Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur; hoogleraar 'Patiëntveiligheid', Vrije Universiteit / Amsterdam UMC
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Knowledge of and reported asthma management among South Australian general practitioners.
Coates, J.R., Steven, I.D., Beilby, J., Coffey, G., Litt, J.C.B., Wagner, C. Knowledge of and reported asthma management among South Australian general practitioners. British Journal of General Practice: 1994, 44(380), p. 123-126.
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AIM. This study, carried out in 1989, set out to assess general practitioners' knowledge of asthma management and their reported management practices. METHOD. Of 153 randomly selected South Australian general practitioners 127 (83%) completed a questionnaire designed to explore issues relating to the management of asthma. RESULTS. The survey revealed substantial differences between general practitioners in their knowledge and management practices including the assessment of the severity of asthma, the need for objective monitoring, that is by the use of spirometry and peak flow meters, and the use of medication. Overall, the sampled general practitioners believed that patient-related factors were the main barriers to effective treatment of asthma. CONCLUSION. The findings of this study suggest that ideal asthma management was not being attained. More research is required to ascertain why such variability among practitioners exists and how best to remedy these differences. (aut. ref.)
AIM. This study, carried out in 1989, set out to assess general practitioners' knowledge of asthma management and their reported management practices. METHOD. Of 153 randomly selected South Australian general practitioners 127 (83%) completed a questionnaire designed to explore issues relating to the management of asthma. RESULTS. The survey revealed substantial differences between general practitioners in their knowledge and management practices including the assessment of the severity of asthma, the need for objective monitoring, that is by the use of spirometry and peak flow meters, and the use of medication. Overall, the sampled general practitioners believed that patient-related factors were the main barriers to effective treatment of asthma. CONCLUSION. The findings of this study suggest that ideal asthma management was not being attained. More research is required to ascertain why such variability among practitioners exists and how best to remedy these differences. (aut. ref.)