Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur; hoogleraar 'Patiëntveiligheid', Vrije Universiteit / Amsterdam UMC
Publicatie datum
Patient safety in hospitals.
Cuperus-Bosma, J.M., Wagner, C., Wal, G. van der. Patient safety in hospitals. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine: 2006, 18(1), p. 59-64.
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In various studies outside the Netherlands, it has been shown that a substantial number of patients suffer some kind of injury during their treatment in a hospital. The incidence of these so-called adverse events varies between 2.9% and 16.6%; of these, estimates between more than a quarter and up to half are considered to have been avoidable. Preventable adverse events can offer a starting point for interventions to increase patient safety. Therefore, a study has been initiated in Dutch hospitals investigating the nature and extent of adverse events and their causes. Important goals of the study are to reach a consensus on basic concepts and to improve the research methodology.(aut. ref.)
In various studies outside the Netherlands, it has been shown that a substantial number of patients suffer some kind of injury during their treatment in a hospital. The incidence of these so-called adverse events varies between 2.9% and 16.6%; of these, estimates between more than a quarter and up to half are considered to have been avoidable. Preventable adverse events can offer a starting point for interventions to increase patient safety. Therefore, a study has been initiated in Dutch hospitals investigating the nature and extent of adverse events and their causes. Important goals of the study are to reach a consensus on basic concepts and to improve the research methodology.(aut. ref.)