Senior onderzoeker Infectieziekten in de Eerste Lijn
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Disease burden of an RSV infection in young children in primary care in the Netherlands: period October 2020 – September 2021: results RSV ComNet II-study: the Netherlands.
Summeren, J. van, Meijer, A., Moleman, Y., Hendriksen, J., Korevaar, J., Wijsman, L., Goderski, G., Hooiveld, M., Paget, J. Disease burden of an RSV infection in young children in primary care in the Netherlands: period October 2020 – September 2021: results RSV ComNet II-study: the Netherlands. Utrecht: Nivel, 2022. 8 p.
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- This is the short version of the report on the results of the RSV ComNet II study conducted in the Netherlands in the period October 2020 to September 2021.
- The RSV ComNet study is an international study to assess the disease burden of RSV infection in young children in primary care.
- Data collection takes place in several European countries, namely in Italy, Spain, England, the Netherlands and Belgium.
- This report is a short summary of the original report published in Dutch “Ziektelast van een RS-virusinfectie bij jonge kinderen in de huisartsenpraktijk: oktober 2020-september 2021”.
- The results reported in this report can be used as first publication for mapping the burden of disease of an RSV infection in young children in Dutch general practice.
- Follow-up research, with more participants, is necessary to map the burden of disease with sufficient reliability.
- This is the short version of the report on the results of the RSV ComNet II study conducted in the Netherlands in the period October 2020 to September 2021.
- The RSV ComNet study is an international study to assess the disease burden of RSV infection in young children in primary care.
- Data collection takes place in several European countries, namely in Italy, Spain, England, the Netherlands and Belgium.
- This report is a short summary of the original report published in Dutch “Ziektelast van een RS-virusinfectie bij jonge kinderen in de huisartsenpraktijk: oktober 2020-september 2021”.
- The results reported in this report can be used as first publication for mapping the burden of disease of an RSV infection in young children in Dutch general practice.
- Follow-up research, with more participants, is necessary to map the burden of disease with sufficient reliability.
- This is the short version of the report on the results of the RSV ComNet II study conducted in the Netherlands in the period October 2020 to September 2021.
- The RSV ComNet study is an international study to assess the disease burden of RSV infection in young children in primary care.
- Data collection takes place in several European countries, namely in Italy, Spain, England, the Netherlands and Belgium.
- This report is a short summary of the original report published in Dutch “Ziektelast van een RS-virusinfectie bij jonge kinderen in de huisartsenpraktijk: oktober 2020-september 2021”.
- The results reported in this report can be used as first publication for mapping the burden of disease of an RSV infection in young children in Dutch general practice.
- Follow-up research, with more participants, is necessary to map the burden of disease with sufficient reliability.
- This is the short version of the report on the results of the RSV ComNet II study conducted in the Netherlands in the period October 2020 to September 2021.
- The RSV ComNet study is an international study to assess the disease burden of RSV infection in young children in primary care.
- Data collection takes place in several European countries, namely in Italy, Spain, England, the Netherlands and Belgium.
- This report is a short summary of the original report published in Dutch “Ziektelast van een RS-virusinfectie bij jonge kinderen in de huisartsenpraktijk: oktober 2020-september 2021”.
- The results reported in this report can be used as first publication for mapping the burden of disease of an RSV infection in young children in Dutch general practice.
- Follow-up research, with more participants, is necessary to map the burden of disease with sufficient reliability.