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Qi, W., Abu-Hanna, A., Esch, T.E.M. van, Beurs, D. de, Liu, Y., Flinterman, L.E., Schut, M.C. Explaining heterogeneity of individualized treatment causal effects by subgroup discovery: an observational case study in antibiotics treatment of acute rhino-sinusitis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 2021, 116(102080)
Bakker, E.J.M., Roelofs, P.D.D.M., Kox, J.H.A.M., Miedema, H.S., Francke, A.L., Beek, A.J. van der, Boot, C.R.L. Psychosocial work characteristics associated with distress and intention to leave nursing education among students; A one-year follow-up study. Nurse Education Today: 2021, 101, p. 104853.
Giessen, J.A.M. van der, Dulmen, S. van, Velthuizen, M.E., Muijsenbergh, M.E.T.C. van den, Engelen, K. van, Collée, M., Dalen, T. van, Aalfs, C.M., Hooning, M.J., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Fransen, M.P., Ausems, M.G.E.M. Effect of a health literacy training program for surgical oncologists and specialized nurses on disparities in referral to breast cancer genetic testing. The Breast: 2021, 58, p. 80-87.
Dückers, M. Capturing intervention in its context: the next frontier in disaster response evaluation and scale-up planning. Intervention: 2021, 19(1), p. 4-14.
Kocevska, D., Lysen, T.S., Dotinga, A., Koopman-Verhoeff, M.E., Luijk, M.P.C.M., Antypa, N., Biermasz, N.R., Blokstra, A., Brug, J., Burk, W.J., Comijs, H.C., Corpeleijn, E., Dashti, H.S., Bruin, E.J. de, Graaf, R. de, Derks, I.P.M., Dewald-Kaufmann, J.F., Elders, P.J.M., Gemke, R.J.B.J., Grievink, L., Hale, L., Hartman, C.A., Heijnen, C.J., Huisman, M., Huss, A., Ikram, M.A., Jones, S.E., Klein Velderman, M., Koning, M., Meijer, A.M., Meijer, K., Noordam, R., Oldehinkel, A.J., Oude Groeniger, J., Penninx, B.W.J.H., Picavet, H.S.J., Pieters, S., Reijneveld, S.A., Reitz, E., Renders, C.M., Rodenburg, G., Rutters, F., Smith, M.C., Singh, A.S., Snijder, M.B., Stronks, K., Have, M. ten, Twisk, J.W.R., Mheen, D. van de, Ende, J. van der, Heijden, K.B. van, Velden, P.G. van der, Lenthe, F. van, Litsenburg, R.R.L. van, Oostrom, S.H. van, Schalkwijk, F.J. van, Sheehan, C.M., Verheij, R.A., Verhulst, F.C., Vermeulen, M.C.M., Vermeulen, R.C.H., Verschuren, M.W.M., Vrijkotte, T.G.M., Wijga, A.H., Willemen, A.M., Wolbeek, M. ter, Wood, A.R., Xerxa, Y., Bramer, W.M., Franco, O.H., Luik, A.I., Someren, E.J. W. van, Tiemeier, H. Sleep characteristics across the lifespan in 1.1 million people from the Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nature Human Behaviour: 2021, 5(1), p. 113-122.
Schouten, B., Merten, H., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Nanayakkara, P.W.B., Wagner, C. The incidence and preventability of adverse events in older acutely admitted patients: a longitudinal study with 4292 patient records. Journal of Patient Safety: 2021, 17(3), p.166-173.
Henrard, G., Venmeerbeek, M., Dardenne, N., Rademakers, J. The Vienna self-assessment questionnaire: a usable tool towards more health-literate hospitals? Explorative case studies in three hospitals in Belgium. BMC Health Services Research: 2021, 21(1)
Waard, A.K.M. de, Korevaar, J.C., Hollander, M., Nielen, M.M.J., Seifert, B., Carlsson, A.C., Lionis, C., Søndergaard, J., Schellevis, F.G., Wit, N.J. de. Unwillingness to participate in health checks for cardiometabolic diseases: a survey among primary health care patients in five European countries. Health Science Reports: 2021, 4(2), p. 11 p..
Döpp, C.M.E., Drenth, H., Verkade, P.J., Francke, A.L., Heide, I. van der. Interventions for improving self-direction in people with dementia: a systematic review. BMC Geriatrics: 2021, 21(1)
Kooijman, M. Management of patients with shoulder pain in primary care: a pause for reflection = Begeleiding van patiënten met schouderpijn in de eerstelijns gezondheidszorg: een denkpauze. Utrecht: Nivel, 2021. 147 p. p. Proefschrift van de Universiteit Utrecht
Blom, W.M., Dijk, L.M. van, Michelsen-Huisman, A., Houben, G.F., Knulst, A.C., Linders, Y.F.M., Verhoeckx, K.C.M., Holleman, B.C., Lentz, L.R. Allergen labelling: current practice and improvement from a communication perspective. Clinical and Experimental Allergy: 2021, 51(4), p. 574-584.
Maass, S.W.M.C., Brandenbarg, D., Boerman, L.M., Verhaak, P.F.M., Bock, G.H. de, Berendsen, A.J. Fatigue among long-term breast cancer survivors: a controlled cross-sectional study. Cancers: 2021, 13(6), p. 11 p..
Lauriola, P., Olmedo, P.M., Leonardi, G., Bouland, C., Verheij, R., Dückers, M., Tongeren, M. van, Laghi, F., Hazel, P. Van Der, Gokdemir, O., Segredo, E., Ethel, R.A., Abelsohn, A., Bianchi, F., Romizi, R., Miserotti, G., Romizi, F., Bortolotti, P., Vinci, E., Giustetto, G., Santamaria, M., Serafini, A., Pegoraro, S., Agius, R., Zeka, A. On the importance of primary and community healthcare in relation to global health threats: lessons from the COVID-19 crisis. BMJ Global Health: 2021, 6(3), p. e004111.
Liemburg, G.B., Brandenbarg, D., Berger, M.Y., Duijts, S.F.A., Holtman, G.A., Bock, G.H. de, Korevaar, J.C., Berendsen, A.J. Diagnostic accuracy of follow-up tests for detecting colorectal cancer recurrences in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Cancer Care: 2021, 30(5), p. e13432.
Stol, D.M., Over, E.A.B., Badenbroek, I.F., Hollander, M., Nielen, M.M.J., Kraaijenhagen, R.A., Schellevis, F.G., Wit, N.J. de, Wit, G.A. de. Cost-effectiveness of a stepwise cardiometabolic disease prevention program: results of a randomized controlled trial in primary care. BMC Medicine: 2021, 19(1)
Jong, W., Dückers, M.L.A., Velden, P.G. van der. Provision of social support by mayors in times of crisis: a cross-sectional study among Dutch mayors. European Journal of Psychotraumatology: 2021, 12(1)
Borghouts-van de Pas, I., Bosmans, M., Freese, C. Unemployment prevention: the role of Human Resource Management in job-to-job transitions in the event of redundancy. European Journal of Social Security: 2021, 23(2), p. 103-119.
Beulens, A.J.W., Brinkman, W.M., Umari, P., Koldewijn, E.L., Hendrikx, A.J.M., Basten, J.P. van, Merriënboer, J.J.G. van, Poel, H.G. van der, Bangma, C., Wagner, C. Identifying the relationship between postoperative urinary continence and residual urethra stump measurements in robot assisted radical prostatectomy patients. International Journal of Medical Robotics + Computer Assisted Surgery: 2021, 17(2), p. Art. nr. e2196.
Camus-Carcía, E., González-González, A.I., Heijmans, M., Niño de Guzmán, E., Valli, C., Beltran, J., Pardo-Hernandez, H., Ninov, L., Strammiello, V., Immonen, K., Mavridis, D., Ballester, M., Suñol, R., Orrego, C. Self-management interventions for adults living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): The development of a Core Outcome Set for COMPAR-EU project. PLoS One: 2021, 16(3), p. e0247522.
Roodbeen, R.T.J., Dijkstra, R.I., Schelleman-Offermans, K., Friele, R., Mheen, H.D. van de. Examining the intended and unintended impacts of raising a minimum legal drinking age on primary and secondary societal harm and violence from a contextual policy perspective: a scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 2021, 18(4)
Hansen, J., Wilson, P., Verhoeven, E., Kroneman, M., Kirwan, M., Verheij, R., Veen, E.B. van. Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR. Brussels: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021. 262 p.
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Verhoeven, E., Kroneman, M., Wilson, P., Kirwan, M., Verheij, R., Veen, E.B. van, Hansen, J. Country fiches for all EU MS: annex to the study ‘Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR’. Specific Contract No SC 2019 70 02 in the context of the Single Framework Contract Chafea/2018/Health/03. Luxembourg: European Union, 2021. 222 p.
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Visscher, B.B., Steunenberg, B., Zwikker, H., Heerdink, E.R., Rademakers, J.J.D.J.M. The impact of health literacy on beliefs about medication in a Dutch medication-using population. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology: 2021, 77(8), p. 1219-1224.
Houwen, J., Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Stappers, H.W., Spaendonck, K. van, Duinhoven, A. van, olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van. How to learn skilled communication in primary care MUS consultations: a focus group study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care: 2021, 39(1), p. 101-110.
Baliatsas, C., Gerbecks, J., Dückers, M.L.A., Yzermans, C.J. Human health risks of conducted electrical weapon exposure: a systematic review. JAMA Network Open: 2021, 4(2), p. e2037209.
Maas, L., Kisjes, A., Hashemi, I., Heijmans, F., Dalpiaz, F., Dulmen, S. van, Brinkkemper, S. Automated medical reporting: from multimodal inputs to medical reports through knowledge graphs. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 509-514, ISBN: 978-989-758-490-9
Vervloet, M., Weesie, Y.M., Kocks, J.W.H., Dijk, L. van, Korevaar, J. Relationship between inhaled corticosteroids adherence, short-acting beta agonists use, exacerbations and self-reported asthma control. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: 2021, 43(1), p. 300. Abstract of the 24th annual meeting fo ESPACOMP.
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Reukers, D.F.M., Asten, L. van, Brandsema, P.S., Dijkstra, F., Hendriksen, J.M.T., Hoek, W. van der, Hooiveld, M., Lange, M.M.A. de, Niessen, F.A., Teirlinck, A.C., Meijer, A., Gageldonk-Lafeber, A.B. van. Annual report Surveillance of influenza and other respiratory infections in the Netherlands: winter 2019/2020. Bilthoven: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), 2021. 146 p. p.
Chan, A.H.Y., Vervloet, M., Lycett, H., Brabers, A., Dijk, L. van, Horne, R. Development and validation of a self-report measure of practical barriers to medication adherence - the Medication Practical barriers to Adherence Questionnaire (MPRAQ). British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology: 2021, 87(11), p. 4197-4211.
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Vries, M. de, Claassen, L., Wierik, M.J.M. te, Hof, S. van den, Brabers, A.E.M., Jong, J.D. de, Timmermans, D.R.M., Timen, A. Dynamic public perceptions of the coronavirus disease crisis, the Netherlands, 2020. Emerging Infectious Diseases: 2021, 27(4), p.1098-1109.
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