Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur; hoogleraar 'Patiëntveiligheid', Vrije Universiteit / Amsterdam UMC
Publicatie datum
Identifying the relationship between postoperative urinary continence and residual urethra stump measurements in robot assisted radical prostatectomy patients.
Beulens, A.J.W., Brinkman, W.M., Umari, P., Koldewijn, E.L., Hendrikx, A.J.M., Basten, J.P. van, Merriënboer, J.J.G. van, Poel, H.G. van der, Bangma, C., Wagner, C. Identifying the relationship between postoperative urinary continence and residual urethra stump measurements in robot assisted radical prostatectomy patients. International Journal of Medical Robotics + Computer Assisted Surgery: 2021, 17(2), p. Art. nr. e2196.
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To investigate the feasibility of urethral stump length and width measurements in recorded videos of robot assisted radical prostatectomy procedures using the Kinovea software and to assess if these measurements could be used as predictors of postoperative urinary continence.
Fifty-three patients were selected from an institutional database of 1400 cases and included in the study. All videos were analysed using the computer software 'Kinovea'. All measurements were performed using the inserted bladder catheter as a reference point.
The reference point (bladder catheter) was available in 33 out of 53 patients. The median surgical urethral length (SUL) was significantly higher in the continent group (1050 vs. 1294 mm, p = 0.018). The urethral width measurements did not show a difference between the groups. In order to validate the Kinovea software as an accurate tool for the measurement of the urethral stump length and width results were correlated with the magnetic resonance imaging measurements of the urethra.
The results of this study showed a significantly longer median SUL incontinent patients.
To investigate the feasibility of urethral stump length and width measurements in recorded videos of robot assisted radical prostatectomy procedures using the Kinovea software and to assess if these measurements could be used as predictors of postoperative urinary continence.
Fifty-three patients were selected from an institutional database of 1400 cases and included in the study. All videos were analysed using the computer software 'Kinovea'. All measurements were performed using the inserted bladder catheter as a reference point.
The reference point (bladder catheter) was available in 33 out of 53 patients. The median surgical urethral length (SUL) was significantly higher in the continent group (1050 vs. 1294 mm, p = 0.018). The urethral width measurements did not show a difference between the groups. In order to validate the Kinovea software as an accurate tool for the measurement of the urethral stump length and width results were correlated with the magnetic resonance imaging measurements of the urethra.
The results of this study showed a significantly longer median SUL incontinent patients.
To investigate the feasibility of urethral stump length and width measurements in recorded videos of robot assisted radical prostatectomy procedures using the Kinovea software and to assess if these measurements could be used as predictors of postoperative urinary continence.
Fifty-three patients were selected from an institutional database of 1400 cases and included in the study. All videos were analysed using the computer software 'Kinovea'. All measurements were performed using the inserted bladder catheter as a reference point.
The reference point (bladder catheter) was available in 33 out of 53 patients. The median surgical urethral length (SUL) was significantly higher in the continent group (1050 vs. 1294 mm, p = 0.018). The urethral width measurements did not show a difference between the groups. In order to validate the Kinovea software as an accurate tool for the measurement of the urethral stump length and width results were correlated with the magnetic resonance imaging measurements of the urethra.
The results of this study showed a significantly longer median SUL incontinent patients.
To investigate the feasibility of urethral stump length and width measurements in recorded videos of robot assisted radical prostatectomy procedures using the Kinovea software and to assess if these measurements could be used as predictors of postoperative urinary continence.
Fifty-three patients were selected from an institutional database of 1400 cases and included in the study. All videos were analysed using the computer software 'Kinovea'. All measurements were performed using the inserted bladder catheter as a reference point.
The reference point (bladder catheter) was available in 33 out of 53 patients. The median surgical urethral length (SUL) was significantly higher in the continent group (1050 vs. 1294 mm, p = 0.018). The urethral width measurements did not show a difference between the groups. In order to validate the Kinovea software as an accurate tool for the measurement of the urethral stump length and width results were correlated with the magnetic resonance imaging measurements of the urethra.
The results of this study showed a significantly longer median SUL incontinent patients.