts effectiever is dan alleen de standaard behandeling van de huisarts. Op dit moment ben ik de laatste hoofdstukken van het proefschrift aan het afronden.
2013 - 2014: Junior onderzoeker afdeling huisartsgeneeskunde UMCG. Onderzoek om bij ouderen met multimorbiditeit en polyfarmacie een overstap te maken van het behandelen volgens ziektespecifieke richtlijnen naar een behandeling volgens de preferenties van de patient.
2010 - 2013: Studentassistent/onderzoeksassistent op diverse projecten in het UMCG.
2010 - 2012: Master Human Movement Sciences Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
2007 - 2010: Bachelor Human Movement Sciences Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
2001 - 2007: Pre-university college (VWO) Blariacumcollege Blerick