Beter leren communiceren
Ziek zijn vraagt veel van mensen. De energie die hen dan vaak ontbreekt om ook nog actief participerende zorgconsumenten te (moeten) zijn, wil ik met mijn onderzoek compenseren door vanuit hun perspectief de communicatie in de zorg te aanschouwen en met hen te verbeteren.
Goede communicatie is nodig om er achter te komen wat iemand mankeert maar ook om iemand gerust te stellen, om te weten welke behandelmogelijkheden er zijn, wat je kunt doen om beter te worden of hoe je zo lang mogelijk gezond blijft. Voor veel mensen blijkt het lastig om helder te communiceren of informatie goed te begrijpen. Deze mensen wil ik met mijn onderzoek ondersteunen door bijvoorbeeld gesprekken goed voor te bereiden of hen te leren op een andere manier te communiceren.
Lopende Projecten
- 2025|Kleye, I., Hedén, L., Sundler, A.J., Darcy, L., Dulmen, S. van, Karlsson, K. Increasing child involvement by understanding emotional expression during needle procedures: a video-0bservational intervention study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing: 2025
- 2024|Verheijden, M., Timmerman, A., Buck, D. de, Bruin, A. de, Eertwegh, V. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Essers, G.T.J.M., Vleuten, C. van der, Giroldi, E. Unravelling the art of developing skilled communication: a longitudinal qualitative research study in General Practice training. Advances in Health Sciences Education: 2024
- 2024|Noordman, J., Noordam, D., Treeck, J. van, Prantl, K., Pennings, P., Borsje, P., Heinen, M., Emond, Y., Rake, E., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Visual decision aids to support communication and Shared Decision-Making: how are they valued and used in practice? PLoS One: 2024, 19(12), p. Art. nr. e0314732.
- 2024|Mentink, M., Noordman, J., Timmer-Bonte, A., Busch, M., Dulmen, S. van. Fostering the conversation about complementary medicine: acceptability and usefulness of two communication-supporting tools for patients with cancer. Current Oncology: 2024, 31(11), p. 7414-7425.
- 2024|Noordam, D., Heijmans, M., Noordman, J., Olde Hartman, T., Dulmen, S. van. Mental healthcare and pragmatic shared decision-making in general practice: an interview study. BJGP Open: 2024
- 2024|Scheffer, M., Menting, J., Rausch-Koster, P., Nispen, R. van, Dulmen, S. van. Looking beyond the eyes of the patient: the importance of effective communication in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration. Acta Ophthalmologica: 2024, 103(2), p. 205-214.
- 2024|Mentink, M., Vliet, L. van, Busch, M., Timmer-Bonte, A., Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. Communication and information about complementary medicine in a Dutch oncology setting: interviewing patients and providers on their experiences and needs. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice: 2024, 57, p. Art. nr. 101916.
- 2024|Sundler, A.J., Lund, M., Dulmen, S. van, Carlsson Lalloo, E. Exploring experiences of ageing in older adults living with HIV in Sweden: a qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being: 2024, 19(1), p. Art. nr. 2393752.
- 2024|McGhie-Fraser, B., Ballering, A., Lucassen, P., McLoughlin, C., Brouwers, E., Stone, J., Olde Hartman, T., Dulmen, S. van. Validation of the Persistent Somatic Symptoms Stigma scale for Healthcare Professionals (PSSS-HCP). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology: 2024, 174, p. Art. nr. 111505.
- 2024|Mentink, M., Jansen, J., Noordman, J., Vliet, L. van, Busch, M., Dulmen, S. van. Interprofessional contact with conventional healthcare providers in oncology: a survey among complementary medicine practitioners. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies: 2024, 24(1), p. Art. nr. 285.
- 2024|Tejedor García. C., Heuvel, H. van den, Hessen, A.J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Pieters, T. An innovative methodology utilizing AI-based automatic speech recognition for transcribing Dutch patient-provider consultation recordings. Zenodo: 2024, p. 4. Presentation of the Digital Humanities Benelux 2024 Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 4-7 June 2024
- 2024|Muijsenbergh, M. van den, Das, E., Dulmen, S. van. Hoe overbrug je de communicatiekloof bij laaggeletterdheid of anderstaligheid? Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2024, 67(6), p. 42-45.
- 2024|Heijmans, M., Leemrijse, C., Dulmen, S. van. Primaire preventie artrose: aanbevelingen voor communicatie en informatie aan risicogroepen. Utrecht: Nivel, 2024. 62 p.
- 2024|Engelen, M.M., Franken, M.C.J.P., Stipdonk, L.W., Horton, S.E., Jackson, V.E., Reilly, S., Morgan, A.T., Fisher, S.E., Dulmen, S. van, Eising, E. The association between stuttering burden and psychosocial aspects of life in adults. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research: 2024, 67(5), p. 1385-1399.
- 2024|Dulmen, S. van, Wal, G. van der, Boor, K., Noordam, D. Toetsing kwaliteit keuzehulp onbedoelde zwangerschap.: , 2024. 43 p.
- 2024|Oorschot, F. van, Brouwers, M., Muris, J., Veen, M., Timmerman, A., Dulmen, S. van. How does guided group reflection work to support professional identity formation in postgraduate medical education: a scoping review. Medical Teacher: 2025, 47, p. 425–435.
- 2024|Bosch, S.C.V. van den, Dalen, D. van, Meinders, M., Goor, H. van, Aa, M.A. van der, Stommel, M., Dulmen, S. van. Outpatient video visits during the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional survey study of patients' experiences and characteristics. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2024, 26, p. Art. nr. e49058.
- 2024|Scheffer, M., Menting, J., Boeije, H., Nispen, R. van, Dulmen, S. van. Understanding healthcare communication in age-related macular degeneration care: a mixed-methods review of patients' perspectives. Survey of Ophthalomology: 2024, 69(4), p. 646-660.
- 2024|Noordam, D., Noordman, J., Braak, G. van den, Visee, H., Bakker, A., Batenburg, R., Olde Hartman, T., Dulmen, S. van. Shared decision-making in undergraduate nursing and medical education: an explorative dual-method study . Patient Education and Counseling: 2024, 123, p. Art. nr. 108246.
- 2024|Makoul, G., Noble, L., Gulbrandsen, P., Dulmen, S. van. Reinforcing the humanity in healthcare: the Glasgow Consensus Statement on effective communication in clinical encounters. Patient Education and Counseling: 2024, 122, p. Art. nr. 108158.
- 2024|Zandvoort, D. van, Wiersema, L., Huibers, T., Dulmen, S. van, Brinkkemper, S. Enhancing summarization performance through transformer-based prompt engineering in automated medical reporting. arXiv: 2024
- 2024|Faber, W., Bootsma, R.E., Huibers, T., Dulmen, S. van, Brinkkemper, S. Comparative experimentation of accuracy metrics in automated medical reporting: the case of Otitis consultations. arXiv: 2024
- 2023|Sundler, A.J., Hedén, L., Holmström, I.K., Dulmen, S. van, Bergman, K., Östensson, S., Östman, M. The patient's first point of contact (PINPOINT) - protocol of a prospective multicenter study of communication and decision-making during patient assessments by primary care registered nurses. BMC Primary Care: 2023, 24(1), p. Art. nr. 249.
- 2023|Dulmen, S. van, Smits, L. Palliatieve zorg vaart wel bij aandacht voor woorden. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde: 2023, 167, p. D7748.
- 2023|Mentink, M., Verbeek, D., Noordman, J., Timmer-Bonte, A., Rosenstiel, I. von, Dulmen, S. van. The effects of complementary therapies on patient reported outcomes: an overview of recentsystematic reviews in oncology. Cancers: 2023, 15(18), p. Art. nr. 4513.
- 2023|Schouten, A.E.M., Mentink, M.D.C., Timmer-Bonte, J.A.N.H., Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. Perspectives and attitudes of Dutch healthcare professionals regarding the integration of complementary medicine in oncology. Integrative Cancer Therapies: 2023, 22
- 2023|Höglander, J., Holmström, I., Lövenmark, A., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H., Sundler, A. Nurse-patient communication: an integrative review for future direction in nursing research. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 109(Suppl. S), p. 69. Meeting abstract
- 2023|Noordman, J., Roodbeen, R., Gach, L., Schulze, L., Muijsenbergh, M. van den, Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Evaluation of a blended training programme for professionals in hospital-based palliative care. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 109(Suppl. S.), p. 72. Meeting abstract
- 2023|Stortenbeker, I., olde Hartman, T., Stommel, W., Dulmen, S. van, Das, E. Exploring the relationship between GP and patient language use: the case of (un)explained symptoms. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 109(Suppl. S), p. 42-43. Meeting abstract
- 2023|Dulmen, S. van. Patient experiences and provider perspectives on genital surgery on young children with DSD. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 109(Suppl. S), p. 123. Meeting abstract
- 2023|Vliet, L.M. van, Leeuwenburgh, M.L.R., Westendorp, J., Dulmen, S. van, Jong, P.C. de, Stouthard, J.M.L. Good versus bad news consultations in advanced breast cancer: the role of empathy in information recall - an observational study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care: 2023
- 2023|Noordam, D., Heijmans, M., Dulmen, S. van. Zorgtrajecten depressie en persoonlijkheidsproblematiek vanuit de huisartspraktijk: ervaringen van huisartsen, POH-GGZ, cliënten en naasten. Utrecht: Nivel, 2023. 71 p.
- 2023|Wegstapel, J., Hartog, T. den, Sneekes, M., Staal, B., Scheer-Horst, E. van der, Dulmen, S. van, Brinkkemper, S. Automated identification of yellow flags and their signal terms in physiotherapeutic consultation transcripts. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies BIOSTEC - (Volume 5) / [ed] Federico Cabitza, Ana Fred and Hugo Gamboa, SciTePress, 2023, Vol. 5, p. 530-537
- 2023|Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H., Finset, A. Implementing lifestyle interventions in clinical practice: the importance of adherence. Patient Education and Counseling: 2023, 109, p. Art. nr. 107651. Editorial
- 2023|McGhie-Fraser, B., Lucassen, P., Ballering, A., Abma, I., Brouwers, E., Dulmen, S. van, olde Hartman, T. Persistent somatic symptom related stigmatisation by healthcare professionals: a systematic review of questionnaire measurement instruments. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 2023, 166, p. Art. nr. 111161.
- 2023|Heyn, L.G., Løkkeberg, S.T., Ellington, L., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. Understanding the role of positive emotions in healthcare communication - a realist review. Nursing Open: 2023, 10(6), p. 3447-3459.
- 2023|Heyn, L.G., Løkkeberg, S.T., Ellington, L., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. Understanding the role of positive emotions in healthcare communication - a realist review. Nursing Open: 2023
- 2023|Höglander, J., Hölstrom, I.K., Lövenmark, A., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H., Sundler, A.J. Registered nurse-patient communication research: an integrative review for future directions in nursing research. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2023, 79(2), p. 539-562.
- 2022|Leemrijse, C., Dulmen, S. van. Genitale operaties bij kinderen met DSD jonger dan 12 jaar. Utrecht: Nivel, 2022. 58 p.
- 2022|Smissen, D. van der, Rietjens, J.A.C., Dulmen, S. van, Drenthen, T., Vrijaldehoven-Haitsma, F.R.M.D., Wulp, M., Heide, A. van der, Korfage, I.J. The web-based advance care planning program "Explore your preferences for treatment and care": development, pilot study, and before-and-after evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2022, 24(12), p. Art. nr. e38561.
- 2022|Pouls, B.P.H., Bekker, C.L., Gundogan, F., Hebing, R.C.F., Onzenoort, H.A.W. van, Ven, L.I. van de, Vonkeman, H.E., Tieben, R., Vriezekolk, J.E., Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B. van den. Gaming for adherence to medication using e-health in rheumatoid arthritis (GAMER) study – a randomised clinical trial. RMD Open: 2022, 8(2), p. Art. nr.: e002616.
- 2022|Gaal, B.G.I. van, Engelen, M.M., Adriaansen, M.J., Vermeulen, H., Laat, E. de, Dulmen, S. van. Lessons learned from patients with spinal cord injury in managing pressure ulcers: a qualitative study. Journal of Tissue Viability: 2022, 31(4), p. 794-799.
- 2022|Plug, I., Dulmen, S. van, Stommel, W., olde Hartman, T.C., Das, E. Physicians' and patients' interruptions in clinical practice: a quantitative analysis. Annals of Family Medicine: 2022, 20(5), p. 423-429.
- 2022|Mentink, M.D.C., Vliet, L.M. van, Timmer-Bonte, J.A.N.H., Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. How is complementary medicine discussed in oncology? Observing real-life communication between clinicians and patients with advanced cancer. Patient Education and Counseling: 2022, 105(11), p 3235-3241.
- 2022|Noordman, J., Roodbeen, R., Gach, L., Schulze, L., Rademakers, J., Muijsenbergh, M. van den, Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. ‘A basic understanding’; evaluation of a blended training programme for healthcare providers in hospital‑based palliative care to improve communication with patients with limited health literacy. BMC Medical Education: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 613.
- 2022|Stommel, W., Plug, I., Olde Hartman, T.C., Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Dulmen, S. van, Das, E. Gender stereotyping in medical interaction: a Membership Categorization Analysis. Patient Education and Counseling: 2022, 105(11), p. 3242-3248.
- 2022|Dulmen, S. van, Roodbeen, R., Schulze, L., Prantl, K., Rookmaaker, M., Jaarsveld, B. van, Noordman, J., Abrahams, A. Practices and perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals on shared decision-making in nephrology. BMC Nephrology: 2022, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 258.
- 2022|Stortenbeker, I., Salm, L., olde Hartman, T.C., Stommel, W., Das, E., Dulmen, S. van. Coding linguistic elements in clinical interactions: a step-by-step guide for analyzing communication form. BMC Medical Research Methodology: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 191.
- 2022|Engelen, M., Gaal, B. van, Vermeulen, H., Zuidema, R., Bredie, S., Dulmen, S. van. The influencing contexts and potential mechanisms behind the use of online self-management support interventions: a realist evaluation. JMIR Human Factors: 2022, 9(3), p. Art. nr. e34925.
- 2022|Scheffer, M., Menting, J., Roodbeen, R., Dulmen, S. van, Hecke, M. van, Schlingemann, R., Nispen, R. van, Boeije, H. Patients’ and health professionals’ views on shared decision-making in age-related macular degeneration care: a qualitative study. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics: 2022
- 2022|Alders, I., Smits, C., Brand, P., Dulmen, S. van. Patient coaching: what do patients want? A mixed methods study in waiting rooms of outpatient clinics. PLoS One: 2022, 17(6), p. Art. nr. e0269677.
- 2022|Dulmen, A.M. van, Heijmans, M. Genderbewust bejegenen; manvrouwverschillen bij reumatische aandoeningen. PiL: Praktijkgerichte nascholing over farmacotherapie in de eerste lijn: 2022, 12(1)
- 2022|Pouls, B.P.H., Bekker, C.L., Dulmen, S. van, Vriezekolk, J.E., Bemt, B.J.F. van den. A serious puzzle game to enhance adherence to antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: systematic development using Intervention Mapping. JMIR Serious Games: 2022, 10(1), p. Art. nr. e31570.
- 2022|Otte, R., Roodbeen, R., Boland, G., Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. Affective communication with patients with limited health literacy in the palliative phase of COPD or lung cancer: analysis of video-recorded consultations in outpatient care. PLoS One: 2022, 17(2), p. Art. nr. e0263433.
- 2022|Sanders, A.R.J., Wit, N.J. de, Zuithoff, N.P.A., Dulmen, S. van. The effect of shared decision-making on recovery from non-chronic a-specific low back pain in primary care; a three-perspective post-hoc analysis. BMC Family Practice: 2022, 23(1), p. Art. nr. 22.
- 2022|Pouls, B., Bekker, C., Vriezekolk, J., Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B. van den. Results of the gamer trial: gaming for adherence to medication using e-health in rheumatoid arthritis. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy: 2022, 44, p. 276–299. Abstract of the 25th Annual Meeting of ESPACOMP, the International Society for Medication Adherence, 08–19 November 2021
- 2022|Voshaar, M.J.H., Bemt, B.J.F. van den, Laar, M.A.F.J. van de, Dulmen, A.M. van, Vriezekolk, J.E. Healthcare professionals’ perceptions on barriers and facilitators to DMARD use in rheumatoid arthritis. BMC Health Services Research: 2022, 22(1), p. Art. nr. 62.
- 2022|Stortenbeker, I., olde Hartman, T., Kwerreveld, A., Stommel, W., Dulmen, S. van, Das, E. Unexplained versus explained symptoms: the difference is not in patients’ language use: a quantitative analysis of linguistic markers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 2022, 152, p. Art. nr. 110667.
- 2022|Dulmen, S. van, Plug, I. Mannelijke en vrouwelijke huisartsen communiceren anders, toch? In: Lagro-Janssen, T., Teunissen, D. (eds) Gendersensitieve huisartsgeneeskunde Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten.
Dit hoofdstuk is verkrijgbaar via de website van de uitgever. p. 55-64. - 2022|Houwen, J., Bont, O.A. de, Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Rosmalen, J.G.M., Stappers, H.W., olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van. Development of a blended communication intervention and training program for managing medically unexplained symptoms in primary care using an intervention mapping approach. Patient Education and Counseling: 2022, 105(5), p. 1305-1316.
- 2022|Geurts, E.M.A., Pittens, C.A.C.M., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van, Noordman, J. Persuasive communication in medical decision-making during consultations with patients with limited health literacy in hospital-based palliative care. Patient Education and Counseling: 2022, 105(5), p. 1130-1137.
- 2022|Dulmen, S. van, Peereboom, E., Schulze, L., Prantl, K., Rookmaaker, M., Jaarsveld, B.C. van, Abrahams, A.C., Roodbeen, R. The use of implicit persuasion in decision-making about treatment for end-stage kidney disease. Peritoneal Dialysis International: 2022, 42(4), p. 377-386.
- 2022|Stortenbeker, I., Stommel, W., olde Hartman, T., Dulmen, S. van, Das, E. How general practitioners raise psychosocial concerns as a potential cause of medically unexplained symptoms: a conversation analysis. Health Communication: 2022, 37(6), p. 696-707.
- 2021|Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van, Vervloet, M. Infographic. Online feedbackportal: hulpmiddel voor zorgverleners in de communicatie met patiënten. Utrecht: Nivel, 2021. 2 p.
- 2021|Bijman, D., Zoetelief, I., Braak, G. van den, Visee, H., Batenburg, R., Noordman, J., Noordam, D., Dulmen, S. van. Scholing en opleiding in Samen Beslissen: een inventarisatie. Amsterdam / Utrecht: Regioplan / Nivel, 2021. 105 p.
- 2021|Westendorp, J., Evers, A.W.M., Stouthard, J.M.L., Budding, J., Wall, E. van der, Plum, N.M.F., Velting, M., Francke, A.L., Dulmen, S. van, olde Hartman, T.C., Vliet, L.M. van. Mind your words: oncologist's communication that potentially harms patients with advanced cancer: a survey on patient perspectives. Cancer: 2021, 128(5), p. 1133-1140.
- 2021|Mentink, M., Noordman, J., Busch, M., Vliet, L. van, Timmer-Bonte, J.A., Dulmen, S. van. Towards an open and effective dialogue on complementary medicine in oncology: protocol of patient participatory study 'COMMON'. BMJ Open: 2021, 11(10), p. nr. e053005.
- 2021|Vliet, L.M. van, Meijers, M.C., Dulmen, S. van, Wall, E. van der, Plum, N., Stouthard, J., Francke, A.L. Addressing challenges in information-provision: a qualitative study among oncologists and women with advanced breast cancer. BMC Palliative Care: 2021, 20(1), p. Art. nr. 142.
- 2021|Dulmen, S. van, Plug, I. Gender en communicatie. In: T. Lagro-Janssen & D. Teunissen, Eds). Gendersensitieve huisartsgeneeskunde: een handboek voor de praktijk, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2021
- 2021|Roodbeen, R.T.J., Noordman, J., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Shared decision-making in practice and the perspectives of health care professionals on video-recorded consultations with patients with low health literacy in the palliative phase of their disease. Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice: 2021, 6(1)
- 2021|Alders, I.M.R., Dulmen, S. van, Smits, C.H.M., Marcus-Varwijk, A.E., Groen-van de Ven, L., Brand, P.L.P. Patient coaching in secondary care: healthcare professionals’ views on target group, intervention and coach profile. International Journal for Quality in Health Care: 2021, 33(3), p. mzab094.
- 2021|Engelen, M., Dulmen, S. van, Vermeulen, H., Laat, E. de, Gaal, B. de. The content and effectiveness of self-management support interventions for people at risk of pressure ulcers: a systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies: 2021, 122(Oct), p. art. nr. 104014.
- 2021|Heuckelum, M. van, Ende, C.H.M. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van, Bemt, B.J.F. van den. Electronic monitoring feedback for improving medication adherence and clinical outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized clinical trial. Patient Preference and Adherence: 2021, 15, p. 1107-1119.
- 2021|Smissen, D. van der, Rietjens, J.A.C., Gemert-Pijnen, L. van, Dulmen, S. van, Heide, A. van der, Korfage, I.J. Information needs of patients with chronic diseases and their relatives for web-based advance care planning: a qualitative interview study. BMC Palliative Care: 2021, 20(1), p. Art. nr. 77.
- 2021|Vliet, L.M. van, Noordman, J., Mijnlieff, M., Roodbeen, R., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Health literacy, information provision and satisfaction in advanced cancer consultations: two observational studies using level of education as a proxy. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care: 2021
- 2021|Hopstaken, J.S., Dalen, D. van, Kolk, B.M. van der, Geenen, E.J.M. van, Hermans, J.J., Gootjes, E.C., Schers, H.J., Dulmen, A.M. van, Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van, Stommel, M.W.J. Continuity of care experienced by patients in a multi-institutional pancreatic care network: a pilot study. BMC Health Services Research: 2021, 21(1), p. Art. nr. 416.
- 2021|Giessen, J.A.M. van der, Dulmen, S. van, Velthuizen, M.E., Muijsenbergh, M.E.T.C. van den, Engelen, K. van, Collée, M., Dalen, T. van, Aalfs, C.M., Hooning, M.J., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Fransen, M.P., Ausems, M.G.E.M. Effect of a health literacy training program for surgical oncologists and specialized nurses on disparities in referral to breast cancer genetic testing. The Breast: 2021, 58, p. 80-87.
- 2021|Houwen, J., Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Stappers, H.W., Spaendonck, K. van, Duinhoven, A. van, olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van. How to learn skilled communication in primary care MUS consultations: a focus group study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care: 2021, 39(1), p. 101-110.
- 2021|Maas, L., Kisjes, A., Hashemi, I., Heijmans, F., Dalpiaz, F., Dulmen, S. van, Brinkkemper, S. Automated medical reporting: from multimodal inputs to medical reports through knowledge graphs. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 509-514, ISBN: 978-989-758-490-9
- 2021|Pouls, B.P.H., Vriezekolk, J.E., Bekker, C.L., Linn, A.J., Onzenoort, H.A.W. van, Vervloet, M., Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B.J.F. van den. Effect of interactive eHealth interventions on improving medication adherence in adults with long-term medication: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2021, 23(1), p. e18901.
- 2021|Voshaar, M.J.H., Vriezekolk, J.E., Dulmen, A.M. van, Bemt, B.J.F. van den, Laar, M.A.F.J van de. Ranking facilitators and barriers of medication adherence by patients with inflammatory arthritis: a maximum difference scaling exercise. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: 2021, 22(21)
- 2021|Plug, I., Stommel, W., Lucassen, P., Olde Hartman, T., Dulmen, S. van, Das, E. Do women and men use language differently in spoken face-to-face interaction? A scoping review. Review of Communication Research: 2021, 9, p. 43-79.
- 2021|Pouls, B.P.H., Vriezekolk, J.E., Bekker, C.L., Linn, A.J., Onzenoort, H.A.W. van, Vervloet, M., Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B.J.F. van den. Effect of interactive eHealth interventions on improving medication adherence in adults with long-term medication: systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2021, 23(1), e18901
- 2021|Giessen, J. van der, Fransen, M.P., Spreeuwenberg, P., Velthuizen, M., Dulmen, S. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M. Communication about breast cancer genetic counseling with patients with limited health literacy or a migrant background: evaluation of a training program for healthcare professionals. Journal of Community Genetics: 2021, 12(1), p. 91-99.
- 2021|Westendorp, J., Stouthard, J., Meijers, M.C., Neyrinck, B.A.M., Jong, P. de, Dulmen, S. van, Vliet, L.M. van. The power of clinician-expressed empathy to increase information recall in advanced breast cancer care: an observational study in clinical care, exploring the mediating role of anxiety. Patient Education and Counseling: 2021, 104(5), p. 1109-1115.
- 2021|Giessen, J.A.M. van der, Ausems, M.G.E.M., Riel, E. van, Jong, A. de, Fransen, M.P., Dulmen, S. van. Development of a plain-language guide for discussing breast cancer genetic counseling and testing with patients with limited health literacy. Supportive Care in Cancer: 2021, 29(6), p. 2895-2905.
- 2021|Giessen, J.A.M. van der, Ausems, M.G.E.M., Riel, E. van, Jong, A. de, Fransen, M.P., Dulmen, S. van. Development of a plain-language guide for discussing breast cancer genetic counseling and testing with patients with limited health literacy. Supportive Care in Cancer: 2021, 29(6), p. 2895-2905.
- 2021|Heuckelum, M. van, Hebing, R.C.F., Vandeberg, L., Linn, A.J., Flendrie, M., Nurmohamed, M.T., Dulmen, S. van, Ende, C.H.M. van den, Bemt, B.J.F. van den. Are health care professionals’ implicit and explicit attitudes toward conventional disease‐modifying antirheumatic drugs associated with those of their patients? Arthritis Care and Research: 2021, 73(3), p. 364-373.
- 2021|Sieben, A., Onzenoort, H.A.W. van, Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van, Bredie, S.J.H., Dulmen, S. van. Identification of cardiovascular patient groups at risk for poor medication adherence: a cluster analysis Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing: 2021, 36(9/10), p. 489-497.
- 2021|Heuckelum, M. van, Hebing, R.C.F., Vandeberg, L., Linn, A., Dijk, L. van, Vervloet, M., Flendrie, M., Nurmohamed, M.T., Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B.J.F. van den, Ende, C.H.M. van den. Are health care professionals’ implicit and explicit attitudes toward conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic
drugs associated with those of their patients? Arthritis Care and Research: 2021, 73(3), p. 364-373. - 2020|Houwen, J., Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Verwiel, A., Stappers, H.W., Assendelft, W.J.J., olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van. Door huisartsen ervaren communicatieproblemen bij SOLK. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2020(juli)
- 2020|Houwen, J., Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Verwiel, A., Stappers, H.W., Assendelft, W.J.J., Dulmen, S. van. Hoe en wanneer herkennen huisartsen SOLK? Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2020(juli)
- 2020|Meijers, M., olde Hartman, T., Dulmen, S. van, Noordman, J. Patiënten stellen meer praktische vragen aan de huisarts. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2020(augustus)
- 2020|Menting, J., Roodbeen, R., Scheffer, M., Dulmen, S. van, Nispen, R. van, Boeije, H. Informatievoorziening en communicatie binnen het zorgtraject maculadegeneratie: ervaringen van patiënten en zorgverleners. Utrecht: Nivel, 2020. 92 p.
- 2020|Alders, I., Henselmans, I., Smits, C., Visscher, T., Heijmans, M., Rademakers, J., Brand, P.L.P., Dulmen, S. van. Corrigendum to "Patient coaching in specialist consultations. Which patients are interested in a coach and what communication barriers do they perceive?" [Patient Educ. Couns. 102 (2019) 1520-1527]. Patient Education and Counseling: 2020, 103(2), p. 431-431.
- 2020|Dulmen, S. van, Roodbeen, R., Noordman, J. Tijd voor samen beslissen: perspectieven van patiënten, zorgverleners en zorgverzekeraars Utrecht: Nivel, 2020. 61 p.
- 2020|Noordam, D., Magnée, T., Pilgram, R., Dulmen, S. van, Noordman, J. Welke taal spreekt de POH-GGZ: ‘ggz-taal’ of ‘huisarts-taal’? Tijdschrift voor praktijkondersteuners en praktijkverpleegkundigen: 2020(3), p. 36-37.
- 2020|Noordman, J., Schulze, L., Roodbeen, R., Boland, G., Vliet, L.M. van, Muijsenbergh, M. van den, Dulmen, S. van. Instrumental and affective communication with patients with limited health literacy in the palliative phase of cancer or COPD. BMC Palliative Care: 2020, 19(1)
- 2020|Engelen, M.M., Dulmen, S. van, Puijk-Hekman, S., Vermeulen, H., Nijhuis-van der Sanden M.W.G., Bredie, S.J.H., Gaal, B.G.I. van. Evaluation of a web-based self-management program for patients with cardiovascular disease: explorative randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2020, 22(7), p. e17422.
- 2020|Roodbeen, R., Vreke, A., Boland, G., Rademakers, J., Muijsenberg, M. van den, Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. Communication and shared decision-making with patients with limited health literacy; helpful strategies, barriers and suggestions for improvement reported by hospital-based palliative care providers. PLoS One: 2020, 15(6), p. e0234926.
- 2020|Hoffstadt, H., Stouthard, J., Meijers, M.C., Westendorp, J., Henselmans, I., Spreeuwenberg, P., Jong, P. de, Dulmen, S. van, Vliet, L.M. van. Patients’ and clinicians’ perceptions of clinician-expressed empathy in advanced cancer consultations and associations with patient outcomes. Palliative Medicine Reports: 2020, 1(1), p. 76-83.
- 2020|Meijers, M., Potappel, A., Kloek, C., olde Hartman, T., Spreeuwenberg, P., Dulmen, S. van, Noordman, J. Shifts in patients’ question-asking behaviour between 2007 and 2016: an observational study of video recorded general practice consultations’. Patient Education and Counseling: 2020, 103(6), p. 1168-1175.
- 2020|Scheffelaar, A., Bos, N., Jong, M. de, Triemstra, M., Dulmen, S. van, Luijkx, K. Lessons learned from participatory research to enhance client participation in long-term care research: a multiple case study. Research Involvement and Engagement: 2020, 6(27), p. 17 p..
- 2020|Stuij, S.M., Drossaert, C.H.C., Nanon, H.M., Labrie, N.H.M., Hulsman, R.L., Kersten, M.J., Dulmen, S. van, Smets, E.M.A. Developing a digital training tool to support oncologists in the skill of information-provision: a user centred approach. BMC Medical Education: 2020, 20(135)
- 2020|Giessen, J.A.M. van der, Ausems, M.G.E.M., Muijsenbergh, M.E.T.C. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Fransen, M.P. Systematic development of a training program for healthcare professionals to improve communication about breast cancer genetic counseling with low health literate patients. Familial Cancer: 2020, 19(4), p. 281-290.
- 2020|Smissen, D. van der, Overbeek, A., Dulmen, S. van, Gemert-Pijnen, L., Heide, A. van der, Rietjens, J.A.C., Korfage, I.J. The feasibility and effectiveness of web-based advance care planning programs: scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2020, 22(3), p. 16 p..
- 2020|Stortenbeker, J.A., Stommel, W., Dulmen, S. van, Lucassen, P., Das, E., olde Hartman, T. Linguistic and interactional aspects that characterize consultations about medically unexplained symptoms: a systematic review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 2020, 132(109994)
- 2020|Sundling, V., Hafskjold, L., Eklund, J.H., Holmström, I.K., Höglander, J., Sundler, A.J., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. Emotional communication in home care: a comparison between Norway and Sweden. Patient Education and Counseling: 2020, 103(8), p. 1546-1553.
- 2020|Scheffelaar, A., Bos, N., Triemstra, M., Jong, M. de, Luijkx, K., Dulmen, S. van. Qualitative instruments involving clients as co-researchers to assess and improve the quality of care relationships in long-term care: an evaluation of instruments to enhance client participation in quality research. BMJ Open: 2020, 10(2), p. 14 p..
- 2020|Brembo, E.A., Eide, H., Lauritzen, M., Dulmen, S. van, Kasper, J. Building ground for didactics in a patient decision aid for hip osteoarthritis: exploring patient-related barriers and facilitators towards shared decision-making. Patient Education and Counseling: 2020, 103(7), p. 1343-1350.
- 2020|Pon, E. du, Dooren, A. van, Kleefstra, N., Dulmen, S. van. Effects of a proactive interdisciplinary self-management program on patient self-efficacy and participation during practice nurse consultations: a randomized controlled trial in type 2 diabetes. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research: 2020, 12(2), p. 79-89.
- 2020|Engelen, M.M., Dulmen, S. van, Nijhuis-van der Sanden M.W.G., Adriaansen, M.J.M., Vermeulen, H., Bredie, S.J.H., Gaal, B.G.I. van. Self-management support in cardiovascular consultations by advanced practice nurses trained in motivational interviewing: an observational study. Patient Education and Counseling: 2020, 103(1), p. 159-164.
- 2020|Lehmann, V., Labrie, N.H.M., Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Haes, H.J.C.J.M. de, Kersten, M.J., Pieterse, A.H., Smets, E.M.A. Provider caring and structuring treatment information to improve cancer patients’ recall: does it help? Patient Education and Counseling: 2020, 103(1), p. 55-62.
- 2020|Houwen, J., Lucassen, P.L., Dongelmans, S., Stappers, H.W., Assendelft, W.J., Dulmen, S. van, olde Hartman, T.C. Medically unexplained symptoms: time to and triggers for diagnosis in primary care consultations. British Journal of General Practice: 2020, 70(691), p. e86-e94.
- 2020|Pon, E. du, Kleefstra, N., Cleveringa, F., Dooren, A. van, Heerdink, E.R., Dulmen, S. van. Effects of the proactive interdisciplinary self-management (PRISMA) program on online care platform usage in patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Diabetes Research: 2020(5013142), p. 10 p..
- 2020|Terpstra, T., Gol, J., Lucassen, P., Houwen, J., Dulmen, S. van, Berger, M., Rosmalen, J., olde Hartman, T. Explanations for medically unexplained symptoms: a qualitative study on GPs in daily practice consultations. Family Practice: 2020(cmz032), p. 124-130.
- 2020|Vliet, L.M. van, Godfried, M.B., Deelen, G.W. van, Kaunang, M., Kaptchuk, T.J., Dulmen, S. van, Thiel, B., Bensing, J.M. Placebo effects of nurses' communication alongside standard medical care on pain and other outcomes: a randomized controlled trial in clinical tonsillectomy care. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics: 2020, 89(1), p. 56-58. Includes supplement.
- 2020|Lehmann, V., Labrie, N.H.M., Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Haes, H.J.C.J.M. de, Kersten, M.J., Pieterse, A.H., Smets, E.M.A. Tailoring the amount of treatment information to cancer patients’ and survivors’ preferences: effects on patient-reported outcomes. Patient Education and Counseling: 2020, 103(3), p. 514-520.
- 2020|Driesenaar, J.A., Dulmen, S. van, Weert, J.C.M. van, Noordman, J. Patients’ evaluation of a preparatory online communication tool for older patients with cancer preceding chemotherapy. Cancer Nursing: 2020, 43(2), p E71-E78.
- 2019|Meijers, M.C., Noordman, J., Spreeuwenberg, P., olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van. Shared decision-making in general practice: an observational study comparing 2007 and 2015. Family Practice: 2019, 36(3), p. 357-364.
- 2019|Stortenbeker, I., Houwen, J., Dulmen, S. van, olde Hartman, T., Das, E. Quantifying implicit uncertainty in primary care consultations: a systematic comparison of communication about medically explained versus unexplained symptoms. Patient Education and Counseling: 2019, 102, p. 2349-2352.
- 2019|Houwen, J., Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Verwiel, A., Stappers, H.W., Assendelft, W.J.J., olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van. Which difficulties do GPs experience in consultations with patients with unexplained symptoms: a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice: 2019, 20(180)
- 2019|Pon, E. du, Kleefstra, N., Cleveringa, F., Dooren, A. van, Heerdink, E.R., Dulmen, S. van. Effects of the Proactive Interdisciplinary self-management (PRISMA) program on self-reported and clinical outcomes in type 2 diabetes: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Endocrine Disorders: 2019(139)
- 2019|Potappel, A.J.C., Meijers, M.C., Kloek, C., Victoor, A., Noordman, J., olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van, Jong, J.D. de. To what degree do patients actively choose their healthcare provider at the point of referral by their GP? A video observation study BMC Family Practice: 2019, 20(166)
- 2019|Pon, E. du, Wildeboer, A.T., Dooren, A.A. van, Bilo, H.J.G., Kleefstra, N., Dulmen, A.M. van. Active participation of patients with Type 2 diabetes in consultations with their primary care practice nurses – what helps and what hinders: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research: 2019((1):814)
- 2019|Heuckelum, M. van, Linn, A.J., Vandeberg, L., Hebing, R.C.F., Dijk, L. van, Vervloet, M., Flendrie, M., Nurmohamed, M.T., Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B.J.F. van den, Ende, C.H.M. van den. Implicit and explicit attitudes towards disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs as possible target for improving medication adherence. PLoS One: 2019, 14(8), p. e0221290.
- 2019|Vliet, L.M. van, Francke, A.L., Meijers, M.C., Westendorp, J., Hoffstadt, H., Evers, A.W.M., Wall, E. van der, Jong, P. de, Peerdeman, K.J., Stouthard, J.M.L., Dulmen, S. van. The use of expectancy and empathy when communicating with patients with advanced breast cancer: an observational study of clinicianp-patient consultations. Frontiers in Psychiatry: 2019, 10(464)
- 2019|Scheffelaar, A., Hendriks, M., Bos, N., Luijkx, K., Dulmen, S. van. Determinants of the quality of care relationships in long-term care: a participatory study. BMC Health Services Research: 2019, 19(389)
- 2019|Sieben, A., Onzenoort, H.A.W. van, Dulmen, S. van, Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van, Bredie, S.J.H. A nurse-based intervention for improving medication adherence in cardiovascular patients: an evaluation of a randomized controlled trial. Patient Preference and Adherence: 2019, 13(5), p. 837-852.
- 2019|Sieben, A., Bredie, S.J.H., Luijten, J.C.H.B.M., Laarhoven, C.J.H.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Onzenoort, H.A.W. van. Prior medication adherence of participants and non participants of a randomized controlled trial to improve patient adherence in cardiovascular risk management. BMC Medical Research Methodology: 2019, 19(95)
- 2019|Spronk, I., Meijers, M., Heins, M., Francke, A., Elwyn, G., Lindert, A.C.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Vliet, L.M. van. Availability and effectiveness of decision aids for supporting shared decision making in patients with advanced colorectal and lung cancer: results from a systematic review. European Journal of Cancer Care: 2019, 28(3), p. e13079.
- 2019|Labrie, N., Dulmen, S. van, Kersten, M.J., Haes, H.J. de, Pieterse, A.H., Weert, J.C.M. van, Spronsen, D.J. van, Smets, E.M.A. Effective information provision about the side effects of treatment for malignant lymphoma: protocol of a randomized controlled trial using video vignettes. JMIR Research Protocols: 2019, 8(5), p. e12453.
- 2019|Rubinelli, S., Silverman, J., Aelbrecht, K., Deveugele, M., Finset, A., Humphris, G., Martin, P., Rosenbaum, M., Dulmen, S. van, Weel-Baumgarten, E. van. Developing the international association for communication in healthcare (EACH) to address current challenges of health communication. Patient Education and Counseling: 2019, 102(6), p. 1217-1221.
- 2019|Pon, E. du, Azzati, S. el, Dooren, A. van, Kleefstra, N., Heerdink, E., Dulmen, S. van. Effects of a PRo‐active Interdisciplinary Self‐MAnagement (PRISMA) program on medication adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care: a randomized controlled trial. Patient Preference and Adherence: 2019, 13, p. 749-759.
- 2019|Noordman, J., Vliet, L. van, Kaunang, M., Muijsenbergh, M. van den, Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Towards appropriate information provision for and decision-making with patients with limited health literacy in hospital-based palliative care in Western countries: a scoping review into available communication strategies and tools for healthcare providers. BMC Palliative Care: 2019, 18(37)
- 2019|Höglander, J., Sundler, A.J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Holmström, I.K., Eide, H., Dulmen, S. van. Emotional communication with older people: a cross-sectional study of home care. Nursing & Health Sciences: 2019, 21(3), p. 382-389.
- 2019|Alders, I., Henselmans, I., Smits, C., Visscher, T., Heijmans, M., Rademakers, J., Brand, P.L.P., Dulmen, S. van. Patient coaching in specialist consultations: which patients are interested in a coach and what communication barriers do they perceive? Patient Education and Counseling: 2019(8), p. 1520-1527.
- 2019|Gol, J., Terpstra, T., Lucassen, P., Houwen, J., Dulmen, S. van, olde Hartman, T.C., Rosmalen, J. Symptom management for medically unexplained symptoms in primary care: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice: 2019, 69(681), p. e254-e261.
- 2019|Noordman, J., Driesenaar, J.A., Bruinessen, I.R. van, Portielje, J., Dulmen, S. van. Evaluation and implementation of ListeningTime; a web-based preparatory communication tool for elderly patients with cancer and their healthcare providers. JMIR Cancer: 2019, 5((1):e11556)
- 2019|Zuidema, R., Dulmen, S. van, Nijhuis-van der Sanden M.W.G., Fransen, J., Gaal, B.G.I. van. Lessons learned from patients with access to an online self-management enhancing program for RA patients: qualitative analysis of interviews alongside a randomized clinical trial. Patient Education and Counseling: 2019, 102(6), p. 1170-1177.
- 2019|Houwen, J., Moorthaemer, B.J.E., Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Akkermans, R.P., Assendelft, W.J.J., olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van. The association between patients’ expectations and experiences of task‐, affect‐ and therapy‐oriented communication and their anxiety in medically unexplained symptoms consultations. Health Expectations: 2019, 22(3), p. 338-347.
- 2019|Zuidema, R., Dulmen, S. van, Nijhuis-van der Sanden M., Meek, I., Ende, C. van den, Fransen, J., Gaal, B. van. Efficacy of an online self-management enhancing programme for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: an explorative RCT Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2019, 21(4), p. e12463.
- 2018|Heins, M., Schellevis, F., Schotman, M., Bezooijen, B. van, Tchaoussoglou, I., Waart, M. van der, Veldhuis, L., Dulmen, S. van, Donker, G., Korevaar, J. Feasibility and acceptability of follow-up for prostate cancer in primary care: a pilot study. BJGP Open: 2018, 2(4), p. bjgpopen18X101616.
- 2018|Makoul, G., Rubinelli, S., Dulmen, S. van, Liu, X.A., Vozennilek, J., Zambeaux, A. Bringing patient-centered innovation to Patient Education & Counseling. Patient Education and Counseling: 2018, 101(11), p. 1883.
- 2018|Scheffelaar, A., Hendriks, M., Bos, N., Luijkx, K.G., Dulmen, S. van. Protocol for a participatory study for developing qualitative instruments measuring the quality of long-term care relationships. BMJ Open: 2018, 8(11), p. e022895.
- 2018|Scheffelaar, A., Bos, N., Hendriks, M., Dulmen, S. van, Luijkx, K. Determinants of the quality of care relationships in long-term care: a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research: 2018, 18(903)
- 2018|Stuij, S.M., Labrie, N.H.M., Dulmen, S. van, Kersten, M.J., Christoph, N., Hulsman, R.L., Smets, E. Developing a digital communication training tool on information provision in oncology: uncovering learning needs and training preferences. BMC Medical Education: 2018, 18(220)
- 2018|Helsper, C.W., Vliet, L.M. van, Velthuizen, M.E., Wit, N.J. de, Beijaert, R.P.H., Butter, E., Gent-Wagemakers, M.P.L. van, Witteveen, P.O., Zweemer, R.P., Dulmen, A.M. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M. Identifying patients with a history of ovarian cancer for referral for genetic counselling: non-randomised comparison of two case-finding strategies in primary care. British Journal of General Practice: 2018, 68(676), p. e750-e756.
- 2018|Nes, A.A.G., Dulmen, S. van, Brembo, E.A., Eide, H. An mHealth intervention for persons with diabetes type 2 based on acceptance and commitment therapy principles: examining treatment fidelity. JMIR mHealth and uHealth: 2018, 6(7), p. e151.
- 2018|Vliet, L. van, Spronk, I., Heins, M., Dulmen, S. van. Supporting patients to ‘live until they die’ – preconditions for successful SDM in palliative cancer care. SMDM Newsletter: 2018(Spring)
- 2018|Stortenbeker, J.A., Houwen, J., Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Stappers, H.W., Assendelft, W.J.J., Dulmen, S. van, olde Hartman, T.C., Das, E. Quantifying positive communication: doctor's language and patient anxiety in primary care consultations. Patient Education and Counseling: 2018, 101(9), p. 1577-1584.
- 2018|Spronk, I., Dulmen, S. van, Heins, M., Vliet, L. van. Gedeelde besluitvorming bij niet-curabele long- en darmkanker: rapport in opdracht van Zorginstituut Nederland, Programma Zinnige Zorg. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2018. 52 p.
- 2017|Dulmen, S. van, Brembo, E., Dugstad, J., Eide, H. Person-centred technology-supported interventions. In: B. McCormack, S. van Dulmen, H. Eide, K.I. Skovahl, T. Eide. Person-Centred Healthcare Research. Tom Eide (Eds). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
This chapter is available from the publisher's website.
p. 159-167. - 2017|Vliet, L.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Thiel, B., Deelen, G.W. van, Immerzeel, S., Godfried, M.B., Bensing, J.M. Examining the effects of enhanced provider-patient communication on postoperative pain: protocol of a randomized controlled trial performed in daily clinical care. BMJ Open: 2017, 7(11), p. e015505.
- 2017|Pon, E. du, Kleefstra, N., Dooren, A.A. van, Bilo, H.J.G., Dulmen, A.M. van. DESTINE. A practice-based intervention to increase empowerment in patients with type 2 diabetes: a study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Management: 2017, 7(4), p. 330-336.
- 2017|Howick, J., Fanshawe, T., Mebius, A., Bishop, F., Mistiaen, P., Osch, M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Lewith, G. Positive messages may reduce patient pain: a meta-analysis. European Journal of Integrative Medicine: 2017, 11, p. 31-38.
- 2017|Eide, H., Dulmen, S. van, Vaglum, P., Mellblom, A. Editiorial. Patient Education and Counseling Patient Education and Counseling: 2017, 100(11), p. 2075.
- 2017|Noordman, J., Driesenaar, J.A., Henselmans, I., Heijmans, M., Verboom, J., Dulmen, S. van. Patient participation during oncological encounters: barriers and facilitators experienced by elderly cancer patients. Patient Education and Counseling: 2017, 100(17), p. 2262-2268.
- 2017|Houwen, J., Lucassen, P., Stappers, H.W., Assendelft, P.J.J., Dulmen, S. van, olde Hartman, T.C. Medically unexplained symptoms: the person, the symptoms and the dialogue. Family Practice: 2017, 34(2), p. 245-251.
- 2017|Heuckelum, M. van, Ende, C.H.M. van den, Houterman, A.E.J., Dulmen, S. van, Bent, B.J.F. van den. The effect of electronic monitoring feedback on medication adherence and clinical outcomes: a systematic review. PLoS One: 2017, 12(10), p. e0185453.
- 2017|Houwen, J., Lucassen, P., Stappers, H.W., Assendelft, P.J.J., Dulmen, S. van, olde Hartman, T.C. Improving GP communication in consultations on medically unexplained symptoms: a qualitative interview study with patients in primary care. British Journal of General Practice: 2017, 67(663), p. e716-e723.
- 2017|Brand, P.L.P., Dulmen, S. van. Can we trust what parents tell us? A systematic review. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews: 2017, 24, p. 65-71.
- 2017|Zwikker, H., Lesuis, N., Broeder, A. den, Ende, C. van den, Horne, R., Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B. van den. Rheumatologists’ beliefs about medication barely differ from patients’ medication beliefs. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare: 2017, 5(3), p. 308-314.
- 2017|Giessen, J.A.M. van der, Riel, E. van, Veldhuizen, M.E., Dulmen, A.M. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M. Referral to cancer genetic counseling: do migrant status and patients’ educational background matter? Journal of Community Genetics: 2017, 8(4), p. 303-310.
- 2017|Dulmen, S. van, Smits, L., Eide, H. Filling in memory gaps through emotional communication: promising pathways in caring for persons with dementia. Patient Education and Counseling: 2017, 100(11), p. 2121-2124.
- 2017|Dulmen, S. van. Listen: when words don't come easy. Patient Education and Counseling: 2017, 100(11), p. 1975-1978.
- 2017|Paternotte, E., Dulmen, S. van, Bank, L., Seeleman, C.M., Scheele, F. Intercultural communication through the eyes of patients: experiences and preferences. International Journal of Medical Education: 2017, 7(8), p. 170-175.
- 2017|Noordman, J., Driesenaar, J.A., Bruinessen, I.R. van, Dulmen, S. van. ListeningTime; participatory development of a web-based preparatory communication tool for elderly cancer patients and their healthcare providers. Internet Interventions: 2017, 9(10), p. 51-56.
- 2017|Hafskjold, L., Sundling, V., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. The use of supportive communication when responding to older people’s emotional distress in home care: an observational study. BMC Nursing: 2017, 16(24)
- 2017|Baars, J.E., Dulmen, S. van, Veldhuizen, M.E. van, Riel, E. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M. Breast cancer genetic counseling among Dutch patients from Turkish and Moroccan descent: participation determinants, and perspectives of patients and healthcare professionals. Journal of Community Genetics: 2017, 8, p. 97-108.
- 2017|Dulmen, S. van, Driesenaar, J.A., Weert, J.C.M. van, Osch, M. van, Noordman, J. PatientVOICE: development of a preparatory, pre-chemotherapy online communication tool for older patients with cancer. JMIR Research Protocols: 2017, 6(5)
- 2017|Bruinessen, I.R. van, Leegwater, B., Dulmen, S. van. When patients take the initiative to audio-record a clinical consultation. Patient Education and Counseling: 2017, 100(8), p. 1552-1557.
- 2017|Brembo, E.A., Kapstad, H., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. Role of self-efficacy and social support in short-term recovery after total hip replacement: a prospective cohort study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes: 2017, 15(68)
- 2017|Beurs, D. de, Bruinessen, I.R. van, Noordman, J., Friele, R., Dulmen, S. van. Active involvement of the end-user when developing web-based mental health interventions. Frontiers in Psychiatry: 2017, 8(72)
- 2017|Osch, M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Vliet, L. van, Bensing, J.M. Specifying the effects of physician's communication on patients’ outcomes: a randomised controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling: 2017, 100(8), p. 1482-1489.
- 2017|Verkerk, E., Verbiest, M., Dulmen, S. van, Wees, P. van der, Terwee, C., Beurskens, S., Boer, D. de, Bakker, C., Vajda, I., Zuidgeest, M. De PROM-toolbox: tools voor de selectie en toepassing van PROMs in de gezondheidszorg. Diemen/Utrecht: Zorginstituut Nederland, Nederlandse Federatie van Universitair Medische Centra, 2017. 26 p.
- 2017|Alders, I., Smits, C., Brand, P., Dulmen, S. van. Does patient coaching make a difference in patient-physician communication during specialist consultations? A systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling: 2017, 100(5), p. 882-896.
- 2017|Puijk-Hekman, S., Gaal, B.G.I. van, Bredie, S.J., Nijhuis-van der Sanden M.W.G., Dulmen, S. van. Self-management support program for patients with cardiovascular diseases: user-centered development of the tailored, web-based program vascular view. JMIR Research Protocols: 2017, 6(2), p. e18.
- 2017|Vliet, L.M. van, Helsper, C.W., Velthuizen, M.E., Dulmen, A.M. van, Zweemer, R.P., Witteveen, P.O., Butter, E.S.F.A., Luijt, R.B. van der, Gent-Wagemakers, M.P.L. van, Beijaert, R.P.H., Wit, N.J. de, Ausems, M.G.E.M. Actively approaching women with a history of ovarian cancer for genetic counselling by GP, desirable and feasible? In: Abstractbook Ca-PRI the Cancer and Primary care Research International network Conference: Edinburg, 19th of April 2017.
- 2017|Heins, M.J., Schellevis, F.G., Schotman, M., Bezooijen, B.P.J. van, Tchaoussoglou, I.C., Waart, M.A.C. van der, Veldhuis, L.T.M., Dulmen, A.M. van, Donker, G.A., Korevaar, J.C. Feasibility and acceptability of follow-up for prostate cancer in primary care. In: Abstractbook Ca-PRI the Cancer and Primary care Research International network Conference: Edinburg, 19th of April 2017.
- 2017|Jacobs, G., Zijpp, T. van der, Lieshout, F. van, Dulmen, S. van. Research into person-centred healthcare technology: a plea for considering humanization dimensions. In: B. McCormack, S. van Dulmen, H. Eide, K.I. Skovahl, T. Eide. Person-Centred Healthcare Research. Tom Eide (Eds). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
This chapter is available from the publisher's website.
- 2017|Eide, H., Hafskjold, L., Sundling, V., Dulmen, S. van. Person‐centred communication research: systematic observation of real life practice. In: B. McCormack, S. van Dulmen, H. Eide, K.I. Skovahl, T. Eide. Person-Centred Healthcare Research. Tom Eide (Eds). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
This chapter is available from the publisher's website.
p. 191-200. - 2017|McCormack, B., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H., Skovdalh, K., Eide, T. Person-centredness in healthcare policy, practice and research. In: B. McCormack, S. van Dulmen, H. Eide, K.I. Skovahl, T. Eide. Person-Centred Healthcare Research. Tom Eide (Eds). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
This chapter is available from the publisher's website.
p. 3-17. - 2017|Dulmen, S. van, McCormack, B., Eide, T., Skovdalh, K., Eide, H. Future directions for person-centred research. In: B. McCormack, S. van Dulmen, H. Eide, K.I. Skovahl, T. Eide. Person-Centred Healthcare Research. Tom Eide (Eds). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2017.
This chapter is available from the publisher's website.
p. 209-218. - 2017|Bruinessen, I. van, Klooster, J.W. van 't, Boessen, A., Heide, L. van der, Vollenbroek-Hutten, M., Dulmen, S. van. Involving end-users in the development and implementation of a web-based, physical activity platform for elderly.: , 2017. 145-149 p. Abstract. In: Abstractbook IADIS E-Health 2017, 20-22 July 2017, Lisbon.
- 2017|Klooster, J.W. van 't, Bruinessen, I. van, Boessen, A., Heide, L. van der, Vollenbroek-Hutten, M., Dulmen, S. van. Introducing personalised self-management to support physical activity in elderly: a case study.: , 2017. 27-33 p. Abstract. In: Abstractbook IADIS E-Health 2017, 20-22 July 2017, Lisbon.
- 2017|Nes, A.A.G., Dulmen, S. van, Wicksell, R., Fors, E.A., Eide, H. Analyzing change processes resulting from a smartphone maintenance intervention based on acceptance and commitment therapy for women with chronic widespread pain. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine: 2017, 24(2), p. 215-229.
- 2016|Sundling, V., Dulmen, S. van, Elde, H. Communication self-efficacy in optometry: the mediating role of mindfulness. Scandinavian Journal of Optometry and Visual Science: 2016, 9(2), p. 8-12.
- 2016|Voshaar, M., Vriezekolk, J., Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B. van den, Laar, M. van de. Barriers and facilitators to disease-modifying antirheumatic drug use in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases: a qualitative theory-based study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: 2016, 17(1), p. 442.
- 2016|Bruinessen, I.R. van, Weel-Baumgarten, E.M. van, Gouw, H., Zijlstra, J.M., Dulmen, S. van. An integrated process and outcome evaluation of a web-based communication tool for patients with malignant lymphoma: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2016, 18(7), p. e206.
- 2016|Driesenaar, J.A., Smet, P.A.G.M. de, Hulten, R. van, Hu, L., Dulmen, A.M. van. Communication during counseling sessions about inhaled corticosteroids at the community pharmacy. Patient Preference and Adherence: 2016, 10, p. 2239-2254.
- 2016|Bruinessen, I.R. van, Hout, L.E. van der, Weel-Baumgarten, E.M. van, Gouw, H., Zijlstra, J.M., Dulmen, S. van. Communication during haematological consultations; patients' preferences and professionals' performances. Annals of Hematology: 2016, 95(7), p. 1177-1183.
- 2016|Paternotte, E., Scheele, F., Seeleman, C.M., Bank, L., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A., Dulmen, A.M. van. Intercultural doctor-patient communication in daily outpatient care: relevant communication skills. Perspectives on Medical Education: 2016, 5(5), p. 268-275.
- 2016|Paternotte, E., Scheele, F., Rossum, T.R. van, Seeleman, C.M., Scherpbier, A.J.J.A., Dulmen, A.M. van. How do medical specialists value their own intercultural communication behaviour? A reflective practice study. BMC Medical Education: 2016, 16(222)
- 2016|Eide, T., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. Educating for ethical leadership through web-based coaching. A feasibility study. Nursing Ethics: 2016, 23(8), p. 851-865.
- 2016|Makoul, G., Dulmen, S. van. What is effective doctor-patient communication? Review of the evidence. In: J. Brown; J. Kidd; L. Noble; A. Papageorgiou. Clinical communication in medicine. Wiley Blackwell, 2016.
- 2016|Vliet, L.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Mistiaen, P., Bensing, J.M. De placebo-effecten van goede communicatie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde: 2016, 160, p. D251.
- 2016|Driesenaar, J.A., Smet, P.A.G.M. de, Hulten, R. van, Horne, R., Zwikker, H.E., Bemt, B.J.F. van den, Dulmen, S. van. Beliefs about inhaled corticosteroids: comparison of community pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and patients with asthma. Journal of Asthma: 2016, 53(10), p. 1051-1058.
- 2016|Hafskjold, L., Eide, T., Holmström, I.K., Sundling, V., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. Older persons' worries expressed during home care visits: exploring the content of cues and concerns identified by the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences. Patient Education and Counseling: 2016, 99(12), p. 1955–1963.
- 2016|Bruinessen, I.R. van, Ende, I.T.A. van den, Visser, I.N.C., Dulmen, S. van. The impact of watching educational video clips on analogue patients' physiological arousal and information recall. Patient Education and Counseling: 2016, 99(2), p. 243-249.
- 2016|Griep, E.C.M., Noordman, J., Dulmen, A.M. van. Practice nurses mental health provide space to patients to discuss unpleasant emotions. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: 2016, 23(2), p. 77-85.
- 2016|Driesenaar, J.A., Smet, P.A.G.M. de, Hulten, R. van, Noordman, J., Dulmen, A.M. van. Cue-responding behaviors during pharmacy counseling sessions with patients with asthma about inhaled corticosteroids: Potential relations with medication beliefs and self-reported adherence. Health Communication: 2016, 31(10), p. 1266-1275.
- 2016|Sundler, A.J., Eide, H., Dulmen, S. van, Holmström, I.K. Communicative challenges in the home care of older persons: a qualitative exploration. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2016, 72(10), p. 2435-2444.
- 2016|Brembo, E.A., Kapstad, H., Eide, T., Mansson, L., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. Patient information and emotional needs across the hip osteoarthritis continuum: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research: 2016, 16(88)
- 2016|Baars, J.E., Dulmen, A.M. van, Velthuizen, M.E., Theunissen, E.B.M., Vrouenraets, B.C., Kimmings, A.N., Dalen, T. van, Ooijen, B. van, Witkamp, A.J., Aa, M.A. van der, Ausems, M.G.E.M. Migrant breast cancer patients and their participation in genetic counseling: results from a registry-based study. Familial Cancer: 2016, 15(2), p. 163-172.
- 2016|Veenvliet, C., Eide, H., Lange, M.A. de, Dulmen, S. van. Towards enhanced emotional interactions with older persons: findings from a nursing intervention in home health care. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine: 2016, 6(3), p. 191-199.
- 2016|Dulmen, S. van. Patiëntgerichte communiceren. In: P.W. Dielissen, E.J. van der Jagt; A.A. Timmerman (Eds.). Handboek effectieve communicatie in de huisartsenpraktijk. Houten: Prelum: Medische media en nascholing, 2016.
- 2016|Faber, M.J., Dulmen, S. van, Kinnersley, P. Using interventions with patients before clinical encounters to encourage their participation. In: G. Elwyn, A.Edwards, R. Thompson (eds). Shared Decision Making in Health Care: achieving evidence-based patient choice. 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press, 2016.
This publication can be found on the publisher's website. - 2016|Yzermans, J., Baliatsas, C., Dulmen, S. van, Kamp, I. van. Assessing non-specific symptoms in epidemiological studies: development and validation of the Symptoms and Perceptions (SaP) questionnaire. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health: 2016, 219(1), p. 53-65.
- 2016|Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. The consequences of task delegation for the process of care: female patients seem to benefit more. Women & Health: 2016, 56(2), p. 194-207.
- 2016|Wiering, B.M., Noordman, J., Tates, K., Zwaanswijk, M., Elwyn, G., Bont, E.S.J.M. de, Beishuizen, A., Hoogerbrugge, P.M., Dulmen, A.M. van. Sharing decisions during diagnostic consultations: an observational study in pediatric oncology. Patient Education and Counseling: 2016, 99(1), p. 61-67.
- 2016|Mistiaen, P., Osch, M. van, Vliet, L. van, Howick, J., Bishop, F.L., Blasi, Z. di, Bensing, J., Dulmen, S. van. The effect of patient-provider communication on pain: a systematic review. European Journal of Pain: 2016, 20(5), p. 675-688.
- 2016|Gaal, B.G.I. van, Bredie, S.J., Goossens, P.J.J., Repping-Wuts, H., Dulmen, S. van, Nijhuis-van der Sanden M.W.G. Self-made & sound: e-health self-management support programs for patients with chronic conditions. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2016, 72(suppl. 1), p. 82. Abstract. 5th European Nursing Congress: 'Caring for older people: how can we do the right things right?' 4-7 oktober 2016, Rotterdam.
- 2016|Puijk-Hekman, S., Gaal, B.G.I. van, Bredie, S.J., Nijhuis-van der Sanden M.W.G., Dulmen, S. van. Testing an online self-management program for patients with CVR: an explorative RCT. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2016, 72(suppl. 1), p. 82. Abstract. 5th European Nursing Congress: 'Caring for older people: how can we do the right things right?' 4-7 oktober 2016, Rotterdam.
- 2016|Zuidema, R.M., Gaal, B.G.I. van, Dulmen, S. van, Repping-Wuts, H., Nijhuis-van der Sanden M.W.G. Evaluating an online self-management program for patients with RA: an explorative RCT. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2016, 72(suppl. 1), p. 82. Abstract. 5th European Nursing Congress: 'Caring for older people: how can we do the right things right?' 4-7 oktober 2016, Rotterdam.
- 2016|Albada, A., Dulmen, S. van, Dijkstra, H., Wieffer, I., Witkamp, A., Ausems, M.G.E.M. Counselees’ expressed level of understanding of the risk estimate and surveillance recommendation are not associated with breast cancer surveillance adherence. Journal of Genetic Counseling: 2016, 25(2), p. 279-289.
- 2016|Martin, L., Gitsels-van der Wal, J.T., Pereboom, M.T.R., Spelten, E.R., Hutton, E.K., Dulmen, S. van. Clients’ psychosocial communication and midwives’ verbal and nonverbal communication during prenatal counseling for anomaly screening. Patient Education and Counseling: 2016, 99(1), p. 85-91.
- 2015|Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. Huisartsenzorg in cijfers: patiënten zoeken luisterend oor bij POH-ggz. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2015, 58(12), p. 645.
- 2015|Zuidema, R.M., Gaal, B.G.I., Dulmen, S. van, Repping-Wuts, H., Schoonhoven, L. An online tailored self-management program for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a developmental study. JMIR Research Protocols: 2015, 4(4), p. e140.
- 2015|Bergh, E. van den, Bazelmans, E., Dulmen, S. van, Weel, E. van. 1.2 communicatie en consultvoering. In: I. Siemann, E. Bazelmans, E. van Weel-Baumgarten, J. Prins, E. van den Bergh, H. Samwel, P. van Gurp. Communicatie en consultvoering, een persoonsgerichte benadering. Radboudumc, Nijmegen: 2015. p. 23-41.
- 2015|Bergh, E. van den, Bazelmans, E., Dulmen, S. van, Weel, E. van. Deel 1: theorie van communication en consultvoering. Het biopsychosociale model. In: I. Siemann, E. Bazelmans, E. van Weel-Baumgarten, J. Prins, E. van den Bergh, H. Samwel, P. van Gurp. Communicatie en consultvoering, een persoonsgerichte benadering. Radboudumc, Nijmegen: 2015. p. 12-22.
- 2015|Dulmen, S. van. Medicatie therapietrouw bij Relapsing-Remitting Multipele Sclerose: omvang, determinanten en aanpak. Amsterdam: TEVA, 2015. 11 p.
- 2015|Weiland, A., Blankenstein, A.H., Saase, J.L.C.M. van, Molen, H.T. van der, Jacobs, M.E., Abels, D.C., Köse, N, Dulmen, S. van, Vernhout, R.M., Arends, L.R. Training medical specialists to communicate better with patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS): a randomized, controlled trial. PLoS One: 2015, 10(9), p. e0138342.
- 2015|Paternotte, E., Dulmen, S. van, Lee, N. van der, Scherpbier, A.J.J.A., Scheele, F. Factors influencing intercultural doctor-patient communication: a realist review. Patient Education and Counseling: 2015, 98(4), p. 420-445.
- 2015|Eertwegh, V. van den, Vleuten, C. van der, Stalmeijer, R., Dalen, J. van, Scherpbier, A., Dulmen, S. van. Exploring residents’ communication learning process in the workplace: a five-phase model. PLoS One: 2015, 10(5), p. e0125958.
- 2015|Henselmans, I., Heijmans, M., Rademakers, J., Dulmen, S. van. Participation of chronic patients in medical consultations: patients’ perceived efficacy, barriers and interest in support. Health Expectations: 2015, 18(6), p. 2375-2388.
- 2015|Martin, L., Gitsels-van der Wal, J.T., Pereboom, M.T.R., Spelten, E.R., Hutton, E.K., Dulmen, S. van. Midwives’ perceptions of communication during videotaped counseling for prenatal anomaly tests: How do they relate to clients’ perceptions and independent observations? Patient Education and Counseling: 2015, 98(5), p. 588-597.
- 2015|Hafskjold, L., Sundler, A.J., Holmström, I.K., Sundling, V., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, H. A cross-sectional study on person-centred communication in the care of older people: the COMHOME study protocol. BMJ Open: 2015, 5(4), p. e007864.
- 2015|Aarts, J.W.M., Oers, A.M., Faber, M.J., Cohlen, B.J., Nelen, W.L.D.M., Kremer, J.A.M., Dulmen, A.M. van. Communication at an online infertility expert forum: provider responses to patient's emotional and informational cues. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology: 2015, 36(2), p. 66-74.
- 2015|Dillen, S.M.E. van, Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van, Hiddink, G.J. Setting goal and implementation intentions in consultations between practice nurses and patients with overweight or obesity in general practice. Public Health Nutrition: 2015, 18(16), p. 3051-3059.
- 2015|Dulmen, S. van. Algemene inleiding. Communicatie en consultvoering, een persoonsgerichte benadering. In: I. Siemann, E. Bazelmans, E. van Weel-Baumgarten, J. Prins, E. van den Bergh, H. Samwel, P. van Gurp. Communicatie en consultvoering, een persoonsgerichte benadering. Radboudumc, Nijmegen: 2015. p. 8-11.
- 2015|Albada, A., Dulmen, S. van, Spreeuwenberg, P., Ausems, M.G.E.M. Follow-up effects of a tailored pre-counseling website with question prompt in breast cancer genetic counseling. Patient Education and Counseling: 2015, 98(1), p. 69-76.
- 2015|Dillen, S.M.E. van, Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van, Hiddink, G.J. Quality of weight-loss counseling by Dutch practice nurses in primary care: an observational study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 2015, 69(1), p. 73-78.
- 2015|Spelten, E.R., Martin, L., Gitsels, J.T., Pereboom, M.T.R., Hutton, E.K., Dulmen, S. van. Introducing video recording in primary care midwifery for research purposes: procedure, dataset, and use. Midwifery: 2015, 31(1), p. 95-112.
- 2015|Essers, G., Dielissen, P., Weel, C. van, Vleuten, C. van der, Dulmen, S. van, Kramer, A. How do trained raters take context factors into account when assessing GP trainee communication performance? An exploratory, qualitative study. Advances in Health Sciences Education: 2015, 20(1), p. 131-147.
- 2015|Martin, L., Hutton, E.K., Gitsels-van der Wal, J.T., Spelten, E.R., Kuiper, F., Pereboom, M.T.R., Dulmen, S. van. Antenatal counselling for congenital anomaly tests: an exploratory video-observational study about client-midwife communication. Midwifery: 2015, 31(1), p. 37-46.
- 2015|Heins, M.J., Korevaar, J.C., Rijken, P.M., Donker, G.A., Dulmen, A.M. van, Schellevis, F.G. CAPPA: Care for prostate cancer patients.: , 2015. 38 p. Abstract. In: Abstract book 8th meeting of Ca-PRI 'The escalating cancer challenge - essential roles for primary care', 20-22 mei 2015, Aarhus.
- 2014|Zwikker, H.E., Dulmen, S. van, Broeder, A.A. den, Bemt, B.J. van den, Ende, C.H. van den. Perceived need to take medication is associated with medication non-adherence in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Patient Preference and Adherence: 2014, 8, p. 1635-1645.
- 2014|Osch, M. van, Sep, M., Vliet, L.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J.M. Reducing patients’ anxiety and uncertainty, and improving recall in bad news consultations. Health Psychology: 2014, 33(11), p. 1382-1390.
- 2014|Bruinessen, I.R. van, Weel-Baumgarten, E.M. van, Snippe, H.W., Gouw, H., Zijlstra, J.M., Dulmen, S. van. Active patient participation in the development of an online intervention. JMIR Research Protocols: 2014, 3(4), p. e59.
- 2014|Zwaanswijk, M., Dulmen, S. van. Advantages of asynchronous online focus groups and face-to-face focus groups as perceived by child, adolescent and adult participants: a survey study. BMC Research Notes: 2014, 7(756)
- 2014|Butalid, L., Verhaak, P.F.M., Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J.M. Concerns voiced by patients and GPs’ responses during psychosocial visits in primary care: a historical cross-sectional study. BMC Family Practice: 2014, 15(188)
- 2014|Paternotte, E., Fokkema, J.P.I., Loon, K.A.van, Dulmen, S. van, Scheele, F. Cultural diversity: blind spot in medical curriculum documents, a document analysis. BMC Medical Education: 2014, 14(176)
- 2014|Dulmen, S. van, Cals, J. Communicatie met anderen dan de patiënt. In: H. van der Horst; F. Buntinx; A. Knottnerus, J. Metsemakers; A. de Sutter; C. van Weel (red.). Leerboek Huisartsgeneeskunde. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, 2014. p. 139-145.
- 2014|Albada, A., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Dulmen, S. van. Counselee participation in follow-up breast cancer genetic counselling visits and associations with achievement of the preferred role, cognitive outcomes, risk perception alignment and perceived personal control. Social Science & Medicine: 2014, 116(sept), p. 178-186.
- 2014|Zwikker, H.E., Bemt, B.J. van den, Vriezekolk, J.E., Ende, C.H. van den, Dulmen, S. van. Psychosocial predictors of non-adherence to chronic medication: systematic review of longitudinal studies. Patient Preference and Adherence: 2014, 8, p. 519-563.
- 2014|Zwikker, H.E., Ende, C.H. van den, Lankveld, W.G. van, Broeder, A.A. den, Hoogen, F.H. van den, Mosselaar, B. van de, Dulmen, S. van, Bemt, B.J. van den. Effectiveness of a group-based intervention to change medication beliefs and improve medication adherence in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling: 2014, 94(3), p. 356-361.
- 2014|olde Hartman, T.C., Rijswijk, E. van, Dulmen, S. van, Weel-Baumgarten, E. van, Lucassen, P.L., Weel, C. van. Communicatie met patiënten met chronische SOLK. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2014, 57(3), p. 114-118.
- 2014|Noordman, J., Weijden, T. van der, Dulmen, S. van. Effects of video-feedback on the communication, clinical competence and motivational interviewing skills of practice nurses: a pre-test posttest control group study. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2014, 70(10), p. 2272-2283.
- 2014|Eertwegh, V. van den, Dalen, J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Vleuten, C. van der, Scherpbier, A. Residents' perceived barriers to communication skills learning: comparing two medical working contexts in postgraduate training. Patient Education and Counseling: 2014, 95(1), p. 91-97.
- 2014|Steenis, M.N.A. van, Driesenaar, J.A., Bensing, J.M., Hulten, R. van, Soeverein, P.C., Dijk, L. van, Smet, P.A.G.M. de, Dulmen, A.M. van. Relationship between medication beliefs, self-reported and refill adherence, and symptoms in patients with asthma using inhaled corticosteroids. Patient Preference and Adherence: 2014, 8, p. 83-91.
- 2014|Dillen, S.M.E. van, Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van, Hiddink, G.J. Examining the content of weight, nutrition and physical activity advices provided by Dutch practice nurses in primary care: analysis of videotaped consultations. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition: 2014, 68(1), p. 50-56.
- 2014|Martin, L., Hutton, E.K., Spelten, E.R., Gitsels-van der Wal, J.T., Dulmen, S. van. Midwives' views on of appropriate antenatal counselling for congenital anomaly tests: do they match clients' preferences? Midwifery: 2014, 30(6), p. 600-609.
- 2014|Albada, A., Vernooij, M., Osch, L. van, Pijpe, A., Dulmen, S. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M. Does and should breast cancer genetic counselling include lifestyle advice? Familial Cancer: 2014, 13(1), p. 35-44.
- 2014|Zwikker, H., Dulmen, S. van, Broeder, A. den, Bemt, B. van den, Ende, C. van den. Perceived need to take medication is associated with medication non-adherence in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases: 2014, 73(Suppl. 2), p. 61. Abstract. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR). 11-14 juni, Parijs.
- 2013|Weiland, A., Blankenstein, A.H., Willems, M.H.A., Saase, J.L.C.M. van, Molen, H.T. van der, Dulmen, A.M. van, Arends, L.R. Post-graduate education for medical specialists focused on patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms: development of a communication skills training programme. Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 92(3), p. 355-360.
- 2013|Bensing, J.M., Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Boerma, W., Dulmen, S. van. The manifestation of job satisfaction in doctor-patient communication: a ten-country European study. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine: 2013, 3(1), p. 44-52.
- 2013|Nes, A.A.G., Eide, H., Kristjánsdóttir, O.B., Dulmen, S. van. Web-based, self-management enhancing interventions with e-diaries and personalized feedback for persons with chronic illness: a tale of three studies. Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 93(3), p. 451-458.
- 2013|Victoor, A., Noordman, J., Sonderkamp, J.A., Delnoij, D.M.J., Friele, R.D., Dulmen, S. van, Rademakers, J.J.D.J.M. Are patients’ preferences regarding the place of treatment heard and addressed at the point of referral: an exploratory study based on observations of GP-patient consultations. BMC Family Practice: 2013, 14(189)
- 2013|Essers, G., Dulmen, S. van, Es, J. van, Weel, C. van, Vleuten, C. van der, Kramer, A. Context factors in consultations of general practitioner trainees and their impact on communication assessment in the authentic setting. Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 93(3), p. 567-572.
- 2013|Dijkstra, H., Albada, A., Klöckner Cronauer, C., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Dulmen, S. van. Nonverbal communication and conversational contribution in breast cancer genetic counseling: are counselors' nonverbal communication and conversational contribution associated with counselees' satisfaction, needs fulfillment and state anxiety in breast cancer genetic counseling? Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 93(2), p. 216-223.
- 2013|Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. Shared Medical Appointments marginally enhance interaction between patients: an observational study on children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 92(3), p. 418-425.
- 2013|Weert, J.C.M. van, Bolle, S., Dulmen, S. van, Jansen, J. Older cancer patients' information and communication needs: what they want is what they get? Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 92(3), p. 388-397.
- 2013|Mezzich, J.E., Appleyard, J., Botbol, M., Ghebrehiwet, T., Groves, J., Salloum, I., Dulmen, S. van. Ethics in person centered medicine: conceptual place and ongoing developments. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine: 2013, 3(4), p. 255-257.
- 2013|Mezzich, J.E., Appleyard, J., Botbol, M., Ghebrehiwet, T., Groves, J., Salloum, I., Dulmen, S. van. The Sixth Geneva Conference and Person-centered Health Research. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine: 2013, 3(2), p. 99-105.
- 2013|Wiering, B.M., Albada, A., Bensing, J.M., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Dulmen, A.M. van. The influence of dispositional optimism on post-visit anxiety and risk perception accuracy among breast cancer genetic counselees. Psycho-Oncology: 2013, 22(11), p. 2419-2427.
- 2013|Bruinessen, I.R. van, Weel, E.M. van, Gouw, H., Zijlstra, J.M., Albada, A., Dulmen, S. van. Barriers and facilitators to effective communication experienced by patients with malignant lymphoma at all stages after diagnosis. Psycho-Oncology: 2013, 22(12), p. 2807-2814.
- 2013|Kristjánsdóttir, O.B., Fors, E.A., Eide, E., Finset, A., Stensrud, T.L., Dulmen, S. van, Wigers, S.H., Eide, H. A smartphone-based intervention with diaries and therapist-feedback to reduce catastrophizing and increase functioning in women with chronic widespread pain. Part 2: 11-month follow-up results of a randomized trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2013, 15(3), p. e72.
- 2013|Essers, G., Kramer, A., Andriesse, B., Weel, C. van, Vleuten, C. van der, Dulmen, S. van. Context factors in general practitioner - patient encounters and their impact on assessing communication skills: an exploratory study. BMC Family Practice: 2013, 14(65)
- 2013|Noordman, J., Vet, E. de, Weijden, T. van der, Dulmen, S. van. Motivational interviewing within the different stages of change: an analysis of practice nurse-patient consultations aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle. Social Science & Medicine: 2013, 87(June), p. 60-67.
- 2013|Riel, E. van, Hubers, A.J., Witkamp, A.J., Dulmen, S. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M. The initiator and timing of referral to breast cancer genetic counselling: an exploration of everyday person-centered practice. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine: 2013, 3(1), p. 88-95.
- 2013|Martin, L., Dulmen, S. van, Spelten, E., Jonge, A. de, Cock, T.P. de, Hutton, E. Prenatal counseling for congenital anomaly tests: parental preferences and perceptions of midwife performance. Prenatal Diagnosis: 2013, 33(4), p. 341-353.
- 2013|Eertwegh, V. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Dalen, J. van, Scherpbier, A.J.J.A., Vleuten, C.P.M. van der. Learning in context: identifying gaps in research on the transfer of medical communication skills to the clinical workplace. Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 90(2), p. 184-192.
- 2013|Dulmen, S. van, Noordman, J. Huisartsenzorg in cijfers: motiverende gespreksvoering bij leefstijladviezen. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2013, 56(1), p. 43.
- 2013|Kristjánsdóttir, O.B., Fors, E.A., Eide, E., Finset, A., Stensrud, T.L., Dulmen, S. van, Wigers, S.H., Eide, H. A smartphone-based intervention with diaries and therapist-feedback to reduce catastrophizing and increase functioning in women with chronic widespread pain: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research: 2013, 15(1), p. e5.
- 2013|Noordman, J., Koopmans, B., Korevaar, J.C., Weijden, T. van der, Dulmen, S. van. Exploring lifestyle counselling in routine primary care consultations: the professionals’ role. Family Practice: 2013, 30(3), p. 332-340.
- 2013|olde Hartman, T.C., Rijswijk, E. van, Dulmen, S. van, Weel-Baumgarten, E. van, Lucassen, P.L.B.J., Weel, C. van. How patients and family physicians communicate about persistent medically unexplained symptoms: a qualitative study of video-recorded consultations. Patient Education and Counseling: 2013, 90(3), p. 354-360.
- 2012|Dulmen, A.M. van. Kom communiceren. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, 2012. 30 p. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen/ het UMC St Radboud op 28 september 2012.
- 2012|Zwikker, H., Bemt, B. van den, Ende, C. van den, Lankveld, W. van, Broeder, A. den, Hoogen, F. van den, Mosselaar, B. van de, Dulmen, S. van. Development and content of a group-based intervention to improve medication adherence in non-adherent patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Patient Education and Counseling: 2012, 89(1), p. 143-151.
- 2012|Noordman, J., Lee, I. van der, Nielen, M., Vlek, H., Weijden, T. van der, Dulmen, S. van. Do trained practice nurses apply motivational interviewing techniques in primary care consultations? Journal of Clinical Medicine Research: 2012, 4(6), p. 393-401.
- 2012|Noordman, J., Weijden, T. van der, Dulmen, S. van. Communication-related behavior change techniques used in face-to-face lifestyle interventions in primary care: a systematic review of the literature. Patient Education and Counseling: 2012, 89(2), p. 227-244.
- 2012|Weiland, A., Kraats, R.E. van de, Blankenstein, A.H., Saase, J.L.C.M. van, Molen, H.T. van der, Bramer, W.M., Dulmen, A.M. van, Arends, L.R. Encounters between medical specialists and patients with medically unexplained physical symptoms; influences of communication on patient outcomes and use of health care: a literature overview. Perspectives on Medical Education: 2012, 1(4), p. 192-206.
- 2012|Heiligers, P.J.M., Noordman, J., Korevaar, J.C., Dorsman, S., Hingstman, L., Dulmen, A.M. van, Bakker, D.H. de. Kennisvraag: praktijkondersteuners in de huisartspraktijk (POH's), klaar voor de toekomst? Utrecht: NIVEL, 2012. 124 p.
- 2012|Kalisvaart, H., Broeckhuysen, S. van, Bühring, M., Kool, M.B., Dulmen, S. van, Geenen, R. Definition and structure of body-relatedness from the perspective of patients with severe somatoform disorder and their therapists. PLoS One: 2012, 7(8), p. e42534.
- 2012|Dulmen, S. van, Noordman, J. Huisartsenzorg in cijfers: taken POH en huisarts complementair? Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2012, 55(6), p. 272.
- 2012|Mejino, A., Noordman, J., Dulmen, S. van. Shared medical appointments for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: perspectives and experiences of patients, parents, and health care providers. Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics: 2012, 3, p. 75-83.
- 2012|Noordman, J., Franse, N., Weijden, T. van der, Dulmen, A.M. van. Motiverende gespreksvoering binnen de verschillende ‘fasen van gedragsverandering’: observaties bij praktijkondersteuners in de eerste lijn. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2012, 90(1), p. 64. Abstract. 10e Nederlands Congres Volksgezondheid 'Volksgezondheid 2.0', 11 en 12 april 2012, Amsterdam.
- 2012|Karasz, A., Dowrick, C., Byng, R., Buszewicz, M., Ferri, L., olde Hartman, T.C., Dulmen, S. van, Weel-Baumgarten, E. van, Reeve, J. What we talk about when we talk about depression: doctor-patient conversations and treatment decision outcomes. British Journal of General Practice: 2012, 62(594), p. e55-e63.
- 2012|Riel, E. van, Dulmen, S. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M. Who is being referred to cancer genetic counseling? Characteristics of counselees and their referral. Journal of Community Genetics: 2012, 3(4), p. 265-274.
- 2012|Weert, J. van, Jansen, J., Dulmen, S. van. In gesprek met ouderen. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2012, 55(4), p. 174-177.
- 2012|Nes, A.A.G., Dulmen, S. van, Eide, E., Finset, A., Kristjánsdóttir, O.B., Steen, I.S., Eide, H. The development and feasibility of a web-based intervention with diaries and situational feedback via smartphone to support self-management in patients with diabetes type 2. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice: 2012, 97(3), p. 385-393.
- 2012|Oerlemans, S., Cranenburgh, O. van, Herremans, P.J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Dulmen, S. van. Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom: zelfmanagement met een pocketcomputer. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2012, 55(3), p. 126-130.
- 2012|Albada, A., Dulmen, S. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M., Bensing, J.M. A pre-visit website with question prompt sheet for counselees facilitates communication in the first consultation for breast cancer genetic counseling: findings from a randomized controlled trial. Genetics in Medicine: 2012, 14(5), p. 535-542.
- 2012|Heiligers, P.J.M., Noordman, J., Korevaar, J., Dorsman, S.W., Hingstman, L., Dulmen, S. van, Bakker, D. de. Practice nurses in general practice: a rapidly growing profession in The Netherlands. European Journal of Public Health: 2012, 22(suppl. 2), p. 172. Abstract. 5th European Public Health Conference 'All inclusive public health'. 7-10 November 2012, St. Julians (Malta).
- 2012|Albada, A., Dulmen, S. van, Lindhout, D., Bensing, J.M., Ausems, M.G.E.M. A pre-visit tailored website enhances counselees’ realistic expectations and knowledge and fulfils information needs for breast cancer genetic counselling. Familial Cancer: 2012, 11(1), p. 85-95.
- 2012|Spelten, E., Gitsels, J., Pereboom, M., Martin, L., Hutton, E., Dulmen, S. van. Video recording to improve the quality of prenatal genetic counselling. Prenatal Diagnosis: 2012, 32(suppl.1), p. 105. Abstract: 16th International Conference on Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy, 3-6 june 2012, Miami.
- 2012|Martin, L., Dulmen, S. van, Spelten, E., Hutton, E. Prenatal genetic counseling: future parents prefer to make decisions together, using professional advice. Prenatal Diagnosis: 2012, 32(suppl.1), p. 105. Abstract: 16th International Conference on Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy, 3-6 june 2012, Miami.
- 2012|Muusses, L.D., Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Jansen, J. Chemotherapy and information-seeking behaviour: characteristics of patients using mass-media information sources. Psycho-Oncology: 2012, 21(9), p. 993-1002.
- 2012|Dulmen, S. van, Humphris, G., Eide, H. Towards a guideline for person-centered research in clinical communication: lessons learned from three countries. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine: 2012, 2(1), p. 58-63.
- 2011|Essers, G., Dulmen, S. van, Weel, C. van, Vleuten, C. van der, Kramer, A. Identifying context factors explaining physician's low performance in communication assessment: an explorative study in general practice. BMC Family Practice: 2011, 12(138)
- 2011|Albada, A., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Otten, R., Bensing, J.M., Dulmen, S. van. Use and evaluation of an individually tailored website for counselees prior to breast cancer genetic counseling. Journal of Cancer Education: 2011, 26(4), p. 670-681.
- 2011|Albada, A., Werrett, J., Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J.M., Chapman, C., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Metcalfe, A. Breast cancer genetic counselling referrals: how comparable are the findings between the UK and the Netherlands? Journal of Community Genetics: 2011, 2(4), p. 233-247.
- 2011|Bekker-Grob, E.W. de, Dulmen, S. van, Berg, M. van den, Verheij, R.A., Slobbe, L.C.J. Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases: a cost study in family practices. BMC Family Practice: 2011, 12(69)
- 2011|Pieterse, A.H., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Spreeuwenberg, P., Dulmen, S. van. Longer-term influence of breast cancer genetic counseling on cognitions and distress: smaller benefits for affected versus unaffected women. Patient Education and Counseling: 2011, 85(3), p. 425-431.
- 2011|Dulmen, S. van, Bijnen, E. van. What makes them (not) talk about proper medication use with their patients? An analysis of the determinants of GP communication using reflective practice. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine: 2011, 1(1), p. 27-34.
- 2011|Kristjánsdóttir, O.B., Fors, E.A., Eide, E., Finset, A., Dulmen, S. van, Wigers, S.H., Eide, H. Written online situational feedback via mobile phone to support self-management of chronic widespread pain: a usability study of a web-based intervention. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: 2011, 12(1)
- 2011|Oerlemans, S., Cranenburgh, O. van, Herremans, P.J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Dulmen, S. van. Intervening on cognitions and behavior in irritable bowel syndrome: a feasibility trial using PDAs. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 2011, 70(3), p. 267-277.
- 2011|Noordman, J., Verhaak, P., Dulmen, S. van. Web-enabled video-feedback: a method to reflect on the communication skills of experienced physicians. Patient Education and Counseling: 2011, 82(3), p. 335-340.
- 2011|Zwaanswijk, M., Tates, K., Dulmen, S. van, Hoogerbrugge, P.M., Kamps, W.A., Beishuizen, A., Bensing, J.M. Communicating with child patients in pediatric oncology consultations: a vignette study on child patients', parents', and survivors' communication preferences. Psycho-Oncology: 2011, 20(3), p. 269-277.
- 2011|Salmon, P., Langewitz, W., Deveugele, M., Dulmen, S. van. Ten years of EACH (European Association for Communication in Healthcare) and priorities for the next ten years. Patient Education and Counseling: 2011, 85(1), p. 1-3.
- 2011|Piccolo, L. del, Haes, H. de, Heaven, C., Jansen, J., Verheul, W., Bensing, J., Bergvik, S., Deveugele, M., Eide, H., Fletcher, I., Goss, C., Humphris, G., Young-Mi, K., Langewitz, W., Mazzi, M.A., Mjaaland, T., Moretti, F., Nübling, M., Rimondini, M., Salmon, P., Sibbern, T., Skre, I., Dulmen, S. van, Wissow, L., Young, B., Zandbelt, L., Zimmermann, C., Finset, A. Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers' responses (VR-CoDES-P) to patient cues and concerns. Patient Education and Counseling: 2011, 82(2), p. 149-155.
- 2011|Koerten, C. van, Feytens, M., Jansen, J., Dulmen, S. van, Weert, J. van. Communicatiebehoeften van patiënten met kanker bij aanvang van een behandeling met chemotherapie: een onderzoek naar de rol van curatief of palliatief behandeldoel, leeftijd en geslacht. Verpleegkunde: 2011, 26(1), p. 4-12.
- 2011|Dulmen, S. van. The value of tailored communication for person-centred outcomes. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice: 2011, 17(2), p. 381-383.
- 2011|Weert, J.C.M. van, Jansen, J., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J.M. Effects of communication skills training and a Question Prompt Sheet to improve communication with older cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial. Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology: 2011, 80(1), p. 145-159.
- 2011|Zimmermann, C., Piccolo, L. del, Bensing, J., Bergvik, S., Haes, H. de, Eide, H., Fletcher, I., Goss, C., Heaven, C., Humphris, G., Young-Mi, K., Langewitz, W., Meeuwesen, L., Nuebling, M., Rimondini, M., Salmon, P., Dulmen, S. van, Wissow, L., Zandbelt, L., Finset, A. Coding patient emotional cues and concerns in medical consultations: the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES). Patient Education and Counseling: 2011, 82(2), p. 141-148.
- 2011|Dulmen, S. van, Weert, J. van, Jansen, J. Communiceren in de zorg. Groningen: Noordhoff, 2011. 128 p.
- 2011|Weert, J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. Multi-sensory stimulation in 24-hour dementia care: effects of snoezelen on residents and caregivers. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011. 244 p.
- 2010|Jansen, J., Weert, J.C.M. van, Groot, J. de, Dulmen, S. van, Heeren, T.J., Bensing, J.M. Emotional and informational patient cues: the impact of nurses' responses on recall. Patient Education and Counseling: 2010, 79(2), p. 218-224.
- 2010|Noordman, J., Verhaak, P., Dulmen, S. van. Discussing patient’s lifestyle choices in the consulting room: analysis of GP-patient consultations between 1975 and 2008. BMC Family Practice: 2010, 11(87)
- 2010|Dulmen, S. van, Dijk, L. van. In gesprek over medicijngebruik en therapietrouw. Tijdschrift voor Praktijkondersteuning: 2010, 5(3), p. 70-75.
- 2010|Noordman, J., Verhaak, P., Beljouw, I. van, Dulmen, S. van. Consulting room computers and their effect on general practitioner-patient communication. Family Practice: 2010, 27(6), p. 644-651.
- 2010|Dulmen, S. van, Fassaert, T., Jagt, L. van der, Schellevis, F. De relatie tussen positieve communicatiestrategieën en het beloop van alledaagse klachten. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2010, 53(5), p. 265-271.
- 2010|Rijswijk, C., Zantinge, E., Seesing, F., Raats, I., Dulmen, S. van. Shared and individual medical appointments for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: differences in topics discussed? Patient Education and Counseling: 2010, 79(3), p. 351-355.
- 2010|Heiligers, P.J.M., Groot, J. de, Koster, D., Dulmen, S. van. Diagnoses and visit length in complementary and mainstream medicine. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine: 2010, 10(3)
- 2010|Dulmen, S. van. Moving forward to improve medication adherence (editorial). Patient Education and Counseling: 2010, 81(2), p. 145-146.
- 2010|Jansen, J., Weert, J.C.M. van, Wijngaards-de Meij, L., Dulmen, S. van, Heeren, T.J., Bensing, J.M. The role of companions in aiding older cancer patients to recall medical information. Psycho-Oncology: 2010, 19(2), p. 170-179.
- 2010|Dulmen, S. van, Groot, J. de, Koster, D., Heiligers, P. Why seek complementary medicine? An observational study in homeopathic, acupunctural and naturopathic medical practices. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine: 2010, 7(1)
- 2010|Bijnen, E. van, Dulmen, S. van. Een goed gesprek over geneesmiddelgebruik: determinanten vanuit het perspectief van de voorschrijver. Rapportage van een project uitgevoerd met subsidie van Platform Patiënt-Industrie. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2010. 32 p.
- 2010|Verheul, W., Mistiaen, P., Blasi, Z. di, Kok, L., Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. The effect of varying practitioner communication on patients' health status and treatment outcomes (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: 2010, 10
- 2009|Zantinge, E.M., Seesing, F.M., Tol, F.E., Raats, C.J.I., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Dulmen, A.M. van. 'Gezamenlijk Medisch Consult': samen naar de dokter. Ervaringen van patiënten en zorgverleners. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde: 2009, 153(A 828)
- 2009|Albada, A., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Bensing, J.M., Dulmen, S. van. Tailored information about cancer risk and screening: a systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling: 2009, 77(2), p. 155-171.
- 2009|Vervloet, M., Dijk, L. van, Schoen, T., Dulmen, S. van. Het betrekken van perspectief van patiënt en voorschrijver bij het verbeteren van de communicatie over het (trouw) gebruik van cholesterolverlagers. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2009.
- 2009|Weert, J.C.M. van, Jansen, J., Bruijn, G.J. de, Noordman, J., Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. QUOTEchemo: a patient-centered instrument to measure quality of communication preceding chemotherapy treatment through the patient's eyes. European Journal of Cancer: 2009, 45(17), p. 2967-2976.
- 2009|Boot, C.R.L., Meijman, F.J., Dulmen, S. van. Beliefs about the causes of health complaints: a study in primary care. Health Communication: 2009, 24(4), p. 346-350.
- 2009|Albada, A., Dulmen, S. van, Otten, R., Bensing, J.M., Ausems, M.G.E.M. Development of E-Info geneca: a website providing computer-tailored information and question prompt prior to breast cancer genetic counseling. Journal of Genetic Counseling: 2009, 18(4), p. 326-338.
- 2009|Posma, E.R., Weert, J.C.M. van, Jansen, J., Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. Older cancer patients' information and support needs surrounding treatment: an evaluation through the eyes of patients, relatives and professionals. BMC Nursing: 2009, 8(1)
- 2009|Morren, M., Dulmen, S. van, Ouwerkerk, J., Bensing, J. Compliance with momentary pain measurement using electronic diaries: a systematic review. European Journal of Pain: 2009, 13(4), p. 354-365.
- 2009|Tates, K., Zwaanswijk, M., Otten, R., Dulmen, S. van, Hoogerbrugge, P.M., Kamps, W.A., Bensing, J.M. Online focus groups as a tool to collect data in hard-to-include populations: examples from paediatric oncology. BMC Medical Research Methodology: 2009, 9(15)
- 2009|Tol, F., Meulmeester, M., Dulmen, S. van. Patiënt aan zet in de huisartsenpraktijk: evaluatie van distributie en gebruik van een 'patiënten' boekje voor zowel patiënt als huisarts. Utrecht: NIVEL, NPCF, 2009. 38 p.
- 2009|Dulmen, S. van. Research on the value of communication of person-centered care outcomes.: , 2009. 26 p. Second Geneva Conference 'Person-Centered Medicine. From Concepts to Practice', May 28-29, 2009.
- 2009|Heiligers, P., Dulmen, S. van. Transparency in Dutch CAM practices: a comparison between CAM and GP physicians.: , 2009. 29-30 p. Abstract. 11th European Conference ENOP 'On Organizational Psychology and Human Services Work', Lissabon, 22-24 oktober 2009.
- 2008|Menckeberg, T., Dijk, L. van, Bensing, J., Dulmen, S. van. Naar een solide basis voor therapietrouw: resultaten van een preprogrammeringsstudie naar draagvlak en contouren voor een onderzoeksprogramma. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2008.
- 2008|Weert, J. van, Jansen, J., Best, A. de, Posma, E., Noordman, J., Groot, J. de, Meulen, N. van der, Ouwerkerk, J., Dulmen, S. van. In gesprek over chemotherapie. Communicatietraining voor verpleegkundigen. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2008.
- 2008|Weert, J. van, Jansen, J., Best, A. de, Posma, E., Noordman, J., Groot, J. de, Meulen, N. van der, Dulmen, S. van. In gesprek over chemotherapie: handvatten voor patiëntgerichte verpleegkundige voorlichting aan ouderen met kanker (Deel 1). www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2008. 50 p.
- 2008|Weert, J. van, Jansen, J., Best, A. de, Meulen, N. van der, Noordman, J., Posma, E., Groot, J. de, Dulmen, S. van. In gesprek over chemotherapie: een video-observatie onderzoek naar patiëntgerichtheid en recall van informatie tijdens verpleegkundige voorlichting aan ouderen met kanker (Deel 2). www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2008. 78 p.
- 2008|Kappen, T., Dulmen, S. van. General practitioners' responses to the initial presentation of medically unexplained symptoms: a quantitative analysis. BioPsychoSocial Medicine: 2008, 2(22)
- 2008|Jabaaij, L., Fassaert, T., Dulmen, S. van, Timmermans, A., Essen, G.A. van, Schellevis, F. Familiarity between patient and general practitioner does not influence the content of the consultation. BMC Family Practice: 2008, 9(51)
- 2008|Milder, I.E.J., Blokstra, A., Groot, J. de, Dulmen, S. van, Bemelmans, W.J.E. Lifestyle counseling in hypertension-related visits: analysis of video-taped general practice visits. BMC Family Practice: 2008, 9(58)
- 2008|Bensing, J.M., Verheul, W., Dulmen, A.M. van. Patient anxiety in the medical encounter: a study of verbal and nonverbal communication in general practice. Health Education: 2008, 108(5), p. 373-383.
- 2008|Schoen, T., Dulmen, S. van, Dijk, L. van, Prins, M. Het betrekken van het perspectief van patiënt en voorschrijver bij het verbeteren van de communicatie over geneesmiddelen en therapietrouw: rapportage van het gezamenlijke project van NPCF en NIVEL aan Stichting Fonds PGO uitgevoerd in 2007/ 2008. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2008.
- 2008|Jansen, J., Butow, P.N., Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, S. van, Devine, R.J., Heeren, T.J., Bensing, J.M., Tattersall, M.H.N. Does age really matter? Recall of information presented to newly referred patients with cancer.
Journal of Clinical Oncology: 2008, 26(33), p. 5450-5457. - 2008|Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. What factors affect caregiver communication in psychogeriatric care? In: A.M. Visser. Alzheimer's disease: new research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008. p. 87-117.
- 2008|Glind, I. van de, Dulmen, S. van, Goossensen, A. Physician-patient communication in single-bedded versus four-bedded hospital rooms. Patient Education and Counseling: 2008, 73(2), p. 215-219.
- 2008|Jansen, J., Weert, J. van, Meulen, N. van der, Dulmen, S. van, Heeren, T., Bensing, J. Recall in older cancer patients: measuring memory for medical information. Gerontologist: 2008, 48(2), p. 149-157.
- 2008|Fassaert, T., Dulmen, S. van, Schellevis, F., Jagt, L. van der, Bensing, J. Raising positive expectations helps patients with minor ailments: a cross-sectional study. BMC Family Practice: 2008, 9(38)
- 2008|Bensing, J.M., Tromp, F., Dulmen, S. van, Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Verheul, W., Schellevis, F. De zakelijke huisarts en de niet-mondige patiënten: veranderingen in communicatie. Een observatieonderzoek naar consulten met hypertensiepatiënten. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2008, 51(1), p. 6-10.
- 2008|Ouwerkerk, J.W., Morren, M., Dulmen, A.M. van. Evaluatie van patiëntenwerving via fysiotherapeuten in gerandomiseerd onderzoek met patiënten met lage rugpijn. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fysiotherapie: 2008, 118(3), p. 74-78.
- 2008|Dulmen, S. van, Sluijs, E., Dijk, L. van, Ridder, D. de, Heerdink, R., Bensing, J. Furthering patient adherence: a position paper of the international expert forum on patient adherence based on an internet forum discussion. BMC Health Services Research: 2008, 8(47)
- 2008|Meulen, N. van der, Jansen, J., Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J., Weert, J. van. Interventions to improve recall of medical information in cancer patients: a systematic review of the literature. Psycho-Oncology: 2008, 17(9), p. 857-868.
- 2008|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Jung, H.P., Bensing, J. Communiceren huisartsen volgens de verwachtingen van hun patiënten? Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2008, 51(3), p. 141-146.
- 2007|Noordman, J., Weert, J. van, Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. Komt stress van de patiënt aan bod bij de huisarts? www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2007.
- 2007|Zwaanswijk, M., Tates, K., Dulmen, S. van, Hoogerbrugge, P.M., Kamps, W.A., Bensing, J.M. Young patients', parents', and survivors' communication preferences in paediatric oncology: using online focus groups. BMC Pediatrics: 2007, 7(35)
- 2007|Fassaert, T., Dulmen, S. van, Schellevis, F., Bensing, J. Active listening in medical consultations: development of the Active Listening Observation Scale (ALOS-global). Patient Education and Counseling: 2007, 68(3), p. 258-264.
- 2007|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van, Jung, H.P., Bensing, J.M. Do our talks with patients meet their expectations? Yes, for the most part they do. Results of this study, however, reveal specific areas that require greater attention. Journal of Family Practice: 2007, 56(7), p. 559-568.
- 2007|Dulmen, S. van, Tromp, F., Grosfeld, F., Cate, O. ten, Bensing, J.M. The impact of assessing simulated bad news consultations on medical students' stress response and communication performance. Psychoneuroendocrinology: 2007, 32(8-10), p. 943-950.
- 2007|Jansen, J., Weert, J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Heeren, T., Bensing, J. Patient education about treatment in cancer care: an overview of the literature on older patients' needs. Cancer Nursing: 2007, 30(4), p. 251-260.
- 2007|Assen, P. van, Morren, M., Dulmen, S. van. ICT in de fysiotherapiepraktijk: inventarisatie van huidig gebruik en opvattingen over een nieuwe behandeltoepassing. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2007.
- 2007|Pieterse, A.H., Dulmen, A.M. van, Beemer, F.A., Bensing, J.M., Ausems, M.G.E.M. Cancer genetic counseling: communication and counselees' post-visit satisfaction, cognitions, anxiety and needs fulfillment. Journal of Genetic Counseling: 2007, 16(1), p. 85-96.
- 2007|Ridder, D.T.D. de, Theunissen, N.C.M., Dulmen, A.M. van. Does training general practitioner to elicit patients' illness representations and action plans influence their communication as a whole? Patient Education and Counseling: 2007, 66(3), p. 327-336.
- 2007|Dijk, L. van, Heerdink, E.R., Somai, D., Dulmen, S. van, Sluijs, E.M., Ridder, D.T. de, Griens, A.M.G.F., Bensing, J.M. Patient risk profiles and practice variation in nonadherence to antidepressants, antihypertensives and oral hypoglycemics. BMC Health Services Research: 2007, 7(51)
- 2007|Bensing, J.M., Dulmen, A.M. van, Tates, K. Communication in context: new directions in cancer communication research. In: D. O'Hair; G.L. Kreps; L. Sparks. Handbook of communication and cancer care. Cresskill: Hampton Press, 2007. p. 81-91.
- 2007|Dulmen, S. van, Sluijs, E., Dijk, L. van, Ridder, D. de, Heerdink, R., Bensing, J. Patient adherence to medical treatment. A review of reviews. BMC Health Services Research: 2007, 7(55)
- 2007|Dijk, L. van, Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. Maatwerk: theoretische en empirische analyse NIVEL. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Wetenschappelijk Platform: 2007, 142(5), p. 22-25.
- 2007|Noordman, J., Weert, J. van, Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. Weinig aandacht voor spanningen: huisarts pikt psychosociale signalen vaak niet op. Medisch Contact: 2007, 62(48), p. 1994-1995.
- 2007|Jansen, J., Weert, J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Heeren, T., Bensing, J.M. Nurses’ responses to older cancer patients’ cues. Psycho-Oncology: 2007, 16(9, suppl.), p. S2. Abstract. 9th World Congress International Psycho-Oncology Society, Londen, 16-20 september 2007
- 2006|Pieterse, A.H., Dulmen, S. van, Dijk, S.van, Bensing, J.M., Ausems, M.G. Risk communication in completed series of breast cancer genetic counseling visits. Genetics in Medicine: 2006, 8(11), p. 688-696.
- 2006|Sluijs, E., Dulmen, S. van, Dijk, L. van, Ridder, D. de, Heerdink, R., Bensing, J. Patient adherence to medical treatment: a meta review. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2006. 142 p.
- 2006|Bensing, J.M., Tromp, F., Dulmen, A.M. van, Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Verheul, W., Schellevis, F.G. Shifts in doctor-patient communication between 1986 and 2002:a study of videotaped general practice consultations with hypertension patients. BMC Family Practice: 2006, 7(62)
- 2006|Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. Communication in general practice. In: G.P. Westert; L. Jabaaij; F.G. Schellevis. Morbidity, performance and quality in primary care: Dutch general practice on stage. Oxon: Radcliffe Publishing, 2006. p. 170-176.
- 2006|Pieterse, A.H., Dulmen, A.M. van, Beemer, F.A., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Bensing, J.M. Tailoring communication in cancer genetic counselling through individual video-supported feedback: a controlled pretest-posttest design. Patient Education and Counseling: 2006, 60(3), p. 326-335.
- 2006|Dijk, L. van, Somai, D., Heerdink, E., Dulmen, S. van, Sluijs, E., Ridder, D. de, Bensing, J. Adherence to chronic medication in Dutch primary care. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety: 2006, 15(suppl. 1), p. S200. Abstract. 22nd International Conference of Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management, Lissabon (Portugal), on 24-27 august 2006.
- 2006|Pieterse, A., Dulmen, S. van. Counselees' needs and their reflection in cancer genetic counselling: summary of the thesis written by Arwen Pieterse and successfully defended by her on 16 November 2005. Patient Education and Counseling: 2006, 61(1), p. 165-166.
- 2006|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van, Haes, H.C.J.M. de, Visser, A.P., Schellevis, F.G., Bensing, J.M. Has patients' involvement in the decision-making process changed over time? Health Expectations: 2006, 9(4), p. 333-342.
- 2006|Weert, J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. Tevreden verzorgenden bejegenen demente bewoner positiever. Tijdschrift voor Verzorgenden: 2006, 39(6), p. 31-33.
- 2006|Weert, J. van, Best, A. de, Posma, E., Noordman, J., Jansen, J., Groot, J. de, Meulen, N. van der, Dulmen, S. van. In gesprek over chemotherapie. Communicatietraining voor verpleegkundigen. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2006.
- 2006|Dijk, L. van, Dulmen, S. van, Sluijs, E., Heerdink, R., Ridder, D. de, Bensing, J. Self-reported intentional and unintentional non-adherence to medication in a general practice population. European Journal of Public Health: 2006, 16(Suppl. 1), p. 217. Abstract. 14 th Eupha conference "Politics, Policies and /or the Public's Health", Montreux, 16-18 November 2006.
- 2006|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. Have gender preference and communication patterns changed? In: G.P. Westert; L. Jabaaij; F.G. Schellevis. Morbidity, performance and quality in primary care: Dutch general practice on stage. Oxon: Radcliffe Publishing, 2006. p. 177-186.
- 2006|Weert, J. van, Jansen, J., Dulmen, S. van, Heeren, T., Bensing, J. Communication with elderly patients preceding chemotherapy: are the patients' needs met? Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology: 2006, 60(suppl.), p. S10-S11. Abstract. 7th Meeting of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology, Den Haag, on 2-4 november 2006.
- 2006|Smets, E.M.A., Pieterse, A.H., Aalfs, C.M., Ausems, M.G.E.M., Dulmen, A.M. van. The Perceived Personal Control (PPC) questionnaire as an outcome of genetic counseling: reliability and validity of the instrument. American Journal of Medical Genetics: Part A: 2006, 140(8), p. 843-850.
- 2006|Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. Arbeidstevredenheid van verzorgenden weerspiegelt zich in de omgang met demente verpleeghuisbewoners. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2006.
- 2006|Dulmen, S. van, Finset, A., Langewitz, W., Zimmermann, C., Peltenburg, M., Visser, A., Bensing, J. Five years of EACH (European Association for Communication in Healthcare). Patient Education and Counseling: 2006, 62(3), p. 379-384.
- 2006|Weert, J.C.M. van, Janssen, B.M., Dulmen, A.M. van, Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Bensing, J.M., Ribbe, M.W. Nursing assistants' behavior during morning care: effects of the implementation of snoezelen, integrated in 24-hours dementia care. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2006, 53(6), p. 656-668.
- 2006|Dijk, L. van, Dulmen, S. van. Therapietrouw bevorderen: noodzakelijk maatwerk. Astma & COPD nieuws: 2006, 9(5), p. 24.
- 2005|Weert, J. van, Peter, J., Janssen, B., Vruggink, F., Dulmen, S. van. Snoezelen in de zorg: handboek voor de praktijk: deel 2 voor uitvoerende zorgverleners: bewonersgerichte omgangsvormen. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2005.
- 2005|Pieterse, A., Dulmen, S. van, Ausems, M., Schoemaker, A., Beemer, F., Bensing, J. QUOTE-geneca: development of a counselee-centred instrument to measure needs and preferences in genetic counseling for hereditary cancer. Psycho-Oncology: 2005, 14(5), p. 361-375.
- 2005|Pieterse, A.H., Ausems, M., Dulmen, S. van, Beemer, F.A., Bensing, J.M. Initial cancer genetic counseling consultation: change in counselees' cognitions and anxiety, and association with addressing their needs and preferences. American Journal of Medical Genetics: Part A: 2005, 137A(1), p. 27-35.
- 2005|Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, A.M. van. De implementatie van snoezelen als zorgmodel in de 24-uurszorg. In: C.C. van Beek; T.C. van Dorsten. Handboek Zorgvernieuwing. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghun, 2001 -. p. C 5.1-C 5.31.
- 2005|Weert, J. van, Peter, J., Janssen, B., Vruggink, F., Dulmen, S. van. Snoezelen in de zorg: handboek voor de praktijk. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2005. 60 p.
- 2005|Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, A.M. van, Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Ribbe, M.W., Bensing, J.M. Effects of snoezelen, integrated in 24 h dementia care, on nurse-patient communication during morning care. Patient Education and Counseling: 2005, 58(3), p. 312-326.
- 2005|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van, Schellevis, F.G., Bensing, J.M. Patiënten willen van hun huisarts meer informatie over bijwerkingen en andere behandelingsmogelijkheden dan ze nu krijgen. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2005.
- 2005|Weert, J. van, Peter, J., Janssen, B., Vruggink, F., Dulmen, S. van. Snoezelen in de zorg: handboek voor de praktijk: deel 4 voor leidinggevenden en beleidsmakers: achtergrond en onderzoeksresultaten. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2005.
- 2005|Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, A.M. van, Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Ribbe, M.W., Bensing, J.M. Behavioral and mood effects of snoezelen integrated into 24-hour dementia care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: 2005, 50(1), p. 24-33.
- 2005|Weert, J. van, Peter, J., Janssen, B., Vruggink, F., Dulmen, S. van. Snoezelen in de zorg: handboek voor de praktijk: deel 3 voor leidinggevenden en beleidsmakers: implementatie. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2005.
- 2005|Weert, J.C.M. van, Dulmen, A.M. van, Spreeuwenberg, P., Bensing, J.M., Ribbe, M.W. The effects of the implementation of snoezelen on the quality of working life in psychogeriatric care. International Psychogeriatrics: 2005, 17(3), p. 407-425.
- 2005|Pieterse, A.H., Dulmen, A.M. van, Ausems, M.G.E.M., Beemer, F.A., Bensing, J.M. Communication in cancer genetic counselling: does it reflect counselees' previsit needs and preferences? British Journal of Cancer: 2005, 92(9), p. 1671-1678.
- 2005|Dulmen, A.M. van, Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Bensing, J.M. Patiënt stelt maar vier vragen per consult Utrecht: Nivel, 2005.
- 2004|Tromp, F., Dulmen, S. van, Weert, J. van. Interdisciplinary preoperative patient education in cardiac surgery: effects of the implementation of an information protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 2004, 47(2), p. 212-222.
- 2004|Pieterse, A., Dulmen, S. van, Ausems, M., Beemer, F., Bensing, J. Genetic counselling for hereditary cancer providing counsellors with feedback on their communicative behaviour. Psycho-Oncology: 2004, 13(8 suppl.), p. S 37. Abstract. 7Th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, August 25th-28th, 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2004|Weert, J. van, Peter, J., Dulmen, S. van, Ribbe, M., Bensing, J. Onderzoek naar de effecten van snoezelen op het gedrag van demente verpleeghuisbewoners en de werkbeleving van verzorgenden. In: Dr G.J. van Hoytema Stichting. Symposium "Probleemgedrag bij dementerende ouderen in verpleeg- en verzorgingshuizen", 6 november 2003 in Enschede. p. 37-43.
- 2004|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van, Schellevis, F.G., Bensing, J.M. Tweede Nationale studie naar ziekten en verrichtingen in de huisartspraktijk: oog voor communicatie: huisarts-patiënt communicatie in Nederland. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2004. 187 p.
- 2004|Weert, J.C.M. van, Kerkstra, A., Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M., Peter, J.G., Ribbe, M.W. The implementation of 'snoezelen' in psychogeriatric care: an evaluation through the eyes of caregivers. International Journal of Nursing Studies: 2004, 41(4), p. 397-409.
- 2004|Peltenburg, M., Fischer, J.E., Bahrs, O., Dulmen, S. van, Brink-Muinen, A. van den. The unexpected in primary care: a multicenter study on the emergence of unvoiced patient agenda. Annals of Family Medicine: 2004, 2(6), p. 534-540.
- 2004|Kruise, D.A., Sorbi, M.J., Bensing, J.M., Dulmen, A.M. van, Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M. Electronic guidance of behaviour relevant to migraine: a pilot in low back pain. In: E.G.M. Couturier; M.J. Sorbi; E.C.B. Verspui. Headache and migraine. Utrecht: Anglo Dutch Migraine Association. 2004. p. 125-133.
- 2004|Dulmen, S. van. Pediatrician-parent-child communication: problem-related or not? Patient Education and Counseling: 2004, 52(1), p. 61-68.
- 2004|Caris-Verhallen, W., Timmermans, L., Dulmen, S. van. Observation of nurse-patient interaction in oncology: review of assessment instruments. Patient Education and Counseling: 2004, 54, p. 307-320.
- 2004|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van. Factoren gerelateerd aan farmacotherapietrouw van chronisch zieken: resultaten van studies uitgevoerd in Nederland sinds 1990. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2004. 37 p.
- 2004|Dulmen, S. van, Brink-Muinen, A. van den. Patients' preferences and experiences in handling emotions: a study on communication sequences in primary care medical visits. Patient Education and Counseling: 2004, 55(1), p. 149-152.
- 2003|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M., Maaroos, H.I., Tähepöld, H., Krol, Z.J., Plawecki, L., Oana, S.C., Boros, M., Satterlund-Larsson, U., Bengtsson, B.M. Eurocommunication II: a comparative study between countries in Central- and Western Europe on doctor-patient communication in general practice: final report. Utrecht: NIVEL, 2003. 128 p.
- 2003|Weert, J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Kerkstra, A., Spreeuwenberg, P., Ribbe, M., Bensing, J. Effecten van snoezelen op demente ouderen en zorgverleners: samenvatting van de onderzoeksresultaten. www.nivel.nl: NIVEL, 2003. 14 p.
- 2003|Mellink, W.A.M., Dulmen, A.M. van, Wiggers, TH., Spreeuwenberg, P.M.M., Eggermont, A.M.M., Bensing, J.M. Cancer patients seeking a second surgical opinion: results of a study on motives, needs, and expectations. Journal of Clinical Oncology: 2003, 21(8), p. 1492-1497.
- 2003|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. Informed patients: legal fiction or reality? European Journal of Public Health: 2003, 13(4 sup), p. 86. Abstract. 11th Annual Eupha Meeting 'Globalisation and Health in Europe: Harmonising Public Health Practices'. Rome, Italy, 20-22 November 2003.
- 2003|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M., Schellevis, F.G. Het belang van voorlichting vanuit patiëntenperspectief. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2003, 46(6), p. 316. Abstract van voordracht op de NHG-Wetenschapsdag.
- 2003|Dulmen, S. van, Nübling, M., Langewitz, W. Doctor's responses to patients' concerns: an exploration of communication sequences in gynaecology. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale: 2003, 12(2), p. 98-102.
- 2003|Weert, J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Bar, P., Venus, E. Interdisciplinary preoperative patient education in cardiac surgery. Patient Education and Counseling: 2003, 49(2), p. 105-114.
- 2003|Bensing, J., Dulmen, S. van, Tates, K. Communication in context: new directions in communication research. Patient Education and Counseling: 2003, 50(1), p. 27-32.
- 2002|Dulmen, S. van. The key to good healthcare communication. Patient Education and Counseling: 2002, 46(4), p. 233-234.
- 2002|Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J., Kruijver, I. De schoen wringt, maar waar? Discrepanties tussen het trainen, evalueren en praktiseren van consultvoeringsvaardigheden. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2002, 45(1), p. 19-22.
- 2002|Dulmen, A.M. van. Different perspectives of doctor and patient in communication. International Congress Series: 2002(1241), p. 243-248.
- 2002|Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. In en uit de witte jas: machtsverschuivingen in de spreekkamer. Medisch Contact: 2002, 57(51/52), p. 1900-1903.
- 2002|Jongkind, L., Dulmen, S. van. Tien tips om het placebo-effect van het arts-patiënt contact te verhogen. Huisarts in Nederland: 2002(9), p. 44-46.
- 2002|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Messerli-Rohrbach, V., Bensing, J. Do gender-dyads have different communication patterns?: a comparative study in Western-European general practice. Patient Education and Counseling: 2002, 48(3), p. 253-264.
- 2002|Brink-Muinen, A. van den, Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. De invloed van de poortwachtersrol op de huisarts-patiëntcommunicatie in West-Europa. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2002, 45(11), p. 592-598.
- 2002|Dulmen, S. van, Bar, P. Effecten van de implementatie van een informatieprotocol en een PID. Cordiaal: 2002, 4, p. 11-12.
- 2002|Dulmen, S. van. Voorbij de witte jas: over opkomst en ondergang van het placebo-effect in nieuwe vormen van arts-patiënt-contact. Gedrag & Gezondheid: 2002, 30(4), p. 274-283.
- 2002|Dulmen, A.M. van. Placebowerking en de behandeling van functionele klachten. Bijblijven: 2002, 18(21), p. 7-14.
- 2002|Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. Health promoting effects of the physician-patient encounter. Psychology, Health & Medicine: 2002, 7(3), p. 289-299.
- 2001|Dulmen, S. van, Bensing, J. De rol van sekse in onderzoek naar contextwerking. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen: 2001, 79(4), p. 256.
- 2001|Bensing, J., Dulmen, S. van, Kallerup, H., Visser, A., Borrell, F., Finset, A., Goedhuys, J., Langewitz, W., Mallinson, C., Peltenburg, M., Schofield, T., Zimmermann, C. The European Association for Communication in Healthcare. Patient Education and Counseling: 2001, 43(1), p. 1-4.
- 2001|Dulmen, A.M. van. Patiëntgerichte zorg; een zorg voor arts én patiënt. HarteZorg: Magazine voor Hart en Vaatpatiënten: 2001, 9(4), p. 24-25.
- 2001|Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. The effect of context in healthcare: a programming study. Den Haag: Raad voor Gezondheidsonderzoek, 2001. 75 p.
- 2001|Dulmen, S. van. De helende werking van het arts-patiëntcontact. Huisarts en Wetenschap: 2001, 44(11), p. 490-494.
- 2001|Dulmen, A.M. van, Weert, J.C.M. van. Effects of gynaecological education on interpersonal communication skills. BJOG: International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: 2001, 108, p. 485-491.
- 2001|Weert, J. van, Dulmen, S. van, Venus, E., Bar, P. Multidisciplinaire voorlichting aan hartchirurgische patiënten: effecten van de Verpleegkunde: 2001, 16(4), p. 258-259.
- 2000|Dulmen, A.M. van. Physician reimbursement and the medical encounter: an observational study in Dutch pediatrics. Clinical Pediatrics: 2000, 39(10), p. 591-601.
- 2000|Dulmen, A.M. van, Weert, J.C.M. van. Communication training in gynaecology. In: 14th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: "Models of Health and Illness Behaviour" in Leiden, 16-19 augustus 2000. p. 339.
- 2000|Bensing, J.M., Verhaak, P.F.M., Dulmen, A.M. van, Visser, A.P. Communication: the royal pathway to patient-centered medicine. Patient Education and Counseling: 2000, 39(1), p. 1-3.
- 2000|Dulmen, A.M. van, Holl, R.A. Effects of continuing paediatric education in interpersonal communication skills. European Journal of Pediatrics: 2000, 159, p. 489-495.
- 2000|Dulmen, S. van. Naar patiëntgerichte hulpverlening. HarteZorg: Magazine voor Hart en Vaatpatiënten: 2000(6), p. 41.
- 2000|Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. Contextwerking in de geneeskunde: een programmeringsstudie. Den Haag: Raad voor Gezondheidsonderzoek, 2000. 65 p.
- 2000|Dulmen, A.M. van, Bensing, J.M. Gender differences in gynecologist communication. Women & Health: 2000, 30(3), p. 49-61.
- 1999|Dulmen, A.M. van. Communication during gynecological out-patient encounters. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology: 1999, 20(3), p. 119-126.
- 1998|Dulmen, A.M. van. Children's contributions to pediatric outpatient encounters. Pediatrics: 1998, 102(3), p. 563-568.
- 1998|Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Bleijenberg, G. Towards effective reassurance in irritable bowel syndrome: the importance of attending to patients' complaint-related cognitions. Psychology, Health & Medicine: 1998, 3(4), p. 405-416.
- 1998|Verhaak, P.F.M., Bensing, J.M., Dulmen, A.M. van. Communication in health care. Patient Education and Counseling: 1998, 34(Suppl.1), p. S1-S4.
- 1998|Dulmen, A.M. van. In de spreekkamer van de kinderarts: communiceren met ouder én kind. Kind en Ziekenhuis: 1998(3), p. 23-25.
- 1998|Dulmen, A.M. van. Doctor-patient communication during gynaecological outpatient consultations. Patient Education and Counseling: 1998, 34(Suppl.1), p. S19. Abstract.
- 1997|Dulmen, A.M. van, Verhaak, P.F.M., Bilo, H.J.G. Shifts in doctor-patient communication during a series of outpatient consultations in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Patient Education and Counseling: 1997, 30(3), p. 227-237.
- 1997|Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Mokkink, H.G.A., Velden, H.G.M. van der, Bleijenberg, G. Persisting improvement in complaint-related cognitions initiated during medical consultations in functional abdominal complaints. Psychological Medicine: 1997, 27(3), p. 725-729.
- 1997|Bekkers, M.J.T.M., Knippenberg, F.C.E. van, Dulmen, A.M. van, Borne, H.W. van den, Berge Henegouwen, G.P. van. Survival and psychosocial adjustment to stoma surgery and nonstoma bowel resection: a 4-year follow-up. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 1997, 42(3), p. 235-244.
- 1997|Dulmen, A.M. van, Verhaak, P.F.M. Effectieve arts-patiënt communicatie bij NIDDM: analyse van 75 poliklinische consulten. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Gezondheidszorg: 1997, 75(7), p. 33.
- 1997|Horst, H.E. van der, Dulmen, A.M. van, Schellevis, F.G., Eijk, J.T.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Bleijenberg, G. Do patients with irritable bowel syndrome in primary care really differ from outpatients with irritable bowel syndrome? Gut: 1997, 41(5), p. 669-674.
- 1996|Dulmen, A.M. van. Exploring cognitions in irritable bowel syndrome: implications for the role of the doctor. Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1996. 133 p. Proefschrift Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.
- 1996|Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Mokkink, H.G.A., Bleijenberg, G. The relationship between complaint-related cognitions in referred patients with irritable bowel syndrom and subsequent health care seeking behaviour in primary care. Family Practice: 1996, 13(1), p. 12-17.
- 1996|Dulmen, A.M. van, Verhaak, P.F.M., Bensing, J.M. Communicatie tussen specialist en patiënt: een exploratieve studie. Medisch Contact: 1996, 51(23), p. 781-783.
- 1996|Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Bleijenberg, G. Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for irritable bowel syndrome: effects and long-term follow-up. Psychosomatic Medicine: 1996, 58(4), p. 508-516.
- 1995|Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Mokkink, H.G.A., Velden, H.G.M. van der, Bleijenberg, G. Doctor-dependent changes in complaint-related cognitions and anxiety during medical consultations in functional abdominal complaints. Psychological Medicine: 1995, 25(5), p. 1011-1018.
- 1994|Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Mokkink, H.G.A., Velden, H.G.M. van der, Bleijenberg, G. Doctors' perception of patient's cognitions and complaints in irritable bowel syndrom at an out-patient clinic. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 1994, 38(6), p. 581-590.
- 1994|Dulmen, A.M. van, Fennis, J.F.M., Mokkink, H.G.A., Velden, H.G.M. van der, Bleijenberg, G. Doctors' perception of patient's cognitions and complaints in irritable bowel syndrom at an out-patient clinic. Journal of Psychosomatic Research: 1994, 38(6), p. 581-590.
- 6|Roodbeen, R., Noordman, J., Boland, G., Dulmen, S. van. Shared decision making in practice and the perspectives of health care professionals on video-recorded consultations with patients with low health literacy in the palliative phase of their disease. Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice: 6, 2021(1)
2012 - 2020: Professor II, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway, Drammen, Noorwegen
2012 - heden: Bijzonder hoogleraar, Afdeling Eerstelijnsgeneeeskunde, Radboudumc, Nijmegen
2005 - heden: Senior programmaleider onderzoeksprogramma Communicatie in de Gezondheidszorg, Nivel, Utrecht
2001 - 2014: Mede-oprichter en secretaris/penningmeester EACH (European Association for Communication in Healthcare)
1999 - 2005: Programmaleider onderzoeksprogramma Communicatie in de gezondheidszorg, Nivel, Utrecht
1995 - 1999: Onderzoeker programma Specialist-patiënt-communicatie, Nivel, Utrecht
1991 - 1996: Onderzoeker vakgroep Huisartsgeneeskunde, UMC St.Radboud, Nijmegen
1988 - 1991: Wetenschappelijk medewerker vakgroep Huisartsgeneeskunde, UMC St. Radboud, Nijmegen
(co-)promotor 28 afgeronde promoties, heden promotor 8 promotieprojecten
1996: PhD
1987: MA Psychology (cum laude)
2001- 2014: Cofounder and secretary of EACH (International association for communication in healthcare)
2011 - present: Member of the editorial board of Patient Education and Counseling
2012 - 2020 : Member of the faculty of the annual PhD program on Person-centred healthcare research, USN, Drammen, Norway
2021 - present: Co-editor IJPCM (International Journal for Person Centered Medicine)
2015 - present: Member of the advisory board of Zorgkeuzelab
2016 - present: Member of the advisory board of Medgezel
2018 - present: Co-editor of Patient-Centered Innovation
2018 - present: Member of steering group of Care2report