Dr. ir. Madelon Kroneman
Senior onderzoeker Zorgstelsel en Sturing
Ik ben zeer geïnteresseerd in hoe gezondheidszorg georganiseerd wordt. Niet alleen in Nederland, maar ook daarbuiten. Een kijkje over de grens maakt dat je scherper bent op de situatie in je eigen land. Ik doe onderzoek op veel uiteenlopende onderwerpen, zoals griep, thuiszorg, ziekenhuiszorg, financiering van de zorg en evaluatie van de zorg in Nederland en andere landen. Ik ben redacteur van de Nederlandse pagina van de Health Services and Policy Monitor (HSPM), waarop de wijzigingen in ons zorgstelsel en dat van 27 andere landen wordt bijgehouden voor een internationaal publiek.
Zien hoe zorgstelsels van elkaar verschillen
Ik vind het leuk om informatie te zoeken, via literatuur, (internationale) databases of internet om zo een helder verhaal te kunnen schrijven over hoe het zorgstelsel van een land in elkaar zit en landen met elkaar te vergelijken. Voorbeelden uit andere landen zijn niet altijd rechtstreeks toepasbaar in Nederland. Het levert wel ideeën op, die eventueel omgezet kunnen worden naar de Nederlandse situatie. Verder ben ik uitstekend op de hoogte van het Nederlandse zorgstelsel en de veranderingen door de jaren heen.
Zien hoe zorgstelsels van elkaar verschillen
Ik vind het leuk om informatie te zoeken, via literatuur, (internationale) databases of internet om zo een helder verhaal te kunnen schrijven over hoe het zorgstelsel van een land in elkaar zit en landen met elkaar te vergelijken. Voorbeelden uit andere landen zijn niet altijd rechtstreeks toepasbaar in Nederland. Het levert wel ideeën op, die eventueel omgezet kunnen worden naar de Nederlandse situatie. Verder ben ik uitstekend op de hoogte van het Nederlandse zorgstelsel en de veranderingen door de jaren heen.
- 2024|Hansen, J., Heide, I. van der, Baron, R., Rijken, M., Kroneman, M. Scientific Support for the European Commission in the field of (public) health: highlights from the four-year Single Framework Contract Chafea/2018/03 by EUHealthSupport. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 10 p.
- 2024|Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de, Polin, K., Webb, E. The Netherlands: health system summary, 2024 Copenhagen: European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2024. 23 p.
- 2024|Rechel, B., Durvy, B., Figueiredo Augusto, G., Aujoulat, I., Behmane, D., Bensadon, A.C., Burke, S., D'Agostino, M., Davidovics, K., Dayan, M., De Belvis, A.G., Jong, J. de, Dubas-Jakóbczyk, K., Fronteira, I., Gabriel, E., Greco, G., Groenewegen, P., Smith Jervelund, S., Kantaris, M., Kroneman, M., Farkas-Lainscak, J., Maurice, B., Mac Conghail, L., Murauskiene, L., Poldrugovac, M., Rákosy, Z., Scintee, S.G., Sowada, C., Turblin, F., Vankova, D., Velkey, Z., Vladescu, C., Vocanec, D., Vrangbæk, K., Wünscher, J., Ylitörmanen, T. Primary prevention in hospitals in 20 high-income countries in Europe - A case of not "Making Every Contact Count"? Health Policy: 2024, 151, p. Art. nr. 105199.
- 2024|Kroneman, M., Williams, G.A., Winkelmann, J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Davidovics, K., Groenewegen, P.P. Personal protective equipment for healthcare workers during COVID-19: developing and applying a questionnaire and assessing associations between infection rates and shortages across 19 countries. Health Policy: 2024, 146, p. Ar. nr. 105097.
- 2024|Timans, R., Willems, A., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. Kennissynthese. Bekostigingsmodellen voor domeinoverstijgende initiatieven in de zorg: in het kader van de Juiste Zorg Op de Juiste Plek - kennisagenda. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 47 p.
- 2024|Scarpetti, G., Shadowen, H., Williams, G.A., Winkelmann, J., Kroneman, M., Groenewegen, P.P., Jong, J.D. de, Fronteira, I., Augusto, G.F., Hsiung, S., Slade, S., Rojatz, D., Kallayova, D., Katreniakova, Z., Nagyova, I., Kylänen, M., Vracko, P., Jesurasa, A., Wallace, Z., Costongs, C., Barnes, A.J., Ginneken, E. van. A comparison of social prescribing approaches across twelve high-income countries. Health Policy: 2024, 142, p. Art. nr. 104992.
- 2023|Kroneman, M., Water, L. van de, Schackmann, L., Willems, A., Jong, J. de. Factsheets over de inrichting en financiering van zorgstelsels: naslagwerk met informatie van twintig Europese landen. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 168 p.
- 2023|Vanden Bossche, D., Zhao, Q., Ares-Blanco, S., Peña, M.P.A., Decat, P., Kondo, N., Kroneman, M., Nishioka, D., Petrazzuoli, F., Rotveit, G., Schaubroeck, E., Stark, S., Pinto, A.D., Willems, S. Addressing health inequity during the COVID-19 pandemic through primary health care and public health collaboration: a multiple case study analysis in eight high-income countries. International Journal for Equity in Health: 2023, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 171.
- 2023|Bemelmans, W., Zagt, A., Doorduijn, A., Kroneman, M., Boer, D. de, Bos, N. Motieven voor persoonsgebonden budget in de langdurige zorg: een onderzoek onder mensen uit de ouderenzorg, gehandicaptenzorg en geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 68 p.
- 2023|El-Hassar, L., Amara, A., Sanson, B., Lacatus, O., Amir Belhouchet, A., Kroneman, M., Claeys, K., Plançon, J.P., Rodolico, C., Primiano, G., Trojsi, F., Filosto, M., Mongini, T.E., Bortolani, S., Monforte, M., Carraro, E., Maggi, L., Ricci, F., Silani, V., Orsucci, D., Créange, A., Péréon, Y., Stojkovic, T., Beek, N.A.M.E. van der, Toscano, A., Pareyson, D., Attarian, S., Bergh, P.Y.K. Van den, Remiche, G., Hoeijmakers, J.G.J., Badrising, U., Voermans, N.C., Kaindl, A.M., Schara-Schmidt, U., Schoser, B., Gazzerro, E., Haberlová, J., Voháňka, S., Pál, E., Molnar, M.J., Leonardis, L., Tournev, I.L., Osorio, A.N., Olivé, M., Muelas, N., Alonso-Perez, J., Plá, F., Visser, M. de, Siciliano, G., Sacconi, S. Telemedicine in neuromuscular diseases during Covid-19 Pandemic: ERN-NMD European survey. Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases: 2023, 10(2), p. 173-184.
- 2023|Tuyl, L. van, Zinger, N., Heide, I. van der, Kroneman, M., Hansen, J. Scoping study on evidence to tackle high-burden under-researched medical conditions - discussion paper. Luxembourg: European Union, 2023. 63 p. Specific Contract No LC-01817028 under FWC CHAFEA/2018/Health/03
- 2022|Heins, M., Kroneman, M., Hansen, J., Rijken, M. Quick scan of virtual networks of patient-controlled digital data: report. Utrecht: Nivel, 2022. 50 p.
- 2022|Winkelmann, J., Gómez-Rossi, J., Schwendicke, F., Dimova, A., Atanasova, E., Habicht, T., Kasekamp, K., Gandré, C., Or, Z., McAuliffe, Ú, Murauskiene, L., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de, Kowalska-Bobko, I., Badora-Musial, K., Motyl, S., Figueiredo Augusto, G., Pažitný, P., Kandilaki, D., Löffler, L., Lundgren, C., Janlöv, N., Ginneken, E. van, Panteli, D. Exploring variation of coverage and access to dental care for adults in 11 European countries: a vignette approach. BMC Oral Health: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 65.
- 2022|Waitzberg, R., Gerkens, S., Dimova, A., Bryndová, L., Vrangbæk, K., Jervelund, S.S., Birk, H.O., Rajan, S., Habicht, T., Tynkkynen, L.K., Keskimäki, I., Or, Z., Gandré, C., Winkelmann, J., Ricciardi, W., De Belvis, A.G., Poscia, A., Morsella, A., Slapšinskaitė, A., Miščikienė, L., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de, Tambor, M., Sowada, C., Scintee, S.G., Vladescu, C., Albreht, T., Bernal-Delgado, E., Angulo-Pueyo, E., Estupiñán-Romero, F., Janlöv, N., Mantwill, S., Ginneken, W. van, Quentin, W. Balancing financial incentives during COVID-19: a comparison of provider payment adjustments across 20 countries. Health Policy: 2022, 126(5), p. 398-407.
- 2022|Schmidt, A.E., Merkur, S., Haindl, A., Gerkens, S., Gandré, C., Zeynep, O., Groenewegen, P., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de, Albreht, T., Vracko, P., Mantwill, S., Hernandez-Quevedo, C., Quentin, W., Webb, E., Winkelman, J. Tackling the COVID-19 pandemic: initial responses in 2020 in selected social health insurance countries in Europe. Health Policy: 2022, 126(5), p. 476-484.
- 2021|Leemrijse, C., Kroneman, M., Hansen, J., Korevaar, J., Rijken, M. Quick scan of cancer infrastructures in European countries. Utrecht: Nivel, 2021. 45 p.
- 2021|Brabers, A., Meijer, M., Menting, J., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. Eigen betalingen voor hulpmiddelgebruikers: een vragenlijstonderzoek. Utrecht: Nivel, 2021. 104 p.
- 2021|Marchildon, G.P., Brammli-Greenberg, S., Dayan, M., De Belvis, A.G., Gandré, C., Isaksson, D., Kroneman, M., Neuner-Jehle, S., Sperre Saunes, I., Thomas, S., Vrangbæk, K., Quentin, W. Achieving higher performing primary care through patient registration: a review of twelve high-income countries. Health Policy: 2021, 125(12), p. 1507-1516.
- 2021|Hansen, J., Wilson, P., Verhoeven, E., Kroneman, M., Kirwan, M., Verheij, R., Veen, E.B. van. Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR. Brussels: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021. 262 p.
- 2021|Verhoeven, E., Kroneman, M., Wilson, P., Kirwan, M., Verheij, R., Veen, E.B. van, Hansen, J. Country fiches for all EU MS: annex to the study ‘Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR’. Specific Contract No SC 2019 70 02 in the context of the Single Framework Contract Chafea/2018/Health/03. Luxembourg: European Union, 2021. 222 p.
- 2021|Groenewegen, P.P., Kroneman, M., Spreeuwenberg, P. Physical accessibility of primary care facilities for people with disabilities: a cross-sectional survey in 31 countries. BMC Health Services Research: 2021, 21(1)
- 2020|Webb, E., Hernandez-Quevedo, C., Scarpetti, G., Edwards, N., Reed, S., Gandré, C., Or, Z., Cascini, F., Winkelmann, J., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de, Bernal-Delgado, E., Angulo-Pueyo, E., Estupiñán-Romero, F., Rajan, S., Chandran, S. Restarting more routine hospital activities during covid-19: approaches from six countries. Eurohealth: 2020, 26(2), p. 68-73.
- 2020|Waitzberg, R., Schmidt, A.E., Blümel, M., Penneau, A., Farmakas, A., Ljungvall, Å, Barbarella, F., Augusto, G.F., Marchildon, G.P., Sperre Saunes, I., Vocanec, D., Milos, I., Carles Contel, J., Murauskiene, L., Kroneman, M., Tambor, M., Hroboñ, P., Wittenberg, R., Allin, S., Or, Z. Mapping variability in allocation of Long-Term Care funds across payer agencies in OECD countries. Health Policy: 2020, 124(5), p. 491-500.
- 2020|Kroneman, M., Bouwman, R., Jong, J. de. Toegang tot medische hulpmiddelen in de thuissituatie: een internationaal verkennend onderzoek. Utrecht: Nivel, 2020. 144 p.
- 2019|Jong, J. de, Kroneman, M., Fermin, A., Legemaate, J., Widdershoven, G., Hansen, J., Esch, T. van, Dijk, L. van. Maatregelen om de vaccinatiegraad in Nederland te verhogen. Een verkenning. Utrecht: Nivel, 2019. 96 p.
- 2019|Spreeuwenberg, P., Kroneman, M., Paget, J. RE: "Reassessing the global mortality burden of the 1918 influenza pandemic". American Journal of Epidemiology: 2019
- 2019|Esch, T. van, Kroneman, M., Potappel, A., Brabers, A., Jong, J. de. Vindbaarheid van informatie op websites van zorgverzekeraars: overstapseizoen 2018-2019. Utrecht: Nivel, 2019. 70 p.
- 2018|Esch, T. van, Brabers, A., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. Kennisvraag hulpmiddelenzorg: een onderzoek naar informatie, knelpunten, eigen betalingen en de keuze van een zorgverzekering. Utrecht: Nivel, 2018. 62 p.
- 2018|Spreeuwenberg, P., Kroneman, M., Paget, J. Reassessing the global mortality burden of the 1918 influenza pandemic. American Journal of Epidemiology: 2018, 187(12), p. 2561-2567.
- 2018|Caini, S., Kroneman, M., Wiegers, T., Guerche Séblain, C. el, Paget, J. Clinical characteristics and severity of influenza infections by virus (sub)type: a literature review. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses: 2018, 12(6), p. 780-792.
- 2018|Kroneman, M., Erp, K. van, Groenewegen, P. Community participation in primary care: willingness to participate, a web survey in the Netherlands. Primary Health Care Research and Development: 2018, 20(e13), p. UNSP e13.
- 2018|Esch, T. van, Brabers, A., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. Kennis van verzekerden over eigen betalingen binnen de Zorgverzekeringswet: een verdiepend onderzoek naar kennis van verzekerden over het eigen risico, eigen bijdragen en compensatieregelingen. Utrecht: Nivel, 2018. 59 p.
- 2018|Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. De huisarts als financiële underdog? In: Levi, M. (eds) De dokter en het geld. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten, 2018. Verkrijgbaar via de website van de uitgever.
- 2018|Quentin, W., Geissler, A., Witenbecher, F., Ballinger, G., Berenson, R., Bloor, K., Forgione, D.A., Köpf, P., Kroneman, M., Serden, L., Suarez, R., Man, J.W. van, Busse, R. Paying hospital specialists: experiences and lessons from eight high-income countries. Health Policy: 2018, 122(5), p. 473-484.
- 2018|Esch, T. van, Brabers, A., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. Potentiële overstapbelemmeringen. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2018.
- 2018|Esch, T. van, Brabers, A., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. Monitor overstapseizoen 2017-2018: een onderzoek naar informatievoorziening door de zorgverzekeraar, potentiële overstapbelemmeringen voor verzekerden en de zorgverzekeraar als zorgadviseur. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2018.
- 2018|Esch, T. van, Brabers, A., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. Informatievoorziening door de zorgverzekeraar. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2018.
- 2018|Esch, T. van, Brabers, A., Kroneman, M., Jong, J. de. De zorgverzekeraar als zorgadviseur. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2018.
- 2016|Groenewegen, P., Kroneman, M., Erp, K. van, Broeren, R., Birgelen, C. van. Kennissynthese: patiëntenparticipatie in de eerste lijn. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2016. 69 p.
- 2016|Panteli, D., Arickx, F., Cleemput, I., Dedet, G., Eckhardt, H., Fogarty, E., Gerkens, S., Henschke, C., Hislop, J., Jommi, C., Kaitelidou, D., Kawalek, P., Keskimäki, I., Kroneman, M., Lopez Bastida, J., Pita Barros, P., Ramsberg, J., Schneider, P., Spillane S., Vogler, S., Vuorenkoski, L., Wallach Kildemoes, H., Wouters, O., Busse, R. Health Systems in Transition. Pharmaceutical regulation in 15 European countries: review 2016. Kopenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016. 146 p.
- 2016|Panteli, D., Aricks, F., Cleemput, I., Dedet, G., Eckhardt, H., Fogarty, E., Gerkens, S., Henschke, C., Hislop, J., Jommi, C., Kaitelidou, D., Kawalee, P., Keskimäki, I., Kroneman, M., Lopez Bastida, J., Barros, P., Ramsberg, J., Schneider, P., Spillane, S., Vogler, S., Vuorenkoski, L., Wallach Kildemoes, H., Wouters, O., Busse, R. Pharmaceutical regulation in 15 European countries: review. Health Systems in Transition: 2016, 18(5), p. 1-118.
- 2016|Jong, J. de, Korevaar, J., Kroneman, M., Dijk, C. van, Bouwhuis, S., Bakker, D. de. Substitutiepotentieel tussen eerste en tweedelijns zorg: communicerende vaten of gescheiden circuits? Utrecht: NIVEL, 2016. 50 p.
- 2016|Kroneman, M., Boerma, W., Berg, M. van den, Groenewegen, P., Jong, J. de, Ginneken, E. van. The Netherlands: health system review. Health system in transition. Kopenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016. 240 p.
- 2015|Batenburg, R., Kroneman, M., Sagan, A. The impact of the crisis on the health system and health in the Netherlands. In: A. Maresso et al. (Eds.) Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe. Country experiences. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2015 p. 247-282.
- 2015|Ginneken, E. van, Kroneman, M. Long term care reform in the Netherlands: too large to handle? Eurohealth: 2015, 21(3), p. 47-50.
- 2015|Kroneman, M., Jong, J.D. de. The basic benefit package: composition and exceptions to the rules. A case study. Health Policy: 2015, 119(3), p. 245-251.
- 2015|Boerma, W., Bourgueil, Y., Cartier, T., Hasvold, T., Kringos, D., Kroneman, M. Overview and future challenges for primary care. In: Kringos, D.S., Boerma, W.G.W., Hutchinson, A., Saltman, R.B. Building primary care in a changing Europe. Kopenhagen: World Health Organization, 2015. 119-134
- 2013|Simonsen, L., Spreeuwenberg, P., Lustig, R., Taylor, R.J., Fleming, D.M., Kroneman, M., Kerkhove, M.D. van, Mounts, A.W., Paget, W.J., GLaMOR Collaborating Teams. Global mortality estimates for the 2009 influenza pandemic from the GLaMOR Project: a modeling study. Plos Medicine: 2013, 10(11), p. e1001558.
- 2013|Kroneman, M., Meeus, P., Kringos, D.S., Groot, W., Zee, J. van der. International developments in revenues and incomes of general practitioners from 2000 to 2010. BMC Health Services Research: 2013, 13(436)
- 2013|Genet, N., Boerma, W., Kroneman, M., Hutchinson, A., Saltman, R.B. Home care across Europe: case studies. Kopenhagen: WHO, 2013. 330 p.
- 2013|Genet, N., Kroneman, M., Boerma, W.G.W. Explaining governmental involvement in home care across Europe: an international comparative study. Health Policy: 2013, 110(1), p. 84-93.
- 2012|Genet, N., Boerma, W., Kroneman, M., Hutchinson, A., Saltman, R.B. Home care across Europe: current structure and future challenges. Kopenhagen: WHO, 2012. 145 p.
- 2012|Kroneman, M., Cardol, M., Friele, R. (De)centralization of social support in six Western European countries. Health Policy: 2012, 106(1), p. 76-87.
- 2012|Genet, N., Boerma, W., Kroneman, M., Hutchinson, A. Home care across Europe: conclusions and the way forward. In: Genet, N.; Boerma, W.; Kroneman, M.; Hutchinson, A.; Saltman, R.B. Home care across Europe: current structure and future challenges. Kopenhagen: WHO, 2012. p. 106-122.
- 2012|Genet, N., Kroneman, M., Chiatti, C., Gulácsi, L., Boerma, W. Home care across Europe: the policy perspective. In: Genet, N.; Boerma, W.; Kroneman, M.; Hutchinson, A.; Saltman, R.B. Home care across Europe: current structure and future challenges. Kopenhagen: WHO, 2012. p. 25-53.
- 2012|Genet, N., Hutchinson, A., Naiditch, M., Garms-Homolova, V., Fagerstrom, C., Melchiorre, M.G., Kroneman, M., Greco, C. Home care acoss Europe: management of the care process. In: Genet, N.; Boerma, W.; Kroneman, M.; Hutchinson, A.; Saltman, R.B. Home care across Europe: current structure and future challenges. Kopenhagen: WHO, 2012. p. 71-104.
- 2011|Zee, J. van der, Kroneman, M. A promising approach in comparative research on care for the elderly. BMC Medicine: 2011, 9(124)
- 2011|Kroneman, M. Paying general practitioners in Europe. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2011.
- 2011|Genet, N.A., Boerma, W.G.W., Kroneman, M. Public authority over home care. European Journal of Public Health: 2011, 21(suppl. 1), p. 39. Abstract. 4th European Public Health Conference: 'Public Health and Welfare - Welfare Development and Public Health' 9-12 november 2011, Copenhagen.
- 2011|Kroneman, M., Zee, J. van der. GP-income development in relation to recent health care reforms: an international comparison. European Journal of Public Health: 2011, 21(suppl. 1), p. 53. Abstract. 4th European Public Health Conference: 'Public Health and Welfare - Welfare Development and Public Health' 9-12 november 2011, Copenhagen.
- 2010|Ginneken, E. van, Schäfer, W., Kroneman, M. Managed competition in the Netherlands: an example for others? Eurohealth: 2010, 16(4), p. 23-26.
- 2010|Kroneman, M., Verheij, R., Tacken, M., Zee, J. van der. Urban-rural health differences: primary care data and self reported data render different results. Health & Place: 2010, 16(5), p. 893-902.
- 2010|Schäfer, W., Kroneman, M., Boerma, W., Berg, M. van den, Westert, G., Devillé, W., Ginneken, E. van. The Netherlands: health system review. Kopenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2010. 229 p.
- 2009|Kroneman, M.W., Zee, J. van der, Groot, W. Income development of general practitioners in eight European countries from 1975 to 2005. BMC Health Services Research: 2009, 9(26)
- 2009|Kroneman, M., Zee, J. van der, Groot, W. Income development of general practitioners in eight European countries from 1975 to 2005. The calculation of the Belgian general practitioner revised. (Comments) BMC Health Services Research: 2009, 9(26)
- 2008|Kroneman, M., Paget, J., Meuwissen, L., Joseph, C., Kennedy, H. An approach to monitor influenza vaccination uptake across Europe. Eurosurveillance: 2008, 13(20)
- 2007|Zee, J. van der, Kroneman, M.W. Bismarck or Beveridge: a beauty contest between dinosaurs. BMC Health Services Research: 2007, 7(94)
- 2007|Kroneman, M.W., Essen, G.A. van. Variations in influenza vaccination coverage among the high-risk population in Sweden in 2003/4 and 2004/5: a population survey. BMC Public Health: 2007, 7(113)
- 2007|Kroneman, M.W., Essen, G.A. van. Stagnating influenza vaccine coverage rates among high-risk groups in Poland and Sweden in 2003/4 and 2004/5. Eurosurveillance Monthly: 2007, 12(4) Internetartikel.
- 2007|Zee, J. van der, Kroneman, M., Volkers, A. Elaboration of socio-economic differences in disease-specific prevalence in The Netherlands. European Journal of Public Health: 2007, 17(suppl. 2), p. 127-128. Abstract. 15th Annual EUPHA Meeting: "The future of public health in the Unified Europe", Helsinki, 11-13 oktober 2007.
- 2007|Kroneman, M., Zee, J. van der, Groot, W. Incomes of general practitioners 1975-2000: a study in eight European countries. European Journal of Public Health: 2007, 17(suppl. 2), p. 107. Abstract. 15th Annual EUPHA Meeting: "The future of public health in the Unified Europe", Helsinki, 11-13 oktober 2007.
- 2006|Kroneman, M., Essen, G.A. van, Paget, J. Influenza vaccination coverage and reasons to refrain among high-risk persons in four European countries. Vaccine: 2006, 24, p. 622-628.
- 2006|Kroneman, M.W., Maarse, H., Zee, J. van der. Direct access in primary care and patient satisfaction: a European study. Health Policy: 2006, 76(1), p. 72-79.
- 2006|Kroneman, M.W., Maarse, J.A.M., Zee, J. van der. Rechtstreekse toegankelijkheid in de gezondheidszorg in relatie tot patiënttevredenheid: een Europees onderzoek. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2006, 49(5), p. 248-253.
- 2005|Zee, J. van der, Kroneman, M. Culture's consequences: the health sector. European Journal of Public Health: 2005, 15(Suppl. 1), p. 110. Abstract. 13th Annual EUPHA Meeting "Promoting the public's health: reorienting health policies, linking health promotion and health care", Graz, 10-12 November 2005.
- 2005|Kroneman, M. Diagnosing rare diseases: health care systems always challenged. In: European conference on rare diseases. p. 39-42.
- 2004|Kroneman, M., Essen, G.A. van. What do we know about influenza vaccine uptake in Europe? ESWI Influenza Bulletin: 2004(5)
- 2004|Zee, J. van der, Kroneman, M., Boerma, W. De Nederlandse huisarts in Europees perspectief. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2004, 47(6), p. 266-273.
- 2004|Zee, J. van der, Kroneman, M., Dorn, T. EUPHA 10 years: the annual conference. In: W. Kirch. Public Health in Europe: 10 years European Public Health Association. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2004. p. 15-37.
- 2004|Kroneman, M.W., Essen, G.A. van, Tacken, M.A.J.B., Paget, W.J., Verheij, R. Does a population survey provide reliable influenza vaccine uptake rates among high-risk groups? A case-study of the Netherlands. Vaccine: 2004, 22, p. 2163-2170.
- 2004|Zee, J. van der, Boerma, W.G.W., Kroneman, M.W. Primary care around the world. In: R. Jones; N. Britten; L. Culpepper; D. Gass; R. Grol; D. Mant; C. Silagy. Oxford textbook of primary medical care: principles and concepts (Volume I). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. p. 51-55.
- 2004|Zee, J. van der, Kroneman, M., Dieteren, W., Maarse, J. Gate-keeping or free access: what do patients prefer: a European study. European Journal of Public Health: 2004, 14(4 Suppl.) 50. Abstract. 12 th Annual EUPHA meeting: Urbanisation and health: new challenges in health promotion and prevention in Oslo, Norway, 7-9 october 2004.
- 2004|Kroneman, M., Siegers, J.J. The effect of hospital bed reduction on the use of beds: a comparative study of 10 European countries. Social Science & Medicine: 2004, 59(8), p. 1731-1740.
- 2003|Zee, J. van der, Kroneman, M., Bolibar, B. Conditions for research in general practice: can the Dutch and British experiences be applied to other countries, for example Spain? European Journal of General Practice: 2003, 9(2), p. 41-47.
- 2003|Kroneman, M., Paget, W.J., Essen, G.A. van. Influenza vaccination in Europe: an inventory of strategies to reach target populations and optimise vaccination uptake. Eurosurveillance Monthly: 2003, 8(6), p. 130-138.
- 2003|Kroneman, M.W., Verheij, R.A. De griepprik in Nederland: motivatie voor deelname en distributiekanalen. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2003. 31 p.
- 2003|Kroneman, M., Oort, M. van, Groenewegen, P., Jong, D. de. Variation in day surgery among Dutch hospitals: the development of a theoretical model to explain variations. Ambulatory Surgery: 2003, 10(2), p. 73-79.
- 2003|Kroneman, M.W., Verheij, R. De griepprik in Nederland: motivatie voor deelname en distributiekanalen. In: M.E. Kroes. Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie: het succes van de griepprik. Diemen: College voor Zorgverzekeringen, 2003. p. 31.
- 2002|Kroneman, M., Paget, J. Influenza-vaccination: an inventory of strategies to reach the target population and optimise vaccination uptake. European Journal of Public Health: 2002, 12(4 suppl.) Abstract. 10th Annual Eupha Meeting 'Bridging the gap between research and policy in public health: information, promotion and training' in Dresden, Germany 28 - 30 November 2002.
- 2002|Kroneman, M., Paget, W.J., Essen, G.A. van. Influenza-vaccination: an inventory of strategies to reach the target population and optimise vaccination uptake. European Journal of Public Health: 2002, 12(4 suppl.), p. 70.
- 2001|Kroneman, M.W., Westert, G.P., Groenewegen, P.P., Delnoij, D.M.J. International variations in availability and diffusion of alternatives to in-patient care in Europe: the case of day surgery. Ambulatory Surgery: 2001, 9(3), p. 147-154.
- 2001|Kroneman, M.W. Healthcare systems and hospital bed use = Gezondheidszorgsystemen en het gebruik van ziekenhuisbedden. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2001. 181 p. Proefschrift Universiteit Utrecht.
- 2001|Kroneman, M., Nagy, J. Introducing DRG-based financing in Hungary: a study into the relationship between supply of hopsital beds and use of these beds under changing instituonal circumstances. Health Policy: 2001, 55(1), p. 19-36.
- 1997|Kroneman, M.W., Zee, J. van der. Health policy as a fuzzy concept: methodological problems encountered when evaluating health policy reforms in an international perspective. Health Policy: 1997, 40(2), p. 139-155.
- 26|Waitzberg, R., Aissat, D., Habicht, T., Hernandez-Quevedo, C., Karanikolos, M., Kroneman, M., Merkur, S., Quentin, W., Scarpetti, G., Webb, E., Williams, G.A., Winkelmann, J., Ginneken, E. van. Compensating healthcare professionals for income losses and extra expenses during COVID-19. Eurohealth: 26, 2020(2), p. 83-87.
2001: PhD, Utrecht University, Sociology
1988: MSc, Wageningen University (cum laude), Home Economics
1988: MSc, Wageningen University (cum laude), Home Economics
Memberships/external committees
Health Systems and Policy Monitor (HSPM-network) (www.hspm.org)
European Reference Network of Neuromuscular Diseases
Health Systems and Policy Monitor (HSPM-network) (www.hspm.org)
European Reference Network of Neuromuscular Diseases