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Influenza vaccination coverage and reasons to refrain among high-risk persons in four European countries.
Kroneman, M., Essen, G.A. van, Paget, J. Influenza vaccination coverage and reasons to refrain among high-risk persons in four European countries. Vaccine: 2006, 24, p. 622-628.
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This paper examines influenza vaccine coverage using a population base of an average of 2300 persons in each of four European countries (Germany, Spain, Poland and Sweden). The reasons for non-vaccination of those in the high-risk groups were explored by questionnaire.
- The vaccine coverage rate (VCR) for elderly ranged from 18% in Poland to 67% in Spain.
- The VCR for high-risk population under 65 was 10% in Poland, 13% in Sweden, 27% in Germany and 30% in Spain.
- The most important reasons mentioned for not being vaccinated were:
1) perceived sufficient resistance to flu (33–42%) in all countries
2) financial barriers in Poland (25%)
3] not to qualify for the vaccination (30%) and forgetfulness (20%) in Germany
- Receiving a personal invitation for the vaccination, results in higher coverage rates in all four countries.
We think that future interventions could be directed towards: an information campaign with special attention to the high-risk groups due to disease; promotion of personal invitations; and, for Poland, solving financial barriers to vaccination.
This paper examines influenza vaccine coverage using a population base of an average of 2300 persons in each of four European countries (Germany, Spain, Poland and Sweden). The reasons for non-vaccination of those in the high-risk groups were explored by questionnaire.
- The vaccine coverage rate (VCR) for elderly ranged from 18% in Poland to 67% in Spain.
- The VCR for high-risk population under 65 was 10% in Poland, 13% in Sweden, 27% in Germany and 30% in Spain.
- The most important reasons mentioned for not being vaccinated were:
1) perceived sufficient resistance to flu (33–42%) in all countries
2) financial barriers in Poland (25%)
3] not to qualify for the vaccination (30%) and forgetfulness (20%) in Germany
- Receiving a personal invitation for the vaccination, results in higher coverage rates in all four countries.
We think that future interventions could be directed towards: an information campaign with special attention to the high-risk groups due to disease; promotion of personal invitations; and, for Poland, solving financial barriers to vaccination.
This paper examines influenza vaccine coverage using a population base of an average of 2300 persons in each of four European countries (Germany, Spain, Poland and Sweden). The reasons for non-vaccination of those in the high-risk groups were explored by questionnaire.
- The vaccine coverage rate (VCR) for elderly ranged from 18% in Poland to 67% in Spain.
- The VCR for high-risk population under 65 was 10% in Poland, 13% in Sweden, 27% in Germany and 30% in Spain.
- The most important reasons mentioned for not being vaccinated were:
1) perceived sufficient resistance to flu (33–42%) in all countries
2) financial barriers in Poland (25%)
3] not to qualify for the vaccination (30%) and forgetfulness (20%) in Germany
- Receiving a personal invitation for the vaccination, results in higher coverage rates in all four countries.
We think that future interventions could be directed towards: an information campaign with special attention to the high-risk groups due to disease; promotion of personal invitations; and, for Poland, solving financial barriers to vaccination.
This paper examines influenza vaccine coverage using a population base of an average of 2300 persons in each of four European countries (Germany, Spain, Poland and Sweden). The reasons for non-vaccination of those in the high-risk groups were explored by questionnaire.
- The vaccine coverage rate (VCR) for elderly ranged from 18% in Poland to 67% in Spain.
- The VCR for high-risk population under 65 was 10% in Poland, 13% in Sweden, 27% in Germany and 30% in Spain.
- The most important reasons mentioned for not being vaccinated were:
1) perceived sufficient resistance to flu (33–42%) in all countries
2) financial barriers in Poland (25%)
3] not to qualify for the vaccination (30%) and forgetfulness (20%) in Germany
- Receiving a personal invitation for the vaccination, results in higher coverage rates in all four countries.
We think that future interventions could be directed towards: an information campaign with special attention to the high-risk groups due to disease; promotion of personal invitations; and, for Poland, solving financial barriers to vaccination.